I'll make it out eventually

A/N hello people who kept reading, thanks! I'd appreciate some comments on how you like or dislike the story. I was surprised with how much attention this novel got and how much fun I had writing this chapter. That's all, carry on. (I actually edited this chap a bit instead of posting with no regard for grammar or spelling mind you it's just more legible, not perfect.)

P.S I'll probably edit the first chapter tomorrow so for those of you with notifications, that's why. next chapter might be half the size of these two. Just to see if people like frequency more than length. I'll probably stick with 20 pages a week for now it just could be spread out based on what people want.

~Alina Pov~

Holy shit that was so much fun. By the divines, not a single one of those imperials stood a chance. All Poly and I had to do was rip and tear. Ahhh that felt so great. So freeing. I knew he would show me such fun things. It's barely been half an hour and I can't wait to see what he wants to do next.

I can't believe that incompetent captain interrupted us while Poly looked so happy. He called me Lin, so I've made up my mind to show the same affection to him. He's Poly to me and only me. A flash of possession goes through my eyes with that thought. Taking a deep breath to calm my anger at the burned wench who insulted me, my thoughts took a different turn.

Replaying the battle in my mind I realized, we acted in perfect sync too! Today could not be going better, ignoring the dragon killing people outside of the fort. Holding a shit eating grin in I asked him with a tone that betrayed my excitement "Poly, that went much better than anticipated, is there a plan to get us out too?"

Apollyon froze at my question, taking one clawed, bloody hand under his chin stroking it while planning our next move… something about the way he looks makes my tail wave aggressively behind me. We are both covered in the blood of the little imperials, but I can't help the excitement in my chest causing my heart to pound.

My Dragmer instincts screaming that I found someone I could never let go. Whether that's as a friend, companion, or my mate I am not sure. All I know for now is he is the most fun thing that's happened since my island crashed from the sky… that was an odd day indeed.

Oh well, it let me meet Poly. It's not like I cared for much on that island anyway. Everyone who lived scattered and those who died were forgotten, after all they were weak. It's common knowledge among us dragmer, if you aren't strong enough you do not get to determine your fate. If you die due to nature, or people with evil intentions, it's your own fault. The weak are in the wrong for being weak it's simple. With our natural gifts in magicka, strength, durability, and increased talent, being a weak dragmer is truly disgusting.

Our race was made in the image of the creator of the world after all. How could we be anything less than demigods. How could we fall to attempts on our life from the world or these people roaming Nirn.

The Dragmer races' biggest sin will always be that of dragons, pride.

I am no different… but Poly. Something about him is so much freer than any of our other people. I want to be free like that, I know that there's arrogance and pride there inside him for sure, but it's not all encompassing. It's not like a rich young master looking down on a peasant, but rather a calm understanding that he will find a way no matter how insurmountable the situation seems.

Our strengths seems to compliment eachother too… ah calm down focus let's figure this out later.

Breathing deeply, I start searching the corpse looking for anything useful. Finding a couple of iron daggers, I strap two of them to my back and two more to my thighs. Seeing the imperial gladius, the captain had been using I picked it up giving it a couple test swings not completely happy with the weight, but oh well beggars can't be choosers.

I need armor but Poly hates both of these factions with a passion… maybe I should help him make a new one. Poly as a king though? Doubtful. From what I've seen he wants to be free. Maybe a traveling band of mercenaries? No, to many people to take his attention.

Future problems.

Looking through the captains' belongings, the half-melted armor making it difficult to loot her I find a small lump of melted iron attached to charred leather. Glancing at the gate behind poly I assume that this was the key to the gate.


"Poly I know you're developing an incredible plan over there, but we have a pressing problem. That gate is locked, and we melted the key." Kicking the captains' body, I continued "This idiot died with our key out of this fort. So, add that to your contemplation" I say as I go to sit at the table counting the gold coins I collected from the soldiers' bodies, some have fused together due to the heat.

~Apollyon Pov~

That… is that really a problem? Not as pressing to me at least as the name, Poly. I'm not a tanned idiot from Jersey that's for sure. I also don't want Lin to think I hate her attempt at being friendly with me though.

It's kind of cute that she mimicked me in making a nick name. Ha. I've been debating if I want to do this the easy way or the hard way while finding the notifications, I have received during the past 30 minutes.

Apparently, my skills got buffed by a certain big tittied Daedric princess. All stats were at 40 when I "spawned in". Which makes sense as to why it is so easy for me to use my newfound instincts in combat to use a sword and magicka the way I did. It didn't feel foreign but rather like something I had been doing my whole life… except I hadn't, had I?

… anyways.

My stat screen is a similar galaxy with constellations representing each skill tree. After brawling with Alduin, talking to everyone and the slaughter of the legion of idiots it looks like this


Level 4 [69% full xp bar]

3 stat points to distribute

Health 300

Magicka 300

Stamina 300

Perk Points [3]

One handed [43]

Destruction [46]

Speech [42]

Barehanded [41]


I stopped scrolling when I saw Barehanded. It wasn't from the game so what was it doing here.

