~Apollyon Pov~

My tail snaked out from behind my back, whipping into the lord's knee, making him stagger forward altering his axe's trajectory. The axe dug into the dirt next to my head, clipping a chunk of flesh from my elf-like ears, but the adrenaline dulled the pain to an astonishing degree… Well maybe not that astonishing considering all I feel from my handless wrist is a burning sensation and a lot less pain than what I would have imagined.

Shit, I'm missing a hand and this guy took a piece of my ear, what a dick.

Hehe but, I am still alive my guy.

With the Draugr now on one knee, I brought one leg up in a vicious kick heading straight for the old boi's dome.

Displaying his prowess in battle yet again he let go of his axe to form a cross guard with both of his arms. Killing the force of my kick enough that he was able to use the rest to spin to his feet.

As a I dragged myself to my feet, I realized I had a great axe next to me, but no angry Draugr.

Looking up I see the man brawling with the leader of the Vigilants yet again. She was looking much better than she had after launching the huge spells, but even with her sword and shield, the unarmed Draugr was pushing her back.

His shout mastery, paired with obvious talent in unarmed combat, was enough to counter everything she could throw at him.

I will find the book that contains your legend big guy.

Imma find an undead master to teach me everything they know. Or at least, farm them and their superior technique till I learn it.

I wonder how the others are doing.

Shifting my attention away for less than a second cause every part of my body to shudder and my instincts reacted for me as I propelled myself backwards.

The leatherhead's fist paused its motion as he chased my fleeing form.

One of Vigilant lady's arm dangled from the elbow down as she dragged herself out from the stone wall, she had found herself embedded in. Her shield arm is out of the question unless she-

A flash of gold from her sword arm and a gross snap later, her shield arm was good to go.

Her magicka pool must be huge or her equipment is boosting the base amount and recovery.

"Wuld nah kest" the gravelly voice whispered as the lord chased me.

Fuck it, all the stops are coming out.

Activating my Dragonicka, and Dragmer's light I focused the light into my missing hand creating a light/fire construct holding a greatsword. My opposite hand pulled one of the great swords from my inventory.

Channeling the rest of my magicka into my full purple lightning cloak, enhancing myself to the upper limit of what I am capable of.

"HAHAHA" a mad grin broke my bloodthirsty one, no logic is needed here.

I don't have time to make a strategy.

No time for deviousness and cunning.

Just me and the man, more than likely the legend, in front of me.

That's why I'm here right? To prove to the goddesses I'm worthy of being their champion?

Who says I can't love every fucking second of it.

"'Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do and die'" the phrase came to me as I met the lord's charge.

My everlasting smile vanished as the utmost focus I could muster took hold of me.

~Alina Pov~

Poly's hurt. Poly's hurt. Poly's hurt. Poly's hurt.

Fuck you! Ripping off an undead's head as I pushed through crowd of bullshit oldies.

Every step I pushed back the ancient warriors.

Every swing of my sword took, limbs, heads, or weapons from my enemies.

Wind blades plagued the magicka casters who sought to summon more goats for me to slaughter.

Meanwhile my eyes kept drifting to the fight above. Ever since I watched Apollyon lose his arm. I have been prepared to launch myself to aid him.

That's what I kept telling myself.

But when the Lord? King? Of the undead was about to finish him off, I was shot out of the air by a spear of light from the Vigilants.

As I spiraled uncontrollably, I screamed in terror as the axe descended only to feel immense relief as Apollyon's tenacity reared its head as he escaped death yet again.

My heartbeat wildly in my chest as I gazed at the 30 odd Draugr left. The Vigilants were down to 3. Holding the stairs while covered in blood and what could easily be fatal wounds.

There was clearly something different about these three mad men though. They had generated a wall of holy light as they held off the undead coming for them with raw determination. The sheer number of undead laid to rest at their feet showed that they were more than competent.

Too bad I don't give a singular shit.

