Chapter 41 - End-of-Semester Evaluation (5) You can read up to 300 chapters for $20

༺ End-of-Semester Evaluation (5) 


 The two daughters of the Astrea family took different paths.


 The eldest daughter followed in her father's footsteps – the Sword Saint, Gerald Astrea – and became a knight.


 On the other hand, the second daughter admired her mother – a genius wizard, Historia Astrea – and chose the path of a wizard.


 However, even though their paths diverged, Gerald Astrea's ironclad rule remained the same.


 'Be the best wherever you are'. It would be strange if they weren't the best, he reasoned. They had both inherited the talents of a swordsman and a wizard.


 As a result, the sisters were admitted into Märchen Academy, the most prestigious academy on the continent.


 The eldest daughter had firmly held her top position in the Knight Department, and she had even passed the Imperial Knights entrance exam.


 The second daughter entered the Magic Department as the second seat of the first-years.


 She wasn't the top seat. She wasn't the best.


 But she knew she had the talent, so she nodded her head and said, 'I'll just have to work hard,' and devoted herself to magic training and study. She believed that the fruits of her blood, sweat, and tears would surely make her the top seat.


 And so, she tried hard.


 But no matter how hard she tried, the gap with the top seat showed no signs of being closed.


 In a flower garden full of blue roses, Luce and Kaya stared at the scoreboard for a while.


 It was a situation where the existence they both cherished had overtaken the top students and achieved first place. 


 Kaya's eyes lit up as she exclaimed, 'As expected of Sir Isaac!' while Luce's mouth dropped open. 


 Isaac, he got 5 Fell Cards and took first place at once.


 Ciel Carnedas, she dropped to second place after she had lost 5 Fell Cards. 


 That didn't mean she was eliminated, however. If she had been eliminated, her name would have disappeared from the leaderboard.


 The implications were clear. Isaac and Ciel Cardenas had worked together.


 Luce judged with a smile that was as faint as the moonlight in the middle of the night. She whispered softly, "Isaac, you had a plan."


 The two lowered their heads with a sense of satisfaction.


 But they had to return to reality. They had to fight the enemy in front of them.




 Thanks to Isaac, Kaya's spirit was lifted. She took a deep breath to calm herself down, and coldly glared at Luce.


 From now on, Kaya decided to only think about herself. 


 Although she was momentarily excited about Isaac's situation, she couldn't get too worked up in front of such a formidable foe, as it would only exacerbate the difficulty of the fight.


 She calmly adjusted her posture to an appropriate level.


 "Luce Eltania, I've always wanted to fight you someday."


 2nd place. Ever since she came to Märchen Academy, Kaya had never left her position as the second seat.


 She wanted to catch up with the top seat. The gap between them ate away at Kaya's self-esteem like a rat in a cupboard, which only served to fuel her inferiority complex. 


 No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get any closer to her, only further away. She felt as if she were swimming in an endless sea.


 Kaya lowered her eyes and spoke with deep sincerity, "From the very beginning, I was determined to surpass you, the top seat, as the second seat."


 Others praised her for being the second seat, but the only thing that caught Kaya's gaze was the back of Luce's head. 


 "I will surpass you. That's why I've been working so hard. So, this fight is for me…!"




 Kaya's resolute voice dissipated powerlessly the moment she saw Luce's confused expression at her words.


 Luce calmly tilted her head, as if she had heard her voice for the very first time.


 An ominous thought flashed through Kaya's mind.


 Luce's following indifferent response, which seemed to indicate that she wasn't interested, had swallowed Kaya whole.


 "I didn't know you were the second seat…"


 The top seat, Luce Eltania, was an existence Kaya Astrea, the second seat, wanted to catch up with. The existence that had always stood firm in front of her, and guarded her place.


 Kaya had been running diligently, while keeping the back of the top seat in her sight.


 For Luce, the top seat, the second seat or whatever was of little interest. 


 Even during the mana evaluation, she didn't listen to Professor Fernando's announcement of mana capacity rankings. She had never even glanced at the report cards posted in Orphin Hall.


 She knew she would be the strongest and get the highest grades anyway. It didn't matter one bit.


 Even now, all Luce wanted to do was defeat Kaya and go see Isaac.


 Kaya gripped her wand tightly and channeled her mana, her mouth tightly clenched.




 The blue rose garden was drenched as if a sudden shower had poured down. 


 The majestic glow of the setting sun seemed to have faded. Her throat was parched as she quietly sat in the flower bed and admired the view.


 Her dark green hair and uniform, both thoroughly soaked, refused to dry.


 In reality, only a short amount of time had passed. However, for Kaya, who was sitting by the blue rose garden, it felt like an eternity.


She lost.


