Sleep, a wolf, and a time-skip


~Poly Pov~

This shit is ridiculous.

Our walk to the Sleeping Giant inn was held up by the townsfolk screaming out praises for us. That was nice, for the first 5 minutes.

After that it was just loud noise that was stopping me from a warm bed. I didn't smile or wave, not a single action that a celebrated hero would take. I put on my resting bitch face and marched through the crowd. Sure people backed up into others doing their best not to get in my way.

Any other time I'd at the very least I'd be amused, now though? I'm annoyed.

"BACK THE FUCK UP. WE ARE TIRED AND TRYING TO GO TO BED YOU CUNTS" I am surprised it took Anna this long to lose her shit.

You can't deny the wolf's effectiveness though. With just two sentences, Anna split the crowd like the red sea.

Waiting at the back of it was two siblings and a wild Imperial. Oh gee, I wonder what they could possibly want. My legs feel like lead, my arms ache, and my magicka is still not responding to me.

It's actually acting like a child who was disciplined a little to harshly. It's not like my body can't take the stress of using my racial abilities anymore, well I guess that's up for debate, but I do feel like something is fundamentally wrong.

Being's souls and magicka had a lot of connections in all the lore I read… it would make sense that racial abilities are tied into the a beings existence.

I don't want to think too heavily about this right now but it's a good thought to be tucked away into my "research later" thoughts.

Arriving in front of the trio who clearly want an answer our group pauses as some of the girls just sigh while the rest remain silent. Meanwhile my tired face changes to one filled with annoyance.

"What can I do for you three?" my voice must have conveyed how I feel as all the two men grimace, while Gerdur says nothing but instead removes a pack on her back before pulling out a cloth and some kind of liquid in a phial.

"Friend, please tell us what happened out there. It looks like you battled an army by yourselves." Hadvar… we fucking did you silly, silly man.

These fellas are something else. Here we are covered in blood, miscellaneous fluids (that is hopefully beast blood), cuts, and bruises galore and they wanna know what happened… honestly that's fair.

Gerdur finished her preparations and made her way over to me. The phial must have had some kind of healing potion in it, as all of my wounds stopped stinging as she wiped down my exposed arms.

Ralof's look of concern for his sister was delicious. I know he didn't do anything wrong besides backing a dick, but I just hate the guy. So this reaction from his sister just touching me, gave rise to a sadistic side of me that had slowly been growing since I came to this world.

"Well, Ammit the new Daedric lord, may very well have just declared war on Skyrim and maybe on all of Nirn." The statement made all of them open their eyes to a comical degree. Gerdur even stopped cleaning my wounds.

Carrying on "We just wiped out her vanguard. Go that way for awhile and you should find all the bodies. We took everything of worth except the Alchemy ingredients which you can harvest from the creatures' corpses." The mill owner's eyes lit up with gratitude as she realized the inadvertent boon we had just offered her people.

"It's in your best interest to send this information out to other holds via couriers or messenger birds. Now everything else can wait till morning I am more than exhausted at this point and my companions are barely holding back from killing the next people to stop us… well I am as well."

Seeing their questioning gaze I just sighed, " The enemy leader made me try harder than I thought I would have too so I am annoyed. Goodnight and good luck, take a good sized team if you are going now, the animals of the forest will more than likely be pissed about the mess that was last night." Our trudging began once more the thought of a warm bed making my body tremble with excitement.

As comfy as those coals were last night, my quick nap earlier reminded me how great actual beds are.

"Thank you for the care Gerdur. Let me know if you need something when I wake. Kindness shouldn't go unrewarded." Sending the woman, a light smile, all I got was a light blush and nod of appreciation in turn.

"Hmph x4" all the girls except Ysona seemed aggravated by my light flirting.

Alina had tried to hide her anger while Gerdur wiped me off, and I acted like I didn't see it. That's a conversation for when we aren't all barely standing. Maybe I'll figure it out in the morning. The other hmphs were surprising, seems tedious though.

Our march finally ended. Arriving at the front of the inn as the sun finally made it above the mountains I realized we were more than likely going to sleep the day away.

"Anyone opposed to staying in town till we are all recovered?" nobody said anything and all just looked ready to collapse. Nodding we entered the bar section of the inn greeted by the smell of ale and grilled chicken.

Not to bad to be honest.

As we made our way through the drunken patrons celebrating a victory they took zero part in my gaze landed on a certain conflicted blondes face.

Delphine's character is one who was trained to do one thing, kill dragons.

So, the two Dragmer who just entered her inn are likely making her play mental gymnastics. Technically we are draconic elves, as in elves with dragon like features that came from some god messing around with creation and merging races… but that's a fine line that is too complicated to try to explain to someone who hates dragons. It's not like our ancestors fucked dragons. That has so many logistical and biological questions I don't want to go there.

"Barkeep, I hope you don't mind for the duration of our stay I'm going to move the mattresses into one room. We don't trust others right now, and we need our sleep." Speaking to her and taking out a pouch of 30 gold from my inventory I dropped it on the bar.

All I got was a nod from the serious woman as we turned made our way to our rooms. Putting the two beds into my inventory I went to the other room and lined all four of them up making one large bed that way they can all sleep in comfort.