"EVE KILL THOSE HOLY FUCKS WE NEED TO GET TO POLY" my shout no doubt was heard by everyone fighting.

Those three fighting above may be the exception. Their fight while having fewer participants was taking place at a much higher speed than what was occurring down here.

The Draugr had separated into groups at this point. Anna, Ysona and Rihasa were doing their best, but the cat was liability in close quarters combat against the undead. Her biggest weapon, her charm magic had proven useless both on the Vigilants and the undead, leaving her to use her destruction magic and the dagger poly gave her.

Anna was protecting her for most attacks as she faded in and out of existence but the Large Draugr surrounding them met her blows with skillful deflections and counterattacks, turning the fight into one of attrition.

Half-orcs are not to be underestimated I decided as Ysona just took blow after blow on her armor. Sure it protected her from most damage but that had to hurt. Yet she continued on her warpath, hunting those who used magic trying to keep their long range fighters, busy or dead.


That… that's fair.

Apollyon wouldn't have brought us here if it wasn't important though.

Swinging my sword in a cross-slash at the frost Atronach in front of me, I pushed wind magic from my left hand downward propelling myself into the air.

"Fo Krah Diin" a blizzard of ice froze the ground I had been previously standing on as three of the remaining Draugr approached. Each brandished a Warhammer…

These fucking scaleless pieces of shit think they can stop me??

When Poly might be dying?!

Absolutely not.

Activating Dragonicka, three large ice spears formed in the air next to me as I commanded it to fly at the dead men.

Two reacted in time, the third lost his head.

Landing softly I exploded as anger at the thought of not being there if he needs me carried me forward. A wild swing sent the Warhammer towards my ribs, dropping into a slide I slipped under the devastating blow stabbing my sword into the backside of his knee.

Dropping him to his knees.

Using my tail to push me up quicker than he could react, I used the horns from his helmet as handles as I bent his head toward his shoulder blades. Hearing a crack, I wasn't satisfied and gave a vicious twist ripping the undead's head from his shoulders.

A large piece of steel greeted me as I turned to the final enemy of this wave.

Seeing the Warhammer crashing towards my head I did the only thing possible.

Channeling ebony flesh like poly taught me. I focused it in one spot, and slammed my forehead into the undead's blow. In hindsight, not the best move.

The drops of blood pouring from my head told me "you're a fucking idiot" as they dripped past my eyes.

To that I say, well he didn't push me back… and I still have my head so… yeah.

The recoil from my blow had pushed my adversary enough that he had to take several steps to regain his balance. It's like he didn't even realize I was still here, what a pity for him.

Charging a fireball in my freehand, I slammed it into his exposed midriff blowing his spine and internal, dry organs from his body.

I despise the undead. That decision was made for me when I saw Poly missing a fucking arm, so, before the corpse hit the ground I channeled frost magic into my blade. Interacting with the enchantment the whole blade glowed blue as I gripped the blade with both hands for a back hand swing.

Gritting my teeth, I swung as hard as I could unleashing my magicka in the process.

I had envisioned a explosive frost tearing through the remaining undead blocking the stairs, not the veritable catastrophe I wrought on the dry bitches.

My ice spell had somehow taken a turn with the introduction of the wind spells I normally use.

Similar to a blizzard spell, my spiraling winds were like blades carving corpses and rock as it went. The unrelenting ice turned into what could only be considered a cone of something similar to frost wall, impaling limbs as the winds ripped them apart.

Feeling drained, I staggered until the sound of glass breaking occurred. Eve stood panting burn marks and cuts marred her silver armor. As our eyes made contact, a feral grin I had never seen before splitting her face as she raised her trophies toward me.

The heads of the last three Vigilants swung from her outstretched hand by their hair. Each one's face contorted with pain. Their bodies were all cut in the chinks of their armor, more than likely rendering their limbs useless.

How she had managed to slip into their barrier is beyond me.

The important thing is I can help Poly.

