Chapter Twenty-Nine: Magic Tower

If Seth mentioned a magic beast, then Kai would understand. The Northern territory is full of such beasts all-year round after all, and these beasts are the top reason as to why the North is such a desolate place.

However, a demon beast?

Such a creature actually lives in his territory? Kai has no memories of this being mentioned in the original story. His lips slowly curled into a frown, as he resolutely said, "I have not. Even during my monthly inspection, I haven't sensed the presence of a dangerous creature such as a demon beast."

Ever since he transmigrated, he'd never done a single inspection though.

But that's not really something he can tell. That's a neglect of his duty after all.

Seth closed his eyes for a while. And then, he deeply breathed out as he opened his eyes. His golden eyes were on Kai, unmoving as Seth continued to speak, "It cannot be helped. Because surprisingly, its presence has been well-hidden for almost a century. I have not noticed it until recently either."

Seth has various magic tools planted all over the kingdom. Those tools could easily detect unusual magic presence as long as it's within the tool's range. Obviously, although desolated, the northwest also holds multiple magic tools connected to Seth. It's a fairly powerful tool because of its sturdiness and efficiency. In the novel, it was proven to be very useful when Seth was protecting the kingdom against the Empire.

It looks like this one fact didn't deviate from the novel at least.

But, well… Demon beasts are on a whole different level compared to magic beasts. Nevertheless, they're nothing compared to Seth. But this one actually managed to hide from him for so long. Just what kind of demon beast is this… It's also weird that Helix never mentioned anything about this to him. Maybe he was also unaware? Or maybe he just didn't care.

Whatever the reason, Kai had no prior knowledge about this demon beast that Seth spoke of.

"Everything about this demon beast is unknown. So this shall be the task given to you, Duke." In response, Kai instantly knelt on one knee and closed his eyes, waiting for Seth to continue. 'This is a bit worrisome now… Work just keeps piling up, it's frustrating.'

But again, he didn't have the guts to say it out loud.

Seth lowered his gaze, looking at Kai for a while. And then he similarly closed his eyes as he breathed out slowly. "Your main priority shall be collecting information about it. If possible, capture it and bring it here after making sure it wouldn't bring harm upon those who are nearby. If the demon beast appears to be hostile and the duke deems it worthless, then you are allowed to exterminate it."

"... I accept. I shall do my best to produce a satisfactory result."

Kai really doesn't have a single knowledge regarding this demon beast that suddenly appeared in his territory. Neither does he have the power yet to exterminate or catch it.

So Kai wanted to cry.

What was he supposed to do?

Compared to magic beasts, demon beasts are several times stronger. Although their numbers are few in this world, only reaching thousands, each of them holds magic, unique only to them and their bloodline.

What is Kai supposed to do when he only reached the 3rd level just recently?

Nevertheless, he has no choice but to accept, in fear of these people noticing something wrong.

Suddenly, the king spoke up and Seth went back to his original seat. "It is a shame that you cannot enjoy the celebration for today. The existence of a single demon beast holds this much of importance after all." Kai lowered his head even further and replied in a calm and nonchalant manner, "It is quite alright, Your Majesty. This celebration, I have seen it with my own eyes yesterday. Moreover, in the following years, I will continue to enjoy the anniversary celebrations of our prosperous kingdom. I have no regrets in leaving early today."

It's true though.

More than anything, Kai wishes for nothing else but to leave the capital and go back to his own castle with Helix. And as soon as possible, produce an antidote and nullify the curse which Helix has. That way, he can enjoy everything once all his problems are solved.

The king didn't say anything else after. He excused Kai and told Seth to cast a teleportation magic so that there will be no need for Kai to spend days traveling back to his territory.

Since Seth knows of the situation, he, in pretense, asked where Kai was staying so that Kai could go back after packing his things. Seth already know which inn the two were staying after all.

Just when Seth placed his hand on Kai's shoulder to cast the teleportation magic headed to the inn, Cain, the crown prince, stopped them.

The king already left with the princess accompanying him as they discussed about the upcoming plans for the celebration later. However, Cain remained.

"Duke, master."

Both Kai and Seth looked back and saw Cain standing there. The pair of deep blue eyes which barely held any light was staring straight at Kai, without even giving a single glance at Seth. Being looked at like this, in addition to that appearance which overlapped Helix's, Kai somehow felt a chill.

Seth retracted his hand from Kai's shoulder and turned his body to face the prince. He then asked, "Do you have something to say?"

The prince narrowed his eyes slightly, glancing at Seth. He then nods his head with a small smile on his lips. "That's right. Towards this respected Duke, I do have a few words to tell." He didn't explain any further and simply faced the much taller man in front of him with a calm smile. The cold indifference around him earlier disappeared as if it was nothing.

Kai really finds this person very odd. But he didn't comment.

He politely bowed towards this younger brother of that person and greeted, "I believe we have yet to exchange greetings, despite having met multiple times already before, Your Highness."

As the one with the higher position, Cain didn't bow back. He stood still in place, back straightened out and with his hands behind him. "Yes, I believe so too." When he smiles, his eyes slightly curves like the crescent moon and those ocean blue eyes were gleaming. "It might take a while before we meet again, maybe because of your task. However next time, I wish that we would get along well. I am quite interested in hearing about the stories and experiences you have encountered while you are staying in the northwest."