"Ri, I need you to keep first watch. I don't trust the blonde from downstairs, she glared at me and Lin like we were her worst enemies until she heard what her patrons were saying about us. You did great today, but everyone else is at their limit. Hopefully this will give you time to read to, sorry for having to ask." As I spoke with an apologetic smile, I laid some of the furs out on the ground that I had stripped from the trolls we slayed. They smelled foul, but so did I and I can take care of it in the morning anyways.

"The rest of you will have to share the beds. Kitten, when you're too tired to continue, please wake one of us up. We are a team after all." My head hit the impromptu mattress with a thud.

"Thank you all for staying alive. I don't think I'm ready to lose any friends…" as I spoke sweet darkness welcomed me, allowing me to peacefully fall asleep missing the varying looks I received in response to my words.

~Anna Pov~

"Ri, you can go to sleep first, my wolf blood will make sleep hard to come by anyways. My muscles just need a breather." What was that idiot thinking, of course I am the best option. Well, to be fair I did pass out yesterday in my wolf form but still, sleep isn't exactly werewolves rest. It's more complicated than that…

"Are you sure?" don't act concerned when I can see your tail clearly waving showing how excited you are about sleep.

"Yep, I'll be fine. A lot to think about." everyone seemingly agreed, because the rest just hopped in the oversized bed Apollyon created.


As a werewolf, I am cursed to never get a restful night of sleep ever again.

Anyone who has somewhat learned about us, knows that. He knows about seemingly everything, so I figured he'd at least realize that.

Yet, ever since I ate those bandits hearts and slept, my mind has felt more focused, more awake. It was never like I was walking around about to pass out from exhaustion, but the best way to describe it is a fog has lifted.

Thoughts flow freer in my mind.

Was this why Apollyon had me eat them? Did he know?

He must have otherwise he's a monster in mortal skin with the intuition to match. Well, he is but more like the super strong and talented kind, not the truly evil kind.

Maybe a little evil.

Anyone who can slaughter fellow mortals like that has some issues. He did save people and fought for this town, I guess.

Yeah right. He didn't fight for this town. He was only thinking about making sure Alina was okay and the fight the enemies might give him. Those two Dragmer would fight just about anyone it seems.

But still, Dragmer huh?

I've heard odd tales about them, everyone has mostly treated them the same as Dwemer. Beings that existed but thought to have died out die to some kind of calamity ages ago.

The two in front of me clearly beg to disagree.

They seem to have the drive for battle like orcs. Magic talent above High elves and Bretons. Resistances that put Argonians, Nords and Dunmer to shame and just as much grace as the sword-dancers of the Redguards.

Aren't they too gifted?

I think I could hold my own in a contest of strength, well probably pretty close, but as soon as they use any kind of magic I lose.

Fuck that shit, I need to figure out how I can get stronger.

If I could just activate my werewolf form and reap the benefits without losing myself once violence begins, then I could at least be a match for them.

Sitting cross legged, I began breathing exercises my ma and pa taught me, I tried my best to communicate with the beast within. Luckily this helps with muscle fatigue as well. As my breathing slowly leveled out my mind wandered.

Ma and Pa huh?

I wonder how they are doing.

Unlike most mercenaries I have met, my parents are not dead. Hell, we love eachother dearly. They gave me the blessing of the beast's blood when I turned 16, and tried their best to help me control it.

To be honest, they barely understood anything about it, besides the fact that it made them stronger and gave them a chance to survive in this harsh world.

My great, great, great grandfather was the one to turn first, and he passed it along to his descendants if they chose to accept but the knowledge he was gifted was lost to time.

For whatever reason, the gift itself wasn't hereditary and had to be passed through werewolf saliva with small amounts of success or through consumption of one's blood with a 100% chance. A willing recipient increased the likelihood that Hircine would agree to bestow the gift but didn't guarantee it.

The people of our family have long been taught that unlike what most think, being a werewolf is not the curse of Hircine. but his gift.

I personally, love and hate it.

Too many times have I been betrayed for simply existing. Too many times have I been treated as a lesser being for following my family's culture. The Nords are currently upset about not being able to worship Talos? My people can't worship their patron without being looked down upon like other Daedric worshippers.

That discrimination is why every pup from my family is sent out on their own if they wish. Because Hircine's wild hunt, my family, constantly is on the battling the followers of Ebonarm who wish to kill us. The Ebony Order is a group of knights that are masters of magic, thu'um, and all types of combat. As the acolytes of the god of war, it takes several of my pack's elders to at least have a chance at fighting one.

That ancient god of war fights all Daedric entities, well except for the Princes of order and chaos…. Not sure why he leaves those two alone but who am I to judge.

Anyways, I know I should have stayed with my family, but I just wanted to explore. I always thought of myself as plenty strong, till I met those two battle-starved idiots.

I'm sure had I stayed longer my family would have taught me how to grow stronger and helped me control the beast inside, but Apollyon knew and helped me take that first step.

Looking at the passed out, gentle, accepting, strong beyond belief, and just kind to me dragmer I held back a grin. Ma, Pa, I found someone who will help me grow strong and protect my back.

Speaking of hearts, I have felt an abundance of energy in my body since I ate them. Now that I'm meditating, I feel like I can direct this energy, instinctually I feel there's only one option available to me of where I can direct this, and that's my heart.

So that's what I do. In my minds eye, an energy the color of moonlight is scattered across my body. So I do my best to lead it to my heart which greedily eats the light up as it courses through my veins.