Staggered steps carry me through the icy graveyard as I march up the steps. Incapacitated Draugr flail madly trying to reach me but the lack limbs stop them from doing anything truly threatening.

I knew my magic was strong, but this is… unprecedented. Apollyon is changing my world view and the very world along with it, if something like this is possible.

Not that anyone can learn from him like I can. Especially no one in this group. I'm his best gi-… student after all.


The purple-black wolf bound up behind me crunching the remains of the Draugr left behind. Ysona ran as well catching up to us as we reached the large platform at the top of the cavern. The sight before us looked like a natural disaster had torn through the cave.

Chunks of the deep black stone revealed how fierce each blow. Seeing sparks and blood flying with the Draugr voice sounding randomly as the three traded blows.

"I hate to admit I doubt I could injure the Draugr, but that vigilant woman. I more than likely could restrain her movements if she was to be weakened enough." Eve analyzed the situation as the fighting progressed.

"Her neck is exposed without her helm; I might be able to kill her. That leaves Anna and you to help him. I have no clue how you could though." The half orc's hands could be heard tightening around her axes as her anger at the situation no doubt takes root in her mind.

We've… been in this situation before. Is this how it's going to be every time? Unsure if we can help save the man, we all follow as he battles legends come alive?

"I realize this is selfish of me but stay out of this. I refuse to wait around." Copying Poly's lightning cloak to the best of my abilities, and feeling all my senses heighten I sped towards the leader of the Vigilants who was conjuring a large spell above her head yet again.

My face held nothing but determination to not be left behind again. To battle the whole world with him if I must.

I belong at his side, not his back. We will fight the impossible together.

~Apollyon Pov~

The sound of crackling ice and fierce winds filled the cave but my mind was like an iron trap. Filtering all the irrelevant stimuli out of my brain as I combatted the old king.

My attacks landed glancing blows at best and did nothing at worst. Yet I persisted.

His every move seemed like he had practiced combatting someone with my skill set. Parrying the swings of my weapons with startling ease. The dragon-like spirit armor surrounding him fended my dragmer light off. Shouts countering my magic and that's not to mention the Vigilant who had started throwing hands at both of us again.

The temporary truce to fight the big bad obviously didn't last long.

But I kept my focus on the two figures in front of me. If I lost focus for a second time, I'd lose more than my hand.

It might as well be a choreographed dance as we each sent attacks towards the other two. No one yielding an inch, I had no idea how the bad ass woman next to me countered our higher speed. But she did while moving slower. She seemed to predict where we would attack and react accordingly.

A swing from the draugr's axe towards me freed the female templar from our three-way brawl as she leapt back building distance. Swinging my flame constructs in an upwards swing it tilted the axe off course allowing me to lean out of the way.

In doing so my eyes caught the giant ball of fire forming in her hands.

That shit will hit both of us if that happens… I'm immune to fire…

Fuck it.

The Draugr turned to look at the flames building.


Launching forward I brought my swords back ready to unleash two full-powered backhanded swings in a cross at my foe.

His battle instincts kicked in as he brought his weapon up to block the blows.

"DAMMNIT" engaged in yet another contest of strength, my face finally changed from its focused state.

"You fell for it." My grin would put the evilest light to shame, as my tail fired off a barrage of fireballs at point blank, blasting off the Draugr dickhead towards the same wall he had smashed me into.

The bright glow of the room was snuffed out as the templar was sent sprawling in the opposite direction I sent the Draugr.

Enter player 2 huh? my smile turned soft.

"Took you long enough, I needed a hand a bit ago ya know?" waving my glowy boy hand while gazing at the female dragon covered in blood and that murderous look in her eye made it all the better.

"Well if someone wasn't so weak they wouldn't need any aid..." that hurt a bit Lin.

The crackling green lightning surrounding her made me a bit miffed at how she copied me, but if it helped her that's fine.

She made her way to my side in a blur.