Damnit you two. Throwing me a curveball. A super helpful curveball… At least I won't be clueless in brawls anymore. It feels like I have a good understanding of my body's abilities as well as body control because of this one skill which very well, after some thought, could have been added due to the body that Mara allowed me to create with her power. It really seems these two are spoiling me. Well, I guess I should thank them.

Clasping my hands together almost looking like a shrimp alchemist I whispered "Thanks Ammit for the system I appreciate you, even if you're a bad girl, it was nice of you to help me not die. Mara, this body is amazing and knows what to do helping me survive, thank you very much. Thank you both for this chance I'm having a lot of fun already. I hope we can meet again"

Not knowing the affect my words had on two of this world's pinnacle existences I carried on living my life.

I decided it was time to move on and deal with the rest of my system later. That is, once we made it out of the torture pit that had to be bigger than I thought, just like everything else in this AU, sketchy world. Afterall, in the game Helgen at best could have held a hundred or two people. This Helgen held sixty thousand. More people more problems. More problems more people in the dungeon. More in the dungeon, more guards.

This could be a lot of fun.

Giggling like a mad man, I looked at Alina counting gold at the table "you ready for more chaos little Dova? I think the only way out of here is through a sea of bodies, and who knows we may just save some along the way. We are talking about a disease riddled and racist government after all"

Wearing a matching grin, she looked at me "who are we fighting now Poly?"

Wincing at the name she called me I stepped towards the pile of bodies, spotting my new weapon I dropped my sword. "Well, my dear, the two factions are undoubtedly fighting in the dungeon. As this world's creators deemed fit to give dragmer the ability to grow in many different ways, we are obviously going to slaughter everyone in armor who stands in our way to freedom." Picking up my new weapon, which was once an iron great Warhammer that has now turned into a lump of iron attached to a burnt stick…

I can make this work for sure. This definitely isn't me making a poor decision purely to become a two-handed tank magic monster. Nope not at all.

Giving it a few test swings as the wood is charred and blackened, embers still burning along the weapons shaft. With the lump at the tip having several jagged edges sticking out of it looking like a massive morning star.

(Listen I realize this sounds dirty but use your imagination and I hope it looks as cool in your brain as it looks it mine culture will have a place in the novel… but it is not time)

Seeing that the abomination of a weapon is holding up I decided that it was time to go play with my friends downstairs.

Walking to the door I place a hand next to where the dead bolt connected to the frame of the door. Channeling fire into my palm I look at Alina "we don't need a key where we are going"

At first, the flames just seemed to be giving the lock a bath until, the area around it turned cherry red and began dripping. Deciding this wouldn't be fast enough, I willed the magicka to condense into one fist sized column instead of a cone of flames. This proved to make the flames hotter by limiting their area of effect.

That one will be a nice lock buster for the future. I wonder if I can make a light saber out of fire? Make the fire as hot as plasma? That sounds hard… but magicka.

With a shrug I pulled the door open and made a grandiose bow "after you my lady"

"Thank you, sir," Alina responded with a giggle and a curtsy pinching her potato sack pants with her fingers around her sword.

Rounding the corner, we came to a staircase with two imperials waiting at the bottom. I pointed "they are all yours but try to kill them without causing a big ass commotion please, we don't know how many are down here after all."

Rolling her eyes, she handed me her gladius and retrieved the two knives from her back. Gently maneuvering them through her fingers to get a good grasp on the weight? I think she finally is satisfied because all of a sudden she is tossing one up in the air well above our heads, she quickly whipped the second to the first soldier piercing his neck from the back below his helmet. As she pulled back her hand the second dagger fell right where her hand needed to be to start her throw. The second soldier turned to look at his friend lifting his torch up, but it was already too late. Alina's second dagger struck with equally frightening accuracy finding his left eye making him join his friend on the ground.

"Wow!" clapping rapidly yet quietly, like a man in a theater by himself "That was amazing, I've never seen anyone that accurate with knives before. Can you teach me?"

Alina has already started descending the stairs "I don't see why not, as long as you teach me how you keep jumping like that without getting tired. I feel like your stamina is as strong as veteran warriors from my people but you're as old as me."

"Oh, your people huh? Do you know where they are?" coming to the bottom of the stairs we hear a crash to our right seeing a group of people fighting get crushed, we ignore them continuing our casual stroll.

"The majority are dead. Those who survived our island's fall scattered. Are you not one of the ones who survived?" she asks with curiosity.

"Hold that thought it sounds like we have a couple people behind this door." I say looking at a large wooden door easily two of me stacked on top of eachother.