 Kaya's wind magic was far too weak to push away Luce's heavy water magic.


 After exchanging several blows, Luce left indifferently. She believed Kaya was unable to fight and walked away as if she had just stepped on a bug.


 Kaya couldn't even stand up as her legs gave out. She could only blankly stare at the distant sky.


 It seemed that she had narrowly avoided elimination. If she had been eliminated, a signal would have appeared on her bracelet, and an exam proctor would have come to escort her away by now.




 It felt as if her ribs were broken. She felt a tingling sensation in her intestines, as if something had ruptured.




 Kaya wiped the edges of her eyes with her wet collar. She was glad that Luce was a water element user.




 I have to hurry up and pass the end-of-semester evaluation so that I can prepare for the Thunderbird Subjugation.


 Ciel and I made our way to the submission location where I needed to go.


 Ciel walked at a jaunty pace while she cradled the pillow I had given her with both arms. I would have preferred to run, but running was like rat poison to her, so I had to be grateful for her quick steps.


 Maybe it was because I was now ranked first, but the number of students who attacked me had increased compared to before.


 All of them were easily knocked out with one shot of Ciel's magic, however…


 "Clearly, since the Class D kid took first place, there will be many envious people who can't stand that thought, hurriedly rushing in without knowing any better."


 All of them were dangerous opponents to me, but in front of Ciel, they were just another punching bag.


 "… Stop."


「Flame Pillar (Fire Element, ★4)」




 Suddenly, a pillar of flame menacingly rose in front of us. I would have been charred black if Ciel hadn't reached out her arm to stop me.


 The [Pillar of Fire] quickly disintegrated into powder, which scattered into red light and disappeared. It seemed to be a spell to stop us in our tracks, rather than to harm us.


 Ciel's eyes followed the source of the spell. I also turned my head in the direction of Ciel's gaze.


 It was a time when the sky was slowly taking on a vivid sunset color. On the roof of a nearby tall abandoned building, a female student was perilously perched on the railing with her eyes peering in our direction.


 Her short pink hair that fell slightly below her shoulders was fluttering in the wind. Under her school uniform skirt was the fair skin of her smooth, long legs, revealing delicate curves.


 In front of her outstretched right hand, was a bright red magic circle, ready to shoot magic at any moment.


 She was Keridna Whiteclark, one of the top honor students of Class A.


[Keridna Whiteclark]Lv: 90

Race: Human

Elements: Fire, Wind

Danger: Low

Psychology: [Hoping to kill your spirit by denouncing you.]


 Keridna Whiteclark had a very high [Elemental Efficiency], and the higher the [Elemental Efficiency], the less mana it took to cast a single spell.

 It also increased the range of magic and the success rate of joint attacks. None of the Magic Department's first-years could contend with her in terms of [Elemental Efficiency].


 As a result, Keridna was one of the most feared opponents in battle, as she could create more variables than anyone else among the first-year students.


 Keridna had a menacing smile on her face. It was like a villain saying, 'You're done now,' and with a wicked smile on her face, she began to speak.




 …But it was inaudible.


 It sounded like she was shouting at the top of her lungs, but it kept getting drowned out by the evening wind.


 "Can you hear what she is saying?"


 I asked Ciel and she shook her head.




 Keridna passionately shouted something as she made flashy gestures, like she was performing in a play. 


 I suppose it would be polite to respond, but no matter how hard I strained my ears, I couldn't understand what she had actually said.


 I'm sorry, but I don't want to pointlessly waste my time.


 As I thought that, Ciel and I turned our heads and started to walk away. Keridna Whiteclark began to shout frantically with a bewildered look on her face. I, of course, had a hard time hearing what she was talking about.


 And at that moment…


「Whirlwind (Wind Element, ★4)」




 …A menacing whirlwind raged overhead.


 After I had sensed it, I quickly stepped forward and threw my body to the side, embracing Ciel.




 As the whirlwind struck the ground, a fierce wind spread in all directions.


 I rolled on the floor as I hugged the small-sized Ciel.


 "Are you okay?"


 Ciel glared at me with her half-open eyes, hugging her pillow tightly.




 She replied sharply, as if annoyed, but her expression remained unchanged. She acted as if she were unaffected by the earlier attack. 


 I helped Ciel to her feet, and we stood up together. Then, a vain blond aristocrat caught my eye. He gazed down at us from the roof of a nearby shed, a smug smile on his face.


[Tristan Humphrey]Lv: 77

Race: Human

Elements: Wind

Danger: Low

Psychology: [Wants to humiliate and eliminate you.]


 "Ha! So that's how it is for a Grade-E commoner! Were you begging a Class-A student? You can't live without leeching off others! How ridiculous!"