" You're not fighting alone in this situation you dickhead." Despite the slight prickle of pride showing it's head, I giggled and then sighed.

"Glad to have you. Now let's show them our Dragmer pride eh?" rolling my left shoulder in windmill motion I raise my fist as I walk towards the Draugr lord ripping himself from the wall.

Lin meets my fist with her own, "Last one to finish is a wyrm." Her eyes turned cold as she slashed a golden spear from the air with her own weapon.

"Round 3.. or maybe 4 eh big guy? Let's give it all we got."

Insert doom music here.

"FUS RO DAH" this cheating bitch.

Pushing my legs as hard as I could, I launched myself to the side before exploding in the dead man's direction. His blows were heavy but as were mine.

As our weapons clashed sparks flew and I felt fucking alive.

Every swing was a chord struck. Every block, spell, shout, and movement. Was a orchestra of violence that brought meaning into my existence.

Getting stronger became my purpose. The battles fought were steppingstones to reach my potential.

That's all this dead man is, a mile marker at the beginning of my journey.

My blows came heavier and quicker.

Each movement becoming more refined.

Classic anime power up moment right here.

The lord despite on his backfoot never stops his barrage of attacks. Never slowing, refusing to bend or break.

God damn he's so cool.

"Wuld nah kest." Despite his ethereal armor ceasing to fade he sped himself up again, appearing behind me in a blur.

A focused cast of ebony skin on my tail, saved my life as my fifth limb swatted the flat of his axe away from me before It could cleave me in half.

Stomping my left foot I made my magicka compact the surrounding stone into a dense earthen spear. as our dance began again.

Dismissing the firey blade in my missing hand, a familiar green cube like formation of mana formed in it.

Slowly the spear floated above the two of us. My smile resurfacing as I strained my brain to the max. A quick glance at Lin showed that my lil dovah refused to fall despite being covered in hopefully others, but more than likely her own blood.

The leader of the Vigilants stood strong, but there were bruises and small cuts slowly forming across her visage.

Snapping back to my own fight as the Lord thrust the spear like tip of his weapon towards me.

I poured magicka into one of the earth spears, causing my flames to coat its surface. With a flick of the construct's wrist, it smashed into a gap in the draugr's plated right arm right as my blade made contact with his thrust. Smashing the flat of my greatsword into the tip pushing the weapon away from me.

With one shattered and seared off arm, the odds had finally been evened out.

A grin threatened to split my face but I kept my composure. Even with one arm I knew the man in front of me was not to be trifled with.

With his left arm he swung the great axed toward my torso

A slap of my tail pushed to fractured ground at his outstretched left leg, shifting the ground to his right killing the majority of the force behind the blow.

My flaming left-hand shot up and grabbed the axe head itself, "Burn you bitch." My arm turned into a pillar of golden white flame as it melted the axe from the tip of it's head till halfway through the handle.

The image of the ethereal dragon armor had cracked from the sheer heat of the flame. I guess fake dragons aren't heat proof after all.

Molten rock began falling from the ceiling as my attack burned its way through the roof of the cavern.

As my arm fizzled out, I fought to catch my breath as the mummy dropped his weapon before entering an odd boxing stance, ya know... missing most of an arm and all. His dragon armor faded and cracked staggering him cracks in his flesh puppet body began to form.

But, he was not out of the fight just yet.

"Wuld" cutting his chant short he moved quickly throwing a fast jab that harnessed his momentum to deal a devasting blow that connected with my chest sending me ba-


Digging into the ground I took the blow and true to the angry voice in my head I stood my ground. Dropping my sword to the ground I spoke.

"I don't know if you can hear my stupid ass, but I haven't gotten my ass beat like this before. Let's have a good old fashioned slug fest okay?" It's the bare minimum of respect I can afford him. My still working right arm shot out as I pushed my body as hard as I could.