"Okay the game plan is this, I'll hit the first group with a new spell I think will work, you loop far left and hit their back line. Our fighting isn't coordinated enough to fight by side yet. Does that sound okay Lin?" a battle hungry slowly creeping onto my face.

Strange I don't remember fighting at all, I don't think I've killed anyone before. yet I'm in this world for under an hour and I'm racking up kills like a 12-year-old playing old men on yell of honor.

Lin's expression matched mine "Hell yes. I want to test a few things myself. I seem to remember a conjuration spell that could help us."

Nodding to her, I do my best king of Sparta impression and front kick with all my newly acquired strength, mistake? Maybe, the door flew straight off the wall taking an imperial with it.

Now inside the room I realize that this a rallying point for their forces to recover from the previous chaos. There's only twelve imperials and they are all on the right side of the L shaped room. A massive supporting pillar acts as cover for Alina to move left while I draw their attention. I decided to test my theory in order to grab these pleabs interest.

So far, my magicka had responded to my imagination similar in concept to a certain red-haired devil. Now with that being said, none of this would be possible without the control granted by having level 40 experience in the various schools of magic.

I pushed my magicka into the metal at the tip of my wrecked Warhammer, causing it to twist and turn into a metal as dark as the bottom of the ocean where no light reaches. It settled into a roaring dragon maw shaped hammerhead with two horns acting as spikes on the back of its head. To add to the fear factor, I imagined my magicka burning a bright purple forcing that flame to spill out of the cracks in the dragon's teeth.

I cheered inside. This proved that as long as I can provide a clear-cut image and somewhat understand the process I want to happen, the magicka I control will do the rest.

Nodding in approval, I walk to the soldiers who had collected themselves and acted while I experimented.

Two had begun to march towards me slowly, both with shields and gladiuses drawn. Good they aren't underestimating me. Taking a breath, I whisper "maximum effort"

Leaping into action I push more magicka into my new weapon activating a spell similar to ebony flesh on the handle to hold the charcoal together from the force of the impact I was expecting to make on the grunt on the right. As my hammer connected a bright flash of purple flames engulfed his shield temporarily blinding him and his companion as I lashed out with my tail to the mob on the left.

My tail reached around his shield, barbs piercing through his leather and chain mail collapsing his right lung causing him to collapse struggling to breathe.

The flames from my hammer had acted like a waterfall wrapping around the first soldiers shield scorching both of his arms making him drop his shield in agony. As his shield fell my left hand tore through the air grabbing him by the throat and moving him in front of me.


Three arrows pierced the soldiers' body as the rest of his troops attempted to kill me from afar.

Grinning, "oh boys are you sure you should be looking at me" as I spoke, I hear three consecutive screams and gargles of blood. Alina's daggers struck one of the archers in the chest and throat while her sword had claimed another's head. The last soldier kinda did better. I mean he was only on fire from the waist up.

Shrug it off friend.

Five of the twelve are down. The remaining seven decide to form a semi-circle and attempt to block our approach from either side of the pillar. 4 facing me while three stare at my little dova over there. Doing great little one, so proud of you.

Glancing at the body I'm still holding in front of me I get a interesting idea.

"here take your friend" back pulling him and tossing him like a limp noodle his body impacting two of his friends then a light blue flash.

I set a frost rune on his body. Tee-hee

As the ice spikes tear thru the two impacted in the center of their impromptu formation, I whip the Warhammer, spikes first into the man on the rights' head as he stumbles back from seeing his fellow soldier used as a bomb.

Looking down at the two impaled with ice, moaning in pain, I decide to end their pain. Making a finger gun with my left hand I shoot small lightning bolts at their exposed eyes wreaking havoc in their brain, killing them.

Glancing at the last soldier who has several small cuts along his left forearm I walk calmly forward dragging my hammer behind me. Menacingly. MENACINGLY.


Suddenly, his head is gone and in its place is a green beak? ... motherfu-… it's a griffin. Why is there a griffin here? I get Nirn is a big place but still what the hell is this?

Alina's witch cackles bring me out of my misery. The three soldiers all dead at her feet, two with talon marks from a certain lion bird and the last has his still beating heart sitting in Alina's hand. As concerning as that should be all I can think is "cute".

Turning my attention from the clearly mad dova, I look at buckbeak. No that's the wrong thing. Well, kinda. The creature I'm looking at is clearly a cookie cutter griffin. Eagle noggin, lion lower half, large wings to support its feline torso and legs. This one however, is a cub-fledgling choose whatever baby term you'd prefer. It stands only .9 meters (3ft). From beak to poof on its tail however, it was a remarkable 2m (6'6) with a wingspan of 4m (13'). Its fur is an apple green while it has black highlights in its plumage and tail poof. The beak was a jade green color making it apparent that it was razor sharp.

Tilting my head I look at my fellow dragmer… pointing at the little birdie with a "what the hell" expression.