Seemingly hitting a wall, I feel like a great reserve of energy has just been tapped. My body feels stronger, more resilient, and robust at the same time. Opening my eyes there a no visible changes so I can't determine if anything has truly changed or if I am just on an emotional high.

Whatever it was it felt great.

A considerable amount of time must have past, as I heard stirring in the room. My eyes flashed open to see that it was just Evangeline, her breathing broke the steady pattern it had taken since she fell asleep.

Honestly, the dark elf was terrifying. A family trained since birth to be mage killers? Well, I guess I am not to different but still. Not only that, but the woman also tore apart raw magicka with some shadowy bullshit that doesn't make sense.

No words were said in greeting as we merely nodded towards one another before she came and took a seat at the table next to me.

After sitting in silence for a few minutes my stomach growled from neglect.

"I've been waiting for a while for someone to wake up, I'm fucking hungry. Watch over the others would ya?" my voice is barely a whisper as I reach for the heavens, my body happily popping with glee.

Evangeline just nods, grabbing her daggers that were leaning on the wall and pulling a small piece of smooth leather out from her pouch, she begins some much needed maintenance on her weapons.

Well time to go for a walk.

Walking down into the dining hall of the inn, all signs of the rambunctious crowds are gone. Now there is merely the normal drunkards, or village folk seeking a warm meal.

Settling in at the bar I see the woman who smelled like festering anger from last night. What does anger smell like? The color red. It doesn't have to make sense to me, it just is what it is.

"Barkeep! Whaddya got for food? My companions and are I starvin." I can't keep the excitement from leaking out as I speak.

"Hmm, I can cook up some pheasant, eggs, crab or venison for the meat, we have cabbage carrots and most other veggies to pan fry as well. Any of that sound good?" this blondie must be crazy… obviously all of it sounds good.

As I'm pondering a voice breaks through my thoughts "Delphine, just give them everything you can make, and you can just put that on my tab. With as much ale as they'd like as well! Riverwood owes them a great debt and I am not one to let debts go unpaid." Oh, it's the girl that was eyeing Apollyon. What's her name again?

She smelled like shit, well I did too. We were able to rinse of the blood and guts with a bucket and towel last night, but until the Dragmer are able to cast magic again we are stuck stinking like rotting meat.

Her leather armor that last night, was unblemished, was now soaked in blue and red blood. I guess she took Apollyon's advice and harvested all those corpses. Efficiency is something I can appreciate.

"Gerdur, good afternoon. Are you sure? That's going to be upwards of 300 gold." The rude barkeep is keeping me from my food? I'll kill her.

Poly might be mad, but I'm sure he'd understand. No, no can't kill her, who'd make me food? You're safe for now bird face.

"Yes, we haven't paid them for their service, and they truly did fight an army for us. You should have seen the number of bodies." Hearing Gerdur's response Delphine walked towards the kitchen hollering out the new order

Gerdur turned back to me, smiling she continued "Thank you Anna, I can't imagine how hard it was for you all, please let me buy you all lunch."

Tilting my head at her "Hard? We did it cause we wanted too. I had a lot of fun smashing all of them to bits. As long as we get paid I have no issues taking care of those runts for you."

Grimacing for a moment, "Well, they were runts except for the one Apollyon fought. That big one was strong. Any normal soldier would have been no more lethal than a rabbit to a dragon." I think I could have matched the beast till it started using magic. After that point, I don't think anyone outside of the companions or the mage's college would have been able to compete… maybe the justiciar's of the Thalmor… Who knows what other monsters are hiding out in Skyrim if people like Apollyon and Alina are just walking around. The Ebony warriors would have batted it aside though…

"The dragon from Helgen, do you know anything about it?" the blondie who has never smiled in her life spoke.

For the first time I took in the woman's appearance. She's done well to appear to be no more than your average bar maid. Breasts held up by a corset, makeup lavishly applied, dress with long sleeves till just past her elbows hide what I'm sure are ironlike muscular arms. After all, she looks ready to spring into action at anytime, her back is always facing a wall, her forearms were lean with cordlike tendons flexing, and the scar covered hands are the biggest giveaway.

My opinion on the bird face changed, she isn't just a warrior but a survivor.

"Delphine, was it? Why ya asking?" my instincts are screaming caution, so I'll be cautious.

"Everyone has been talking about it the past couple of days, call it curiosity." The light in her eye makes me think she knows far more about this than she is saying.

Welp not my problem, better kick this elsewhere.

"Sorry to say, I only saw the three dragons flying away on our way here. I think you'd have better luck talking to the imperial guy. Havgas? Well, something like that." I see the gears turning in Delphine's head. Toublesome.

"Strange group you've got there, I've never seen half argonians who look like those two. Did they say where they are from?" how did the conversation go from breakfast to an interrogation.

"I don't know my companions' deals. We have fought together too much for me to care one way or another. Are you another racist Nord or somethin'?" my eyes narrowed as I looked at her.

That got a stunned look from the woman, "I meant no offense I was just curious about the heroes of Helgen. You have to admit there's something weird about your friends." Throwing a cordial smile on her face she just kept trying to get some kind of information from me.

Gerdur had watched the exchange in silence, clearly trying to learn as much as she could about us as well.

"As a barkeep, hasn't anyone ever told you to mind your manners?" my voice changed from a somewhat friendly tone to ice cold as I spoke.

Shaking my head at the two speechless women, I just sighed.