 Tristan Humphrey laughed loudly, 'Hahahaha!', then coughed to clear his throat.


 However, I had no time to worry about him. I quickly tried to move forward with Ciel.


 Soon after, the earth shook, and another bolt of magic slammed into me and Ciel.


「Rock Wall (Rock Element, ★4)」


 A solid rock wall powerfully erupted from the ground to entrap Ciel and I. The rock walls reached high into the sky. It was a thick wall that exuded powerful mana.




 "I know."


 I interlocked my fingers and began to condense ice mana through the gap in between my hands and at the same time, Ciel materialized three blue magic circles towards the rock wall.


──「Frost Explosion (Ice Element, ★5)」


──「Hydro Cannon (Water Element, ★5)」




 Boom, boom, boom, boom───!


 My [Frost Explosion] caused a crack in the rock wall while Ciel's magic circle shot out water with the power of a cannonball.




 The [Rock Wall] collapsed. Shards of rock and ice scattered into the air and at the same time, a wind of moisture-laden dust blew in, and in it, Ciel and I assumed our battle stances.


 Eventually, the dust settled.


 The landscape reflected in my eyes was a bleak situation.


 Not only Tristan, but a group of about a dozen students, who I assumed to be Tristan's subordinates, surrounded us.


 In addition to that, there were twin female students who came out of nowhere, a long-haired male student who was giggling with a sinister aura, and even a magic prodigy with a tiny physique. All of them were top students in Class B.


 Even Keridna Whiteclark, a Class A student, who was muttering something on the roof, glared at us like a predator would at its prey.


 And then.


 "I like combat."


 In the dust that slowly settled, a husky female voice came from the front.


 The owner of that voice had a wooden bat studded with topaz-colored magic stones slung over one of her shoulders.


 Ciel could handle Keridna Whiteclark. However, if 'that woman' was added to the mix, our chances of winning would really disappear.


 The dust had completely settled now.


 The image of 'that woman', stood in our way. I could clearly see her in my field of vision.


 "So I've been waiting for this battlefield to ripen, and then I was planning to smash everything to pieces," said the orange-haired pretty girl holding the wooden bat.


 She wore a school uniform with tight-fitting pants that accentuated her wide hips and legs. Her free hand was in her pocket, and her insolent attitude made her look like a delinquent.


 Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her white shirt was unbuttoned, which revealed her smooth abs and the black bra-like tank top she wore underneath.


 'I wanted to finish it before it got to this point.'


 I bit my lip. The situation had shaped up to be the worst-case scenario.


 In the original ❰Magic Knight of Märchen❱ scenario without Luce's rampage, if I had to choose the most dangerous person in the end-of-semester evaluation, it would undoubtedly be the orange-haired female student that stood in front of me.


 She took her time during the first part of the exam, and leisurely enjoyed the meat and drinks she had prepared ahead of time. Then she joined the battle during the second half of the end-of-semester evaluation.


 The difficulty level, which had already increased due to Ciel's intrusion in the mid-to-late half, skyrocketed to an insane level. This was because that orange-haired woman had randomly eliminated students.


 The reason was simple: 'Combat is fun'.


 "What's up with you? Isn't it getting really fun now?! Aah?!"


 The orange-haired girl exclaimed as she let out a giggle. She was Lisetta Lionheart, a Class A delinquent.


 She had established herself as the final barrier.


[Lisetta Lionheart]Lv: 94

Race: Human

Elements: Rock

Danger: Low

Psychology: [Wonders what your identity is.]


 As a member of a renowned family of knights, House Lionheart, she had been educated with an emphasis on etiquette and dignity.


 However, after she entered the academy, she broke free from her family's suffocating traditions and began to live life according to her own personality, in short, she became a reckless girl.


 Lisetta Lionheart.


 Cold sweat trickled down my cheeks.


 Keridna Whiteclark and Lisetta Lionheart from Class A, as well as the top students of Class B such as Tristan Humprey and his around a dozen subordinates, and a slew of other Class B students, had all targeted us at the same time.


 These people probably didn't even consider the possibility that their actions right now could lead to the end of the world.


 "Even if you take us down, everyone here will be your enemy, so what's the point?"


 "My desire. To destroy everyone and everything."


 "…Come on, cut us some slack. This is so unfair."


 "I don't take orders from those weaker than me. If you want to make me submit, prove you're stronger than me, fool."


 I tried testing Lisetta Lionheart, not expecting anything, and her reaction was as predicted. Was she intentionally doing that?


 "If you dominate me, I'll do whatever you ask of me. Whether that be stripping off my clothes and dancing on top of you, telling me to be your lover, or fulfilling your obscene fantasies at night. I'll do anything."