She froze and "what have you not seen a griffin before? They were all over my island. I found this one before the fall and asked to make a contract to call her whenever I needed help. She flies in one of the planes of oblivion when she's not here on Nirn with me so she can be free! Don't look at me like I'm keeping her against her will! I fixed her wing with healing magic and everything!... she's my closest friend." She said sounding anxious throughout her explanation.

"what's uh, her? name Lin" I realize a little late how judgey I sound "I need to make a good impression on my only friend's other friends after all" chuckling at how pitiful I sound.

Her face lights up "Aura!" nodding at the curious little griffin, the cub takes the signal to walk up to my open palm.

After a hesitant sniff she pushes her beak into my palm and a happy shrill comes out. Giving a short laugh "I would definitely like to get to know this cub, but she's going to be cramped in the rest of this dungeon. Can you go back for now little one? I'll have Lin call for you as soon as we get outside, I promise" continuing to ruffle her feathers I get a happy chirp in response. A green wind rips open space next to the griffin as it dives in.

Oh well I guess it is a magical creature, that can rip holes into oblivion… I'm sure that this won't ever be a serious problem.

*sighs aggressively*

"Alina after we get out, we seriously need to have a long chat about your island with griffins that have enough spatial magic control to rip a hole into a plane of oblivion." I say with defeat lacing my voice

"oh… yeah, alright whatever you say Poly" hesitating Alina responds like a small child that knows they are about to get scolded.

"It's not bad" wiping off the blood splatter on my face as she mimics my actions "it's just that it's not that common in Nirn for any being to be strong enough to rip holes in space that casually. Normal it requires a ritualistic set up, or a Deity level entity to act, to happen. Even normal summons act on a contract of being summoned into this plane in exchange for you magicka as sustenance. Your little birdie could be in trouble if we are not careful."

Understanding written all over her face as she paled slightly "no one is going to touch my Aura"

"Obviously, my little dova is going to protect her friends after all" a slight small makes its way onto my face.

Alinas' eyes flash with an undeterminable emotion seeing my soft smile. Woah boyo, she said you are hot but that doesn't mean you can get excited seeing a red yandere flag wave like that.

Who are we kidding, a woman obsessively loving me and wishing for my happiness? Dream come true. Sure, she might get jealous and kill some people down the line because of it but, the way I see it, IF, and I mean a big IF, she turns yandere, I will make sure to handle her with the appropriate love and affection to keep that jealousy under control. I have a certain vampire I know I looked up to in my past life after all. Can't let the homie down.

That being said, I doubt it's actually going to happen the Alina I know was a battle junky that lived to fight, didn't even get married in all the hundred and forty levels of her life. Granted this is no longer a game and everyone here is very much real, I am optimistic that I won't have to add relationships problems to my life till at least hour 4 of my new life.

Yes, bow down mortals that's how long I can go without dealing with feelings hahaha… I am in danger.

"Well fuck it. Let's loot and scoot. Say, do you know inventory magic?"

Alina snaps to attention "Yeah, almost everyone in Nirn does I thought?"

"Right, well to be fair, you also thought a bird lion should obviously be able to rip its own hole into oblivion. I'm not sure where common knowledge goes with you. I should be able to hold damn near 600lbs in mine how about you?" I ask while using my magic to pull off the sets of armor leaving the soldiers in nothing but their underwear.

I forgot that people…. Well they shit themselves when they die and a dozen people just died. Oh well, not like I'm wearing this stuff. I'll just blast everything with a burst of water magic later, I can make ice so I should be able to do that.

"probably 450 or 500lbs" she replied grabbing all the weapons into her own space.

Noticing how even these small actions were in sync I shook my head and thought we were fated companions, bound by the red string of fate no one could stand in our way as we defied the very heavens. Ah yes a Chinese cultivator would be proud.

Useless thoughts are hard to control sometimes. Let's get out of this damn castle to have a slice of life segment or something c'mon man focus.

Grabbing several potions off shelves and out of barrels we moved to the next door which had another set of stairs going down. Sounds of battle echoed towards us as we made our descent.

I turned toward my bad ass companion "anything that is not me, tear them apart, and do no stop until everyone standing with a weapon and imperial or Stormcloak armor is dead. Some of the prisoners may have escaped but if they haven't, we'll help those we can. Deal?"

Nodding in agreement we both readied our weapons activating spells like ebony flesh and my purple flames, I looked to see Lin had improvised her own spell and a light green light emanated from her body as she burst down the stairs at least double her natural speed.

I couldn't help releasing a battle cry as I jumped down the 15 stairs to the bottom creating a crater from the force of my jump alone.

Finally getting a look at the chaos I do a quick head count; 32 bodies are fighting. It's a melee no spells are being fired it's too close for the mages to guarantee no friendly fire. Spotting a couple of commander-esque figures from both sides, amongst the brawl I can't hold back my shout "I'm here for your heads, won't you give them to me!" just like my favorite drifter samurai would always yell.