Standing up from the bar, I waved over my shoulder as I walked up the stairs "Just send the food up when it's ready please. Thank you for the food, both of you."

That one is off, and I just can't put my finger on it. Gerdur is a fan of Apollyon's, and probably just wants to bone him.

I mean, the man's basically carved from stone. Prime mate material.

Can't blame her too much.

Do I want him? Too soon to tell. I wasn't raised to be an easy woman, and when I mate for the first time, they'll be my mate till death.

Too many feeling thoughts though, maybe I should go hunting when everyone wakes up. The inn will buy whatever meat I hunt I'm sure, and all the parts can be sold around town.

Is that giggling? The door to our room doesn't have the best soundproofing, I guess.

Everyone but Apollyon is awake and chatting freely. The poor man is face down on whatever hide he chose to sleep on, breathing so loudly the floor boards vibrated in unison with his rising and falling chest.

Maybe I should show Gerdur, that way she is grossed out and leave the group alone. How much air does he need to live?

"Still can you believe how many of them there were last night? I know most were summoned to fight but still, there must have been over 200 enemies" the charmer of a kitten spoke with light annoyance clear in her voice.

"Ah, was there really that many? None of them were strong enough for me to remember them." The proud lizard apparently forgot she was being overwhelmed.

"You still almost lost if not for our arrival." Oh no broody dark elf strikes with full force.

"I'd have managed somehow!" her tail slapped the bed behind her in frustration.

"Bullshit." Well, if we are being honest, I'll jump in.

"Alina, enough. We all saw that Tiefling Apollyon fought." Ysona's voice cut through the room. "Just that monster would have killed most of us. Not to mention all the beings we fought inside that cavern. Any one of us would have been overwhelmed."

Silence. Ya green bitch, we all know that much. Why'd you have to say it like that.

"I am almost certain that's not true. I-" say what? All the heads in the room turned to the elf who almost died in battle.

"You think you would have won by yourself?! You?! Apollyon had to fix your pathetic ass mid fight!" my anger slipped out as I verbally bashed the woman.

I received a glare that was deserved, I was kinda rude but so was she, at least in my mind she was.

"Let me speak." Mouths shut, we all had some amount of respect for her after seeing her dance through the battle field. "Apollyon probably would have been able to fight them all. Have all of you forgotten? He made the weapons and armor that allowed us to fight the horde the SAME day he fought their leader. He made enchanted weapons from his magicka pool, taxing his mind in ways we can only imagine. Then slept for half a hour only to lead the charge in saving that one." Gesturing at Alina she finished her point with "Apollyon at full strength could have more than likely, beat them back by himself, of that I am fairly confident."

It felt like I fell into a pool of cold water.

All my anger was gone. Instead I sought to find a way that I would have won that fight.

Maybe I could have ripped my way through if I used my wolf?

No, the lapse in control from the change would dramatically lower my odds. I'd run out of steam eventually and their mages could've kept me at a distance with their spells.

I wanted to argue, but I just couldn't. What she said was most likely correct, even though I've fought countless battles as a mercenary, I've never felt weak. Comrades have died by side, but I felt they were the weak ones not me. Even when I knew others were stronger than I, I didn't feel weak cause I knew if I turned I'd win.

Watching the Tiefling leader brawl with Apollyon was eye opening. Apollyon shouldn't have been moving yet he was able to use his magicka in tandem with his body. No cast times in sight, no hesitation in his sword swings just unerring will to win. All of that from a man who, like Evangeline said, abused a racial ability to fill and empty his magicka pool for hours on end.

Will I get left behind for being weak? Besides Ysona, all of them have something unique about them. Something that Apollyon wants. What do I have?

As my anxiety hit the peak Apollyon woke up.

"OOOOOH!" why is screaming your first reaction here?!

Seeing our annoyed/concerned faces he had the decency to look apologetic, rubbing the back of his neck "Sorry, thought I was in heaven surrounded by beautiful women. Why do you all look so serious?"

Blushes and grins break out across the room.

"Hmm, if it's about last night you all shouldn't worry too much. I'm just tired and will probably just sleep a lot more than normal the next couple of days. My magicka is flowing again but it's like a sore muscle right now, I can use it, but I probably shouldn't if I want the best healing results. In the meantime, how can I help you all?" at first complicated looks were all he got in response.

He seemingly understood that all of us were feeling apprehensive about moving forward. Not wasting any time, he immediately tried to remedy the tension in the group.

Stop being so helpful. I need to figure out how to help you.

"Sir, if you can, spar with me. You won't have to use magicka and it'll help these old muscles remember what they once were." The half-orc got there first. What was with the sir shit?

Stretching his arms Apollyon nodded. "I don't have great technique or anything, but I can give you a punching bag that fights back. In exchange stop with the sir stuff please, I'm not your superior. Anyone else?"

"Can I join the spar? I'll focus on magical attack and defense, that way I can get quicker using spells in unique ways." Alina's resolution shone in her eyes.

"I don't think I'll be able to fight the two of you at the same time, you both are bad asses you know? And you two have far more skill using your weapons, I'm just swinging on instinct at this point. But if that's what you want, I'll do my best." Sighing Apollyon slowly laid back on the furs and closed his eyes.

"Ri, Anna, Eve. Anything that I can help with?" can he do anything for me? I need someone to instruct me on my wolf side. That's my greatest source of strength.

"Your magic doesn't work the same as these tomes describe, but maybe you could look them over with me every now and then?" Rihasa's demure voice carried out her wish to Apollyon.