One of his horns was torn from his helmet from the force of my blow that made him take a step back. A dark crack had crept out from behind his helmet crossing his nose marring his face and showing that once again, the undead I respected was most definitely a hollow husk of his former self. His eyes gained a bit of shine as he recovered from my blow.

For the first time showing an intelligence that

Waving him on he swung back somehow okay with how things had developed.

A small crack was heard as he connected with my jaw.

"Let's see who drops first. Good luck" spitting out a little bit of blood I carried the fuck on.

~Eve Pov~

This is not the way I was trained to fight.

Fighting to my people, is a dance of fire and wrath. But not this, this is the ballad of an indomitable monster.

One would believe that I am speaking of the Draugr Lord that Apollyon is fighting, but that is not the case.

Every time my newfound teacher, lord, master whatever I am to him, fights, it is a sight to behold. He seems to know so much, and has such a scholarly outlook, until he finds something that makes him true to himself. Something that makes his eyes light up with joy, his soul scream in delight, his very being demands that he conquer, defeat or claim it as his own.

A true dragon indeed.

Faced with an opponent who was more powerful, he gouged out all of his own power and then some to overcome the red lightning Tiefling. Even though he lost his magicka as a result for several days, the mad man grinned the entire time.

This one….

The lord is more experienced, just as strong, cunning and his thu'um mastery and application has cancelled out Apollyon's spells more than any in our group would have thought possible.

He did something that I was completely unprepared for. He took Apollyon's smile from him.

He made him focus harder than ever before. To the point it took everything just to land glancing blows on the Ancient warrior.

So, why is he engaging in this mindless exchange of fists?!?

He outmanuvered someone more skilled than himself. He evened the impossible odds. HE BATTERED A GODS BE DAMNED LEGEND!!

Clenching my hands till my knuckles turned white, I held my breath. My mind turned faster than a river flows, trying to understand his thoughts.

Why would he-

"It's a matter of respect." As if reading my own mind, the half-orc spoke.

"Poly has acknowledged that undead in front of him. He believes that it is worthy of his respect as a warrior. I believe that the old warrior's soul is fading from the strain of such a battle. His soul that has been trapped for ages was forced to fight someone like Poly, and even though he was but a shade of his former self he was able to fight him so expertly and Poly most likely realized that had the warrior been alive, the outcome would have been shit."

Her eyes never left the fight in front of us, taking in each blow with rapt attention.


For what seemed like the dozenth time today, the whole cave trembled as a mighty gale ravaged the cavern.

The source sat panting on the ground, her blood staining the stone around her, as her enemy was embedded into the rock. Her head hanging limply showcasing the fact Alina had triumphed.

Her sword fractured halfway through the blade as it fell apart on the ground beside her.


That was… unexpected. Well, from her.

A howl in approval from a certain misguided pup was the only answer she got however as the cracks of flesh hitting flesh sounded throughout the cave.





Finally… *poof*

The sound of dust hitting the floor broke the repetitive violence.

Metal crashed to the stone floor, as the wearer of the armor disintegrated within. The draugr's soul could continue to power it's earthly vessel no more.

Blood dripped from his broken nose and torn cheek as a roar of victory escaped his bruised lips.

Apollyon, a dragmer of unknown origins, along with his companions, had repelled a Daedric invasion and now, bested the lord of Bleak falls Barrow.

As he stood over the corpse of his enemy we all gravitated towards him while trying not to disturb his silent contemplation.

A shooting star in the shape of a female dragmer latched onto the brooding man while screaming "POLY!! Did you see me beat that holy bitch?? I WON! You won. We all won!"

Well… some of us were trying to let him think.

Rihasa had passed out against the wall of the stairs leading to this upper platform. Despite her brave demeanor towards the end of this battle, she had to exceed her limits from start to finish.

We all had to fight hard, but she was nowhere near ready for this kind of fight. Poor kitten.

Now that it comes to mind, none of us were ready. The information Apollyon had was not in the least bit accurate.