I want those two heads of juicy XP and a chance to fight someone not in the twenties of skills.

Swinging my hammer at the two fighting closest to me, my hammer bursts in a roaring fire, like I had a fireball spell stored in it, a shockwave sent them and a couple of the brawlers around them flying and stumbling back respectively.

Feeling my magicka pulse with satisfaction of being utilized to fight I let even more out surrounding my body in a purple flame cloak. I swing my hammer in rapid succession as I wade through the mob of soldiers to where 2 Stormcloak commanders fought against what appeared to be 3 legates. Bodies of newly recruited soldiers flew, burned, and crumpled in rapid succession. My silhouette the last thing these brave soldiers illuminated by my purple flame.

As more and more of their ranged fighters took notice of me, arrows were notched and about to be loosed as a smaller but equally intimidating figure tore through their ranks. The imperial archers are the first to perish the first finding a knife lodged in his chest as he watches his friends head roll up to his feet. Glancing up he sees his other companions with a sword stuck through the side of ones' ribcage, the other cleanly sliced in half with a line cut into the stone behind and beneath him. Then he fell.

The Stormcloak archers didn't last more than 10 seconds longer compared to their imperial counterparts. Alina picked up a dead legionnaires' bow, rapidly nocking and firing 6 arrows each finding purchase in a Stormcloak head before the first of their number dropped.

Between the two of us within 20 seconds of entering the melee had already killed more that half of the participants. Eight soldiers, a clean split leaving four of each side left. All the fighters in room had decided to fight us in response to what we just done.

Fair to be honest but, I don't have time for the weak.

Slamming my hammer into the ground I will my magicka in to ground underneath the soldiers propelling them upward with an earthen wall "LIN RIP AND TEAR"

Immediately responding to my words Alina swung her sword in a broad arc releasing a battle cry to go a long with a massive horizontal blade of air that shredded the surviving soldiers.

~3rd Person Pov~

The commanders who had previously been locked in life and death combat on the opposite side of the 15m (50ft) room, slowly stopped fighting. Realizing the sounds of their underlings fighting had disappeared. They all looked up hoping to see reinforcements only to greeted with the sight of a slaughter. A hulking man leaned on a wall near a pile of corpses stripped of their armor. A woman whose battle hungry grin sent shivers down their spines squatted next to him.

"Oh, please don't mind us, we were planning on healing and then killing whoever won this pointless fight. If you guys are interested how about one faction fights me and the other fights my gorgeous pal here?" the man said with a grin that promised death.

Legate Peryn, the youngest from the imperial side, decided to step forward "Criminals! Murderers! Traitors! The both of you!" feeling justified and self-righteous he yelled at these two, blood soaked dremo-… no draconic presences.

The draconic female laughed so hard she fell from her squat to her ass "us murderers? Of course!" her laughter stopping, eyes gleaming what only could be described as raw killing intent "we aren't traitors or more criminal than your imperial legion. Have you not looked in the cages surrounding you? Innocents tortured and killed because of their faith in a god? Do not make me laugh. We slaughtered these SOLDIERS yes, but that's because they took up arms to fight us and for that they deserved to die. After all it's better they die to us than to their brothers and sisters or fathers and mothers, right? That and we live too fight. But mostly the righteous-ish one." Finishing with another chuckle

"Well said little Dova, however you didn't give the blue jackets a tongue lashing as well." The giant man said. "They follow the king of rapists, racists, glory seekers, of rash men, of men who act and never think. Ulfric fought the forsworn sure and "regained" Markarth, but his war crimes are not smaller than the imperials. Both sides are using this war to establish an unjust hierarchy that will take centuries to undo. But that is beside the point. Come and fight us "commanders" we are the bad guys in your story after all. Each side choose who you will fight." The man finished, a golden glow flashing from his palms as each of the commanders felt their wounds closing and their stamina restoring.

~Apollyon Pov~

Both sides just froze and stared at the two of us taking in our words before something unexpected took place.

"We will fight you if you promise to let this young one go" the only female legate spoke with a mature and motherly voice. Looking at her I was surprised to see a grey ponytail and light wrinkles on the woman's face. Two large canines on lower mouth gave hint that she wasn't entirely Breton. Despite that her arms betrayed her profession scars littered her forearms and in each hand was a gladius. The imperial studded armor protected her torso but had slash marks, probably from the two Stormcloak commanders to be honest.

Nodding in response "that's fine he doesn't belong in this fight after all" I say. Honestly the mobs from before seemed stronger than him.

Peryn whipped his head to look at his superior in shock "Legate Ysona! What are you doing." His lack of combat experience showed if he thought he was on the same level as the other two. A young man, younger than me. maybe seventeen? His body had some baby fat along his face and arms. Probably a smart kid and got promoted for his head. If he stays, he dies first.