"Mmn. I don't know how much help I'll be there. So far it looks like your magicka responds to some kind of formulae, not imagination and intent. I'll give you my cliff notes anytime you wish though." A smile crept on his lips as he responded to the kitten.

Evangeline looked apprehensive before she spoke, "I am not sure I can learn, but please teach me Silence. If I can combine that spell with invisibility, my combat prowess would skyrocket… of course that means that I'd have to learn invisibility."

She got a nod from Apollyon in response. "I'll try."

"What could you possibly help me with? My strength comes from my wolf side… I wish I could keep the strength without the change. Well, I keep a bit, I'm physically strong, but my wolf is stronger, faster and nigh unkillable without a silver weapon or massive destruction spell. I have zero talent with magic, and fancy fighting has never been my strong suit." I just bit my lip in frustration.

"You know, where I am from, some werewolves had partial transformations that were just as strong as a full transformation without the loss of intelligence. I wonder… if that's something... you could do?" Apollyon drifted off again as he finished his thought.

"Of course not, if we could don't you think a family that has been around for a couple of centuries would have figured that out by now?!" who does this guy think he is calling us stupid and incompetent by asking a single question.

Then it hit me. I never heard a single person talk about trying it before.

It's so simple that if someone could have then they would have, right?

"Well to be honest, I don't think anyone really could unless they got this ring that hircine gives to his champions. It allows them to turn almost freely instead of the normal daily limitation." Apollyon scratched his chin seemingly lost in thought.

Annnnnd there it is. The reason why this wasn't so simple. Mastering a gift like this could never be that easy. Why? There's just not enough time to study the power unless one dedicates their whole life to it.

How does he know what a Daedric Lord would give to their champions? Maybe his patrons told him all sorts of secrets in order to get on his good side?

Not the point, stay in this conversation. He's doing his best to help.

"Say Anna, you should have gotten kinda stronger after you ate those hearts like candy. Do you feel any different?" his eyes slowly open and meet mine.

"Hmmm, I felt really energized for a bit there. Like the sleep that had eluded me for years finally came and cured my restlessness." Seeing his raised eyebrows, I continued "I used a breathing technique that has been in my family for a while and then I felt it. This energy was coursing randomly through my body, but it was avoiding my heart."

Taking a breath I looked around just to see everyone enraptured with what I was saying " so I decided that maybe my heart would absorb it or something, so I did my best and pushed it over there-"

"And it swallowed it up like a whirlpool. Damned cultivators can't leave me alone even in another plane. Bitches." Poly had whispered the second half, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who heard about it.

What are cultivators?

"After you heart absorbed the bullshit energy, something just clicked and now you feel stronger yeah?" nodding my head dumbly he just sighed. "Well that settles it. The more hearts you devour the stronger you'll get. My current theory is that the "gift" allows you to pull energy from Hircine's domain. The hearts you devour strengthens your connection with his realm and supplies your body with raw energy from there. Once it gets to you, it's up to you to determine what you want to do with it."

Closing his eyes and crossing his arms behind his head he just groaned.

"Alright, the best thing for you to do, is hunt. Hunt, and hunt, and hunt. Make sure if you kill something, you eat their hearts. Sentient beings likely will give you the most energy, but animals should give you something. I want you to start by layering the energy in the tips of your toes and fingers. This just might give you the ability to summon your claws when you aren't fully shifted, but it's going to be a bitch to build up that kinda power. Also, it's going to be serious trial and error, I genuinely don't know if it'll work, but I want to help you." His tone softened as he finished speaking his mind.

Why is he so soft towards us? We just met, creep.

Despite my thoughts a smile crept onto my face. I mean no it didn't fuck that.

"I can do that, I was planning on hunting around to make us provisions for the next step anyways. Where should I go though? No one is as accepting of werewolves as you all have been. I don't think you want me slaughtering the people we all just spent so much effort saving." I could go back near the mine but that's hours of travel, and I don't want to leave my group that'd be lonely… I mean that they would be almost defenseless without me.

Yep especially Alina and Apollyon, those two would be helpless.

Leaving my somewhat lunatic thoughts in the dust I returned to see Apollyon had been speaking for some time.

"-ing. It's the perfect move I just nee-"

Interrupting him I chuckled "Sorry didn't hear anything since I asked the question."

"Dumb mutt.." the whisper would have gone unheard, except, ya know, part wolf.

"What did you say you barely functioning pussycat?" standing from the chair I took a step towards the extra large bed. Only my foot didn't hit the floor.

A sharp exhale of air made me look down, and what greeted me was Apollyon's unamused face.

"Listen I know cats and dogs don't get along, but you two have been doing so well since I met you. Can you please not fight till we are done deciding what we are going to do for the next couple of weeks?" his muscular abdomen felt so tough against my bare feet. The man must be made of steel. Seriously how do you get muscles like this?

Never spending a moment outside of combat practice, that's how. Poor lad must never have felt a woman's warmth hehe. Just kidding look at that face, way too heroic not to at least bed a random barmaid. Heroic might be wrong, there's an animalistic passion there that makes you feel like prey.

I AM NOT PREY. Talos be damned, I will not fall for this shit anymore. I am stron-

"Can you get off Poly yet…" making eye contact with Alina's dead eyes made me realize that I was still on top of the man.