We at least knew vaguely what to expect but these Vigilants were a completely unknown factor that were both helpful and harmful.

Without them we may very well have died to the sleeping hordes of Draugr, they also fought against us the whole way without any hesitation. That is not normal behavior for lovers of justice.

While my brain tried to analyze everything that had taken place today the two dragmer giggled and laughed with one another still battle drunk.

Anna and Ri had snuggled together and fallen asleep, while Ysona began scavenging the dead and creating piles of useful items and gear for the group.

I best help… maybe if I do my teacher will smile and pat my head as he is with Alina.

Laughing to myself at the thought of being coddled like a child and how it could possibly bring one joy…

My speed doubled at the thought as I raced around the new grave of over 150 bodies.

~Apollyon Pov~

My little dova retold the entire battle and frankly I had been impressed until I was straight up flabbergasted by her description of her last spell.


She was all like 'well, I thought about making a giant blast of wind, so I condensed my magic like you taught me. After that I spun it around to build speed and keeping it all focused in one spot like that was the hardest part. So I used to tip of my sword as the focal point and then with I had an opening I let it rip and it sent the bitch spiralling into the wall'

I mean the fuck?

I know I am a broken existence, and she is supposed to be as well, but c'mon. That's crazy, and she's only going to get stronger once she starts I don't know, ABSORBING FUCKING DRAGON SOULS?!?!

The world may be revamped to it's true potential now that it wasn't limited to video game logic, but I almost got killed in the starting area…. What like three times now?

After several minutes of recovery I wandered the group healing everyone from their injuries. Making sure to use my steroid spell as I did so that way I could get true gains from this fight a well.

Maximize every single second… and all that.

Today just proves that to have the kind of severe repercussions like losing my magic is only after hours after hours of abusing racial abilities.

True I abused the shit out of most of them in this fight but, not nearly to the level that I had gone through fighting off the Tieflings. I mean forging all magicka infused items all day on top of activating Dragonicka every sixty seconds for around 12 hours? That's like 720 times I activated it.

Each time made me brain more and more foggy… how did I pull off the gear I did?

How did I fight at the level I did after sleeping for a few hours?

Fuck it, call it divine intervention.

" I really am lucky, the holy bitch ran out of magicka or something her eyes even changed color. I think she realized she was fucked after I elbowed her in the head she tried to surrender but I blasted her for hurting you and me… mostly me." the deliberation her face was cute as the shrug that came with the realization she's kinda bonkers.

Alina started storing the gear she could fit into her space as she wandered through the corpses.

Staring at my missing hand I was surprised for a second that no one had really commented on it. I can probably rebuild it with magicka but I already killed the nerves, and stopped the bleeding.

Rebuilding the entire hand will take time that I would rather not spend right now when we could get the fuck out of here and sleep in a warm bed soon.

Taking out dried jerky from my inventory I chuckled as the group finished looting the booty.

Tearing a bite, I marched toward a very familiar chest. "Hello there beautiful…" whispering as I ran my hand over the lid I suddenly punched the shit out of it.

A curious pup was all that seemed to notice my aggression to the inanimate object as she just stared at me.

Can never be sure when a chest is a chest… or a mimic. Sue me I don't know what wild stuff the goddesses decided needed to be here from my memories. Swirling my magicka in my hand I pushed water into the lock and froze it immediately after creating a key.

Listen lockpicking might be my bread and butter in the game but in real life? It's way more difficult than spinning a toothpick and a hook around the keyhole and hoping for the best.

The lid sprung open revealing the tablet we came here for, what must have been hundreds of gold coins, and some random trinkets radiating magicka.

Fuck it, the chest is mine.

Dumping the whole thing in my inventory

"Argh…. I tried to surrender you animal!" an unfamiliar voice hollered from the whole in the wall.


Today is still fucking going huh? Feels like at least 6 weeks have past since we got here…

Wait she spoke?