The oldest Legate of the bunch nodded in agreement and said, "run along Peryn let us old people fight, after all that's why we're still here." This legate has muscles that look like they were made for combat, not bulging but toned lean. A spear in one hand and crackling lightning in the other. Heavy armor that looked like it weighed nothing to him sat on his chest. A deep scar ran from the corner of his right eye through the bottom of the left side of his lip.

"Agryne…. Fine I'll see you both back in solitude then." Saying that he turns and runs to the wall pulling on a brick opening a hidden entrance into the tunnel system we found outside. "I'm breaking the chain on this side, you two will have to find your own way back" he hollers as the sound of a chain snapping is heard.

That sound triggered something in the Stormcloak commanders as they both sprang into action rushing towards who they thought was an unsuspecting demi-human, I'm sure.

Unfortunately for them, despite how bored Alina looked while we figured out the semantics, she was ready to kill our enemies at the drop of a hat. Bursting into action Alina infused her gladius with frost and a knife with wind. Sliding under the shield of the first commander she slashed his right leg with her gladius, upon making contact a small fist sized ice shard tore into his thigh.

Whipping her dagger at the female Stormcloak, Alina turned her attention to who she thought was the only alive threat. As she did, she missed the female Stormcloak throw her shield at the dagger to kill its momentum taking a step back while the shield flew, to block the now normal dagger with her glowing steel longsword.

Ah damn, commanders are pretty neat, they are just normal humans after all. Alina heard the dagger hit two objects but still pressed the injured male commander who was doing his best to stay on his feet. Cuts quickly accumulated but the man wouldn't go down. As Alina raised her sword for one final strike, her instincts screamed for her to dodge. So, she rolled to the side in the process unsheathing one of the daggers on her thigh. A sword sliced through the air where her neck used to be.

The female realized to late that Alina had more experience in combat than she thought. This mistake cost her, her left arm.

A vicious over hand swing separated her off hand as Alina took vengeance for this bitch made her look overconfident in my presence or some other ridiculous thought, I'm sure.

Despite losing her arm, the female commander stayed incredibly composed outside of a quick grimace no one would know. What a bad ass I whistled. "Alina no magic, just sword skills. You're better than them, use them to learn."

"Okay, Poly!" cancelling her magic she engaged in true melee combat for the first time all day.

What followed was a barrage of blows that the two commanders still struggled to keep up with. An interesting event took place however, Alina got hit. The male got a shield bash on her, then after being stunned for less than half a second, Alina dropped her dagger, gripped her sword with two hands and swung full force. Tearing the poor man in half shield and all.

Alinas' "open" backed faced the female. Thinking she had the advantage the one arm Stormcloak pushed forward with a lunge, only to be met with Alina's tail, tearing skewering her chest.

Shaking her tail the body flung away from Alina.

Heh, the two imperials watched with dropped jaws (looking pretty funny to me not gonna lie) at Alina's brutal efficiency. Gulping they both turned their gaze to me as I waved slowly and said "you guys ready for our fight? I hope you give me as much fun as they gave her."

Agryne spoke first "To the death? I may be old, but I'd rather not throw my life away." Shaking his head displaying how much he hates the idea of the fight ahead.

"I'd accept a sparring match, but I'd also like to live!" The mature Ysona chimes in.

Thinking for a moment I think about the pros and cons of recruiting the two… yosh. Wait not Japanese shouldn't say that, if anything should I pick up Korean slang? That's where my body comes from after all. Kinda. Back to the life and death of two veterans.

"I'd like it very much if you decided to join us for a bit if we win. I think the both of us would benefit from some knowledge of the locals, ya see, we aren't from around here" I say gesturing towards our horns.

While we have been talking Alina had been looting her two kills and from the bloodthirsty smile she has on her face, she found something good.


I need a boop.

She pulls up from the body of the Stormcloak female the glowing steel longsword. Which, now I realize is glowing a faint blue probably a frost enchantment meaning Lin won't have to use her own magicka to create the effect she wants. Nice find.

Giving her a thumbs up

I glance at the two discussing Imperials who seem to have reached a decision.

"we agree but we will only stay with you two for two days and will not participate in needless slaughter." Agryne says "but should we win, we'd like you to instruct a small class about the magic you two have been using. Through my long life I've never seen anyone use magic so freely and without structure. It's like it wants to make you happy and will do whatever you ask." He finishes with awe lacing his voice.

"Bet." That's all I respond with spinning my Warhammer like the chuuniest chuuni to ever chunni.

"Bet? So we are agreed?" Ysona asks with a head tilt.

Nodding with a blank expression. "Let's fight and don't worry, I'll heal ya after we are done."

~Alina Pov~

This sword is so cool. I'm going to learn as much about enchanting as possible. Based on how poly looks, I'm sure he is going to make all our armor.