As if that awkwardness wasn't enough, I glanced down and saw the raven-haired man's grin, that made my face flush more than ever before.

After being chided I back away and plop onto my chair feeling like I lost a battle I didn't even know I was a part of.

"Alrighty ladies, bring all of that food in this one please!" the door was popped open by the inquisitive barkeep from before. Several of her barmaids followed her in with dish upon dish full of food.

The last two people to drop of our meal were two men who carried half barrels, hopefully full of booze, and dropped them on the table.

"Don't forget to thank Gerdur, she's the one who paid for this." Delphine's last words before she departed made the group's heads turn towards me.

"Well I got us food, but then Gerdur heard that I was a little light on money so she offered to pay as a form of gratitude. I doubt she's going to be lacking after the town harvested our battlefield yesterday." I forgot to tell them. Oh well, it could wait.

"Do you think Gerdur will still help with your plan now Apollyon?" Ysona's voice drew the attention away from me thankfully.

"I think everyone in Riverwood will jump at the chance to help us for the duration of our stay. If Anna can harvest the meat and skins of her kills all the better. We can trade them for whatever we need, and I can help at the forge to bring in more coin. I think a week or two at most is how long we should stay." Apollyon spoke while tearing into a large drumstick of meat.

It was, disgusting. Yes! He's not always amazing.

Shit, looking around, I am the only one not eating.


Diving headfirst at a plate of meat, the group devolved into chaos as we ate like starved bears and drank like sailors until they all passed out, although not everyone made it too bed.

Alina was on the floor laying with her feet going the opposite direction as Apollyon while her head was next to his.

Seriously, why would you want to sleep on the floor? Who am I to judge though.

"I guess I'll watch over you all again. Geez, way too trusting." A small smile took over my face.

They really are fun.

~Apollyon Pov~

Welp that was a busy nine days.

Luckily Gerdur had agreed to have us spend our stay at her estate. Her backyard was literally the forest north of Riverwood, allowing Anna to run freely at night to hunt.

It gave the rest of us plenty of space to spar as well. Let me tell you, they all are getting stronger by the day. I'd say I was surprised, but at the end of every training session I'd spam my muscle recovery spell which everyone grit their teeth and accepted

Well except for Ri, she whined a lot more, but she was there every step of the way.

Kinda like an overpowered psychic, who didn't want to rely on his powers, she pushed on. Refusing to quit and followed us on our workouts and spars.

Ysona put her through the wringer and Eve shared her knowledge of dagger fighting giving the kitten claws.

I told her that she doesn't need to hold the charm for a long time if she can just hold them in place, the burden on her magicka will decrease, letting her move while casting. Hopefully enabling her to finish her targets off with her newfound dagger skills.

Ri's magicka control exploded as I had her charm the random farm animals running around the village. Each day Ri was magically and physically exhausted, but her gleeful smile at her progress was enough for the rest of us to continue supporting her.

That being said, my personal progress? I am broken, but that's because my "imagination" is pulling from the memories I have of cool magics from fantasy works. Having a clear idea of what magic could do with enough imagination, made me realize that plenty of people from this world , must have the imagination of a 50-year-old office worker who dreamed about paperwork.

A fireball can only be an attack? Ice spikes are only good for impaling? Ridiculous. A fireball can create light, warm a meal, cauterize wounds, and so much more my puny mind can barely comprehend. The point is, a fireball isn't just an explosive ball of flames, no it's proof that one can control flames and shape them at will.

I had clearly already realized that if you can shape fire into a ball, what's to stop you from taking that to the next step and creating a dragon from flame. Firestorm a master class spell? Ha that shit is ridiculous, I'd like to see someone ward their way through the maw of a flaming dragon that's after your life, like you could through random fireballs and a flame cloak.

Magicka is so much greater than anyone on mundus realizes, but that's because they have this image that magic I based on comprehension of the world. More like an archaic version of science that helps them create "Formulae" which is really just a shitty visualization process.

After reading the tomes Ri had… I was appalled anyone could learn from them. My new running theory is that people with strong mental imagery were the only ones capable of learning this way, which makes them out to be scholars, while making the rest of the populace feel stupid.

A stupid bar was set and for some reason everyone accepted it. Meaning if one couldn't learn magic this way then they never would.

So, what did I do? I bullshitted formulae and science to make Ri form mental pictures of destruction magic. The funny thing is that it worked. By just describing the process the magic would take place, Ri was able to slowly build the image in her mind.

She's not anywhere near the level of Alina and I, but she's getting there. When she's near the adept level of destruction magic, I'll tell her how I've been teaching her, because for now she thinks I'm a genius.

I should be the Archmage with each new conclusion I make I feel like it's not that far of a reach… that could be interesting.

Take over Winterhold and turn the downtrodden area into a bustling center of commerce and magical freedom.

Uh oh, I am getting to big for my britches again. One step at a time my friend, one step at a time.

As soon as my magicka was fully restored, Eve, Lin and Ysona decided to fight me three on one. Alina was the only one with a handicap, she could only use magic. No physical fighting. Not much of a handicap, but it made the fights fairly even.

My bodily movements began to get more and more fluid as the spars went on. My mind was able to analyze and my body instinctually responded to the girls. It was like I had two brains, one focused on countering Lin's magical attacks and defense, the other fought an empowered orc berserker, and a dark elf assassin who got faster every day.

