Fire Breather

Don't let them get away, said Philippe to Alguran. Neandrin and Philippe stood in front of Xeltar and Tektron. You cannot kill me! said Xeltar and pounced on Neandrin, as Philippe took on Xeltar. The fight erupted the whole palace and its surroundings, as Alguran chased down the thief's. The thief's were lightening quick and it was a tough race for Alguran to run. He calle dout for the Alguran Oak and the large bird flew hovered above him in a second. What is that? asked the thieves as they ran for their lives. The bird swooped down and picked him up and they hovered on top of the Fleeing thieves. " Run faster!" said the leader of the crew. They picked up their pace but the Oak was too fast for them. It did not have to try hard to keep up with them, while Alguran was waiting for the right time to strike.

Now! he said to the Oak, as the Bird swopped down and flew alongside the thieves. Alguran swung his axe and chopped of a few heads. The thieves were scared to death now and pulled their lungs as fast as they could. "They picked up their pace and grew distant form the Oak and Alguran. Alguran and the bird swooped up higher amidse the clouds and hid itself. " Where are they?" the leader shouted to his crew as they kept running. "There, beyond the mountians" we shall hide, he said to the remaining of the crew. As they were nearing closer to the mountain, the Oak made itself visible. This time hovering a few meters above the running crew. Now! said Alguran, this time to himself and jumped up from the sky and landed on the thieves. With his axe he chopped of a couple of heads as he fell down from the sky. Only the leader remained. To Alguran's surprise, the leader begged for his life. Spare me! he pleaded. Alguran did not delve for a bit. He went and chopped the mans head from the body. " I did not hear you?" he said to the head." What was it you said?" he told the head, and walked away laughing.

By the palace...

Xeltar and Tektron were proving to be a tough fight for Philippe and Neandrin. And everytime Neandrin jumped in o the ground, Xeltar grabbed Tektron and flew into the air. Philippe lunged and brought them down a couple of times, but every time they kept flying higher. Neandrin and Philippe watched on the ground as Xeltar taunted them." launch me" said Philippe. Neandrin swung him at them and Xeltar and Tektron could not move fast and were struck by the flying Philippe. He caught them by the head and put it around his shoulders and reached for the gorund.

Thud!!! He smashed their heads into the ground and pinned them in. Neandrin looked above and the dragon flew above him. It circled around them and landed on the ground. It spewed fire by the side. Philippe let go of them. Xeltar and Tektron stood there scared for their lives. Archimedes who sat on to of it, climbed down and stood by the fire breather. You again? he asked Xeltar. Xeltar stood there still, without speaking anything. Tektron was amused as he did not know that Xeltar had already met the rider of the fire breather. Alguran retuned by then. "Are they dead?" Philippe asked him. Alguran nodded and tossed the diamond over to him. Put them behind bars! said Archimedes. They could escape! said Philippe. " We ought to kill them right here and now!" he said. No, they should be out to trial and if they try to escape they will be met in the air, replied Archimedes. What if you are not there? asked Philippe. Not by me, said Archimedes.

"Boom!" there was a supersonic landing by the Brok. The tremors caused everyone to wobble. By him! said Archimedes. Tektron looked at Xeltar suggesting that they have underestimated the enemy, and Xeltar looked at Tektron diappointed that he too took the bait along with him. "I will tear them into pieces" said Brok. If they try to escape! he raised his voice.

So be it, said Philippe!