Can you imagine? Maybe it'll be a matching pair to mark us as a team! Then I'll enchant them to support us showing I care about us just as much as Poly.

Oh, the old guys are getting ready to get slaughtered by Poly, but like my dad always says "fear an old man in a profession where men die young"

The two legates envelop themselves in what seems to be stone flesh maybe? A much weaker magical barrier than what surrounds Poly's Warhammer shaft anyways.

I think I want to see Poly struggle a bit. "Poly! No magic or weapons just beat them into submission!" I yell out with a giggle at the end. There, this will help him get used to close quarters combat without relying on anything but his body. Not that it's much of a handicap, the man is rippling with muscle, no fat on his body whatsoever. His height will also be a huge help letting him have a much longer reach than the average Nord.

"That's pretty harsh handicap," he says faking pain "but that sounds like a lot of fun." With a simple flick oh his wrist his hammer flies over to me and I catch it easily.

"Beat them black and blue Poly!" I cheer for good measure. 'If they get close to hurting him severely, I'll rip their limbs off and beat them with it.' I think with a nod of affirmation.

~3rd Person Pov~

Apollyon after tossing his weapon aside stared at his challengers with rapt attention. The two old vets were taking this fight very seriously already in two-man formation with Agryne and his tank like set up in the front, shield and spear at the ready. Ysona stood behind her old friend prepared to leap out at the threat of the monster in… well monster flesh.

Tired of waiting, Apollyon tensed his legs in a pseudo runner's stance, propelling himself forward cover the 5 m between them in the blink of an eye. Agryne reacts by raising his shield to lock the scaled right hook coming for his head, as the fist connects the screeching of metal is heard as Agryne's shield can not take the pressure folding in on itself sending its' wielder towards the wall of the room only to bounce off and fall towards the ground.

Blinking in confusion Apollyon stares at his slightly scratched fist in bewilderment. Ysona frozen in place makes no move forward and can only stand in awe of the show of strength from the Dragmer male.

The Dragmer female in the room stared at her companion with a glint, a silent promise to grow to be useful going unspoken in her brain.

Despite the devastating blow Agryne stands on somewhat shaky legs unclasping his imperial steel well, lump from his fractured left arm. Showing the determination to fight that one so old had honed over a lifetime, he leans his spear against his side and a bright light bursts forth from the palm of his right hand.

"Is that all" he asks a chuckle drawing a thin line of blood from his mouth as his magicka mends his broken body.

The words act as a catalyst for Ysona. Her deep blue gladius rip through the air towards the behemoth in front of her, crackles of lightning making apparent their destructive capabilities.

Instincts taking over Apollyon stepped to her right as the swords formed a cross slash in the air missing their target.

Thinking he moved faster than the legate could respond to, Apollyon brought his fist back like he was about to be apart of an extreme rock paper scissors fight. He looked down focusing on activating the muscles in his arm to try and replicate an air cannon with air pressure of his punch.

Ysona finished her swing and feeling no purchase, activated her trump card, a red mist seeped from her skin heightening all her already superb battle capabilities. The boost in strength allowed her to turn towards her target before Apollyon was ready to test his newest theory.

With a quick overhead slash from her left hand, Ysona was able to draw a thin line of blood from our bois shoulder.

Feeling pain for the first time in this world, Apollyon glanced at the wound, feeling a burning pain spreading across his skin his eyes focused on the woman who had managed to damage him with gratitude. Everyone needs a reality check after all.

Stepping with his right foot he let out a series of what he considered light jabs, each turned into a glancing blow from the swords moving at lightning speeds to keep up.

His combos were flowing freely a quicker as the seconds ticked away, no less than forty blows were exchanged in a five second period. As Apollyon's fist came back to deliver a somewhat have blow a spear struck like a viper at his right elbow piercing it.

Realizing yet again that he was not the apex of the world after being spawned in he decided to end the fight. He'll get time to use them as an XP farm after they make it out after all. '

Forcing his thoughts back to the fight he pulled his impaled arm off the spear, then moved it back gripping it in the crook of his arm flexing his muscles, he pulled while spinning on his left foot taking Agryne with him as Apollyon's tail connected with the poor old man sending him flying yet again.

Tossing the spear to the side, Apollyon took a loose boxing stance and wove through the sword strikes that came out him from the female berserker. A break in concentration cost Ysona dearly, after swinging both swords in a slashing motion from above her head, Apollyon struck.


A quick jab took the female legate out of commission. Dropping to the ground lifelessly as blood poured from her nose. Both of Apollyon's hands were already releasing a bright golden glow signaling the end of the fight. The two legates didn't see it as they were already dreaming of sweet rolls and Cyrodiil.

~Apollyon Pov~

Ah maybe I over did it? Nah they made me bleed my own blood, it's only fair I almost kill them. Two casts of cure wounds on each of them should do the trick.