Shit was so tough. I gave as good as I got though. Our record to this day remains tied. I stopped counting when I realized it didn't matter how high we went, instead keeping score as plus one, zero, and down one. The score was never further away than that.

On the last day Lin cheated for the first time and joined the fight with her sword… I did not enjoy that. It ended with a sword at Eve and Lin's thoats while my tail was stopped in Ysona's armpit, ready to pierce in her heart.

Lin had an earth spike poking my dirt road… Eve and Ysona were completely defeated though.

Overall, I can confidently say everyone I personally helped got stronger.

Anna spent the day meditating so we didn't interact much, but every morning there were at least 9 carcasses of varying beasts with their hearts ripped out. So, I know she was doing her best.

I decided not to make anymore gear for the group until Whiterun. I have to help the best girl make some swords anyways and I've always wanted to talk to her. She's just so badass setting up a shop next to the most talented smith in Skyrim and demanding the respect she deserves.

Truly top tier.

If her dad talks shit to her, I might kill him.

No that's bad… or is it.

A vicious smirk made its way to my face somehow.

"Oh, Poly is thinking about killing someone again." Ysona's tired voice breaks my pure hearted fantasy into a thousand pieces.

"He's being doing that a lot lately. Just leave him be. We are heading out in the morning so he can be violent along the way." Evangeline's words cut deep for all of five seconds. Then I realize it's true, there's at least one bandit camp on the way to Bleak Falls Barrow.

Anna will get some a couple hearts and I will get a much-needed strength check. Training with the girls is great, but they are not exactly the average bandit. They all could probably clear a dozen or so normal bandits each with ease.

If memory serves, they are a mostly orc encampment, so I'll get to test my sword skills against true warriors.

Well, not like they are elites, they had to turn to banditry after all. That doesn't mean they won't be skilled. They will probably just be leaning more towards average to above average troops compared to born and bred orcish warriors.

I'm not convinced that the traveling old orcs would be a simple fight. They are downward trending sure, but they are seasoned veterans who have fought countless battles and are seeking a good death.

For an Orc, that's a contest of strength and skill. Anyone looking for that, is undoubtedly strong and hard to kill.

Personally, that's worrisome. Old warriors are to be feared and respected, they've seen more than most.

Anyways, we have managed to get some gear trading furs and excess meat from the beasts Anna hunted. Speaking of Anna, she requested to spar with me tonight and I agreed.

That's why I am out here, wearing nothing but a pair of dark leather pants and a hair tie to turn my rats' nest of hair into something like a ponytail. I need a good brush after this.

I don't need any other equipment really, we are just going to have a simple brawl after all.

Walking out of Gerdur's place, Anna is just wearing simple cloth pants. Her chest has been tightly bound by some linen wraps.

"No armor? Don't underestimate me Apollyon. I know you haven't seen everything hunted, but I am a lot stronger now ya know" her dissatisfied look, was almost endearing.

"I'm finally used to this body, and you aren't the only one who has been training pretty intensely. I want to see how strong I am in unarmed combat." Seeing a l brief look of concern from the she-wolf I just smiled.

"I wholeheartedly expect you to give me a beat down, but you know what? Armed combat isn't my expertise anyways. If things get out of hand, I'm sure I'll be fine." Accentuating my point fire and lightning crackled into existence from both my palms. That seemed to alleviate her worries as she crouched down into an animal based sprinter's stance.

Unfortunately, I can't let her eat me… yet.

Clenching my hands into fists I settled into a loose boxing stance with my arms raised ready to attack or defend at a moment's notice.

My bad habit surfaced again as a battle hungry grin slowly made its way to my face.

"Go all out pup, show me how strong you are."

As the words left my mouth, Anna sprang forward leaving cracks on the ground from the force of her movement.

With each stride she gained momentum.

Ahhh she's so much faster than she used to be. At least as fast as that big bitch that made me try so damn hard.

She appeared within grabbing distance and started her onslaught. Haymakers, jabs, and low kicks were launched in rapid succession. Each blow made the bones impacted vibrated from the force behind them.

Having gauged her strength, I realized; this cocky bitch was holding back. Right before every blow would connect, her hands and feet would slow down. Like I couldn't take a fucking hit. Hell no.

A scowl made its way to my face, as I finally counter attacked.

Anna threw a jab with her right hand which I could have avoided but I was so angry I just let the fist hit my nose. Clearing stunning her I grit my teeth in frustration and stepped into her guard, I crouched and burst forward as I put the entire weight of my body behind my elbow. The blow connected with her sternum, sending her skidding back several meters.

Panting Anna had that audacity to look concerned at me, like I was the one who got hit hard enough they were sent flying back.

"Is this it? I thought you wanted me to see how strong you are? You're holding back? Against me? Fuck off there bud. Show me, that I can trust my back to you." Taking my stance back up. My smile was nowhere to be seen.

Sure, it's an odd hill to die on, but what the hell? Am I weak, do I need to be coddled? Fucking no.

Anna's face darkened at my words.

"Fine ya bastard. Here I come." Casually walking towards me, or that's what it seemed, in actuality I could see all the muscles in her body tense.

"Oh, you are approaching me?" my inner voice is screaming with glee that it was finally able to say those words out loud.

"I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer" Anna's hands let out several pops as they curled into fists.

"Then get as close as you'd like" ah shit here we go again.