 The male students around her started to blush. Her provocative words and actions seemed to set their hearts ablaze, which stirred their manhood.


 Lisetta's ideal type was clear-cut. A male peer who was stronger than her. If she met such a man, she was prepared to give her heart and body. In fact, it was as if she was talking about her true desire.


 "In the first place, Ciel Carnedas, I don't think you're the type to team up with anyone?" Lisetta said, her golden eyes fixed on Ciel.


 "What the hell is that man doing to help you?"


 Ciel took a step in front of me, and hugged the pillow I'd given her tightly. She extended her right arm towards Lisetta – an orange magic circle materialized in front of her right hand.


 "You are noisy. Fight me or shut up."


 Ciel's intention to fight silenced the air.


 Lisetta smirked, and lowered the wooden bat slung over her shoulder. She tightly grasped the handle with both her hands.


 It was no ordinary bat but a magic tool modified to increase the power of rock magic. Just like Kaya's wand, it was a weapon exclusively for Lisetta.


 "Yes, that reaction! I like it, Ciel Carnedas!"


 Lisetta shouted with a thirst to fight, her eyes widened to cover an even larger area of her whites. She was like a gladiator who let her lust for battle spill out like a volcanic eruption.


 Tristan Humphrey, his subordinates, and the top students of Class B also deployed magic circles and prepared themselves for battle. The same was true of Keridna Whiteclark, who had aimed at us from the building's roof earlier.


 There were only students stronger than me, but I couldn't stay still. I moved to stand next to Ciel, hoping to help even just a little bit.


 But she held out her arm to stop me.


"Don't get in the way. I don't think you're going to help us at all, seeing how you used such crude magic to break the [Rock Wall] earlier."


 Crude magic…?


 If you had taken a hit from my [Frost Explosion], you wouldn't be saying that.


 "…To be honest, I'm still not convinced. Are you acting weak in order to get out of this situation? Or are you some kind of freak with exceptional mana perception?"


 Surprisingly, neither answer was correct.


 It's true that I am weak, and my mana perception is at a terrible level, even worse than yours. Isaac's body is just originally like that.


 "…Whatever I do, it's my decision."


 Anyway, you're not trying to run away, but you're trying to protect me in accordance with our deal. 


 What good am I if I can't help you?


 "You're an idiot."


 "An idiot… what…?"


 "Let's try to write a three-line acrostic poem with…"


 I accidentally said that out loud, and quickly tried fixing my mistake.


 Ciel glared at me. Nonetheless, it was a relief that there was no time to attack me because the situation was desperate. Although it was a little irritating not to rhyme with 'Ba'.1


 …Either way, I have no choice but to fight. To protect myself from those who are aiming at me, and to survive, I must fight my way through them.


 To be honest, I'm terrified of failing. Even for Ciel, taking them down is too much, and I'm still weak.


 But with a deep breath, I gathered my emotions and shook off my fears. There was no point in being scared. I steeled myself, and remembered all the battles I'd fought so far.


 I took an old dagger from inside my school uniform and drew it from its scabbard. In my right hand I held the Sheath of Disaster, and in my left hand. I held a normal blade.


 It was no different from usual.


 I would leap over obstacles and slay the demons.




 …What the hell? I was determined to be brave, but somehow the atmosphere was strange.


 Lisetta's face, which had been so fiery just a moment ago, was now filled with wariness.


 Keridna, who watched us from the top of the building, was troubled.


 Even Tristan, his men, and the Class B honor students were tense.


 None of their gazes lingered on me or Ciel.




 A voice as soft as moonlight came from behind me, and as soon as I heard it, I understood the whole situation. 


 Ciel and I turned around, and our gazes were drawn to a graceful female student who stood a decent distance from us. Her rose gold hair, as well as the morpho butterfly-colored braids that hung down the sides of her head, reflected the sunset light.


 Her face, which usually gave me a gentle smile, was cast in a deep shadow due to the backlight.




 The female student with rose-gold hair swallowed a gasp. Her eyes widened as if in shock.


 I could feel her blue oceanic eyes scanning me in detail.


 Only then did I realize that my outward appearance was in disarray. I must have appeared to have come here after tumbling around hard somewhere. It was all Ciel's fault.


 The powerful mana flowing from Luce seemed to weigh heavily on the air. The intense, murderous aura that emanated from her was enough to send chills down my spine.


 "Who made you so…?"


 An icy-cold voice cut through the air.


 Then, Ciel, who stood next to me, pointed in the direction of Lisetta with a brazen face. It was surprisingly audacious.


 Soon, Luce's cold and cynical gaze pierced through Ciel and drove a wedge into the enemies behind her. It was an unexpected turn of events, even for me. You can read up to 300 chapters for $20