Casting on both I watched with interest as the bones of Agryne fixed themselves they had been protruding from his legs. He had hit the wall legs first after all.

Restoration magic is wild, as long as you know how someone should work/ look you can fix something like this huh? Maybe the evil hero's powers could be used here? Nah don't want to make people pop like pimples. Something about that just feels wrong.

Moving on to Ysona after Agryne's breathing stabilizes and my magicka feels full. I place my hand near her head and cast cure wounds, her limp, wet noodle-like nose regains its gentle small appearance.

Despite all the blood, she looks like a late forties milf. I think she's half orc too based on those chompers. Huh, so this world has Mer and men mixing. That's neat.

I just realized a big fuck up on my part. Looking around the dungeon of this particular fort, I finally remembered the prisoners who the imperials had abandoned to their fate.

Hmm should I leave them here as well. Rather than the two metal boxes and several birdcage-like cells, one of the walls was lined with metal bars from flower to ceiling forming four "rooms" separating the prisoners into four groups of three.

Well, there was twelve. It looks like the fighting with the big black snake caused more damage than anticipated if the smashed corpses poking out from underneath the rubble had anything to say about it. They don't cause you know… not alive.

Deciding that the best course of action is picking up as much of the loot as possible, I look over at Alina who has already started grabbing all the weapons.

She's taken all her iron daggers off though; it looks like some of the dead imperials splurged and got steel instead.

How generous of them to donate to our cause.

Wandering through the corpses focusing on the imperials armor as they are made with higher quality, I hear a voice call out to me.

"Sir, could you please let us out? We don't want to die down here." A young, melodic sounding woman's voice echoed around the stone room.

Stopping what I'm doing I rise from the crouched position I'm holding.

The lady who called out to me is dressed in potato sacks. just like me and Lin. She was small around 1.5m(5'2) tall. Her assets were… proportional. Despite her petite frame well defined muscles were visible on her bare arms. Scars on her forearm betrayed the fact she had seen combat throughout her young life. Her unwashed, chestnut brown hair reached her shoulders framing an almost delicate looking face. I say almost because on her right temple is a small black symbol of a dragon. Just like the loading screen of Skyrim. If that weren't enough, she had eyebrows a cultivator would be jealous of, with how similar they looked like swords. Both eyes showing just how much she wants to life highlighted by the deep what color that made up her irises. One scar was visible on her face, a large gash on the bottom lip of the left half of her face. She probably got in a bar fight.

The way her voice didn't match her appearance, intrigued me. it does match her size though it came to me as an afterthought. This lady could slap the shit out of ninety percent of men from my hometown and they would say "Thank you may I have another" with a smile on their face.

"Oh, and why should I let you out little one? Aren't you all criminals?" I ask noticing the awkward shuffling from her lackies? With a head tilt wondering what the relationship is between her and the two hooded figures in her cell.

They had not been put into potato sacks yet so maybe they are recent arrivals here. The cuffs around their wrist confirms my theory as they're magic suppressing just like the ropes from the cart. Why didn't the dumbasses put those on me.

A flash of ash gray skin is all I can see from the one on the left, but the cat tail swishing on the other all but confirms the heritage of the other.

So, a cat, a Dunmer and a Nord or Breton hybrid end up in a jail cell together. Interesting, my side quest instincts are tingling.

" Not so much criminals as opportunity hunters, sir" the human says with a slight grin.

"Ah! Soldiers of fortune. So, what you guarded someone you shouldn't have? Killed a noble? Rescued the wrong damsel in distress?" getting a visible twitch from the two hooded figures I grinned "that's it, Dunmer high-blood? No, no, not quite." Tapping my chin, I hummed.

Seeing me in conversation with the prisoners, Alina walked over all her new blades sheathed, the longsword strapped haphazardly above her hips on her back. Not gonna question it.

"Are we gonna save all of these criminals Poly?" glancing with disdain at the two cells with surviving prisoners besides the women in front of me. To be fair, they were full of men who were obviously bandits. They just looked too stupid to be anything else.

Alina bounced oner feet and asked with excitement lacing her voice "hey can I kill the guys? I feel like my destruction magic will reach a new level if I use my wind magic to chop them up." Turning me to with an innocent smile, that widened to the goddess of Yanderes level once she got my nod of affirmation. After all we needed to get stronger if the imperial army could scratch me, I could only imagine what a battle to the death with Thalmor elites could look like.

Ignoring the pleas from the disgusting looking men, I turned back to the women who had huddled behind their short protector. "well ladies do tell I'd love to listen to your story while I wait for my pals to wake up" gesturing to the knocked out legates. I proceed to conjure water out of the air with one hand freezing it into place with other training my magicka control while I listen to the sure to be interesting story I'm about to hear.

"Well my name is Anna and these two dumb bitches..."

Well i was not expecting that start.