Kai smiled back and nods, "I'd be willing to."

Cain was satisfied. He turned and looked at Seth yet again and spoke, "I apologize for interrupting. I sure took your time, master. You two may leave now."

The older man stared at the prince for a moment before nodding his head. "I'll be back after sending the duke off."

So once again, Seth placed his hand on Kai's shoulder and casted a teleportation magic in underneath them both. In a flash, the two tall men were gone, leaving behind the young prince.

One's expression could easily change. The welcoming smile on the prince's lips instantly disappeared and on his face was now a blank expression.

Cain stared at where the two of them left for a while before he finally left as well.


When Kai saw that the place the both of them teleported to was not the inn but a stone room, with books and papers clustered all over the room, he was momentarily confused. He looked at Seth and then, he hesitantly asked, "Where are we? I'm pretty sure you know where the inn was located."

Seth looked at Kai while he pulled his hand back from his shoulder. He turned around and walked around a bit as his gaze indifferently scanned the room. "The top room of the magic tower."

The simple manner of answering the given question gave Kai a realization. "Magic tower…?!"

This continent's one and only magic tower. Also one of the only two facilities that is used to research and study magic in the continent.

The magic tower is ownerless, with no master to lead. The former magic tower master was Seth's father but when he died, Seth didn't take over the role and responsibilities. Nevertheless, even if he wasn't the master of this tower, he still resides and helps with the mages working here.

In the end, the magic tower remained ownerless.

But… the magic tower, it's located outside the capital. And… it's located in the southeast part of the continent…

Rukadius Kingdom is a very large kingdom. Covering the northern part to the eastern part of this continent, the size of the kingdom is even greater compared to the size of both Lunox Empire and Urigel Holy Empire combined.

So this magic tower, whose location is usually unknown to common people, is located down in southeast, near the Verian Kingdom.

Verian Kingdom is a neutral kingdom, neither an ally nor an enemy. Still, it still poses a threat to the kingdom. So this magic tower was intentionally moved with the Great Sage's magic and was moved from somewhere near the capital to here, near the border between Verian Kingdom and Rukadius Kingdom a few decades ago.

Well, that is according to what was written in the novel, and a random history book Kai had read a few months ago.

Anyway, Kai has no idea at all as to why Seth suddenly brought him here. Kai watched as Seth searched for something among the pile of books on the floor.

He really couldn't help but ask, "Why did you bring me here?"

Seth stopped using his magic to throw the books he wasn't searching for around and looked at Kai with a blank gaze. He stared for a while, as if he was checking something. And then he said, "Your level has downgraded." His eyes narrowed a bit as he continued, "I remember that you were able to cast at least 5th level magics. But now, your level seems to be… only 3rd."


… Even this… How did this old mage find out his level? And, the original Kai and Seth already met before?

Kai's head hurts.

"But I won't ask why. I mind my own business sometimes too."


Kai's thought was somewhat chaotic but he was relieved. Seth went back on searching for something while he continued explaining. "Most magic beasts in your territory are at least 3rd level. Some can even cast 4th to 5th magic. Even with Helix with you, you should at least learn how to protect yourself."

"... I know that…"

'I know better than anyone how strong those magic beasts are…' Kai recalled the fact that he almost died twice, and how Helix saved him twice also. He involuntarily shivered as he muttered, "Ugh…"

Meanwhile, Seth finally found the book he was looking for among the pile of books and papers on the floor… It wasn't really a book though…

Seth held a small notebook in his hands, scanning over it for a moment before he turned to look at Kai again. "The next magics you should be learning are arrays and formations." He handed the notebook directly to Kai and said, "Since we're in a bit of a hurry, I'll make this short."

He placed a finger on the surface of the notebook and quickly wrote something in a circular manner. Kai immediately realized that Seth is making a real formation using the ancient language. In every stroke he did, a white light followed and lingered. When the ancient words finally connected and formed a circle, the array glowed for a moment before it disappeared.

Kai stared at the surface of the notebook for a while and then he looked at Seth with a face full of questions.

Seth understood and explained, "That was a formation and the language that is always used to make arrays and formations is ancient language. I'm pretty sure you know that at least."

Kai nodded. It was written in the books he had read.

"Unlike arrays, formations have to be handwritten. It takes time to make. And to write formations… Do you know the word coding?"

'... I do. But that word, does that exist in this world?' Kai didn't want to answer so instead, he kept quiet in fear of exposing himself.

Seth closed his eyes as he paused and thought. "To make a certain formation, you have to write certain words so it will activate. Memorization matters more when you wish to cast 4th level magics." He opened his eyes and looked at Kai afterwards, "If you're bright enough, you can modify a formation and also create a new one yourself."

'... That kind of look…' Kai Zein was once a genius in the academy. That fact may have been forgotten as soon as he graduated, following his taking over of the duchy. But perhaps, Seth knows?

Kai felt uneasy as thoughts just kept pouring inside his head. But Seth ignored Kai's troubled expression and continued talking nonchalantly.

"Take that notebook with you and read it when you have time. The formation I made was null, I only wrote it to show you." Seth then glanced at the messy room for a second before he shook his head.

"Let's go. I also have some other things to tell you yet." Seth grabbed Kai once more and a white array formed underneath their feet…