That's how we just started trading blows. I was nicer, never once throwing hands to her face. What am I an amateur? But shit the woman hits hard. Each swing of her fist generated a whistling noise while I fought to kill the momentum before I was sent flying. I still was slightly staggered with each connecting fist, and the holes in the ground beneath our feet are proof of hard we are hitting eachother.

Truly my magic stero- I mean, muscle repair magic is working well if I am able to compete with a human blessed with supernatural strength and speed. But this is a problem, I'm losing ground.

Breaking the flurry of blows with a swipe of my tail to take her off guard I buy myself a few meters.

"GODS DAMMNIT. GO DOWN YOU OVERGROWN LIZARD, I TRIED SO HARD TO get STRONGER AND YOU CAN STILL KEEP UP. YOU ARE A BITCH." Anna's rage might have overcome her for a second there. A small sweat drop, streaks down my forehead as she shifts to her beast form in record time. Like the blink of an eye quick. She really has been trying hard huh.

Her hunting trips might have put her more in touch with this side of herself? Thoughts for later.

I feel like the raging werewolf takes priority.

As she performs the classic overhead, double handed swipe down while leaping towards me I giggle.

How can I not? This is nuts. I'm fighting a badass werewolf barehanded.

She shifted so she's stronger and faster than me now, I guess it's time for magic. Nothing too crazy let's try to supercharge my body with lightning magic for speed and use Ebony flesh. Okay maybe a little crazy, but I'm part dragon, I'm basically a magical being what could go wrong.

The familiar white light covered my body from my right hand. Then, purple lighting formed in my left palm only to shoot up my arm and change by blue veins to a light purple tone as they coursed with energy.

Suddenly, time seemed to slow, Anna was now moving like she was in a pool of water. Still decently quick but completely manageable. Side stepping the blow that would probably maim me I struck forward at her ribs. My blow connected the hardness of the ebony and speed from my lightning turned a normal jab into a swing from a great hammer.

Sending the poor wolf flying into the trees. Oof maybe too much? Nah she has a bs regeneration factor that I can't make heads or tails of.

That's when my magicka ran out. Oh, so it's a high cost? That makes sense it's the first time I tried it after all.

Turning back to the house I took two step before hearing paw pads hit the ground behind me. Shit.

Anna's claws raked across my back, the Ebony flesh halted it from going too deep but damn girl, to think one of my companions would give me one of my first bad ass scars.

"HAHAHA HELL YEAH PUP" I roar as I twist to dodge her second swipe. Leaping up into the air above her I deliver a superman like punch from above her head.

Her arms crossed in front of her head, effectively nullifying my blow. She grabbed my wrist in a smooth transition from defense to attack whipping me in the air straight towards the ground face first.

Fucking brilliant control over your wolf there pup.

Ahhh, I messed up and now I'm gonna hit dirt. That's my fault I got too excited. Brace for impact my beautiful mug.

Oh!!!!! I have a tail.

Right before I hit the ground I wrap it around her forearm performing my best aerial alligator death roll. Leading both of us to both of our feet being well a decent height from the ground.

Both of our asses hit the ground at the same time.

"Hahah what even was that?!" a spar, that was more like a durability and strength check. Anna certainly has gotten stronger. My chuckles made the wolf stop whatever she was doing and walk over.

A growl next to my head made me look at the she-wolf.

"Sure, sure you win. I'm not even sure how to really spar against you without using Dragonicka, and I have decided I'll only use that to forge or life and death battles. Well at least till I figure out what the actual fuck it is." A soft smile formed.

"You have gotten a lot more control and lethality Anna. Tearing through a spell like Ebony flesh isn't easy. As far as fighting goes I know you'll be fine, your fighting style is go for the kill no matter what. I would have liked it if you got used to using your hammer though, but maybe I should just make you caestus of some kind." Scratching the wolf's head, I continued my pondering. Anna had plopped down with her head on my chest making it easier.

She's a lot cuddlier in this form. Too bad it only lasts a couple hours.

A couple hours had passed and a now a nude Anna laid curled up next to me with her head on my chest.

I had spent the whole time imagining what gear I could make for her.

Everything should be made to stretch to cover her wolf form without busting and still be able to provide her some kind of function.

The ideas ran through my head like a river making me forget that we had to be up in a few hours to start our next adventure.

I glance down and realize I had a terrifying problem. Anna's naked, I'm in tattered pants, this is not a good look.

"We were wondering when you'd stop thinking about whatever was running through your mind. Plus Anna doesn't sleep even though she says it's more beneficial to meditate I was worried abut her well-being." Alina's voice sounded from the back of Gerdur's place. As I turned my head, I saw the other girls laughing to one another as they walked back into the house.

Alina walked over and draped a bear fur blanket over Anna who stirred at the new feeling. Anna felt the blanket touching her bare skin and immediately shot me a glare.

"You both passed out and nothing happened now, come on. Let's get some sleep. Big day ahead tomorrow. We are finally getting out of this town. It's been starting to give me weird vibes anyways." Lin finished her speech and turned back to the house.

Anna shot to her feet and was hot on her heels, before she stopped and turned to me. "So, I won huh? Don't worry you'll beat me eventually" a shit eating grin spread on her face before she let out a giggle and skipped back inside the house.

Oh, I am going to beat her ass black and blue next time for that one.

A/N: Yeah, it was a slow chapter, but I wanted to character and world build a bit here. Still a 9k chapter though. I actually feel decently about this one. Let me know what you thought! Gn