
Here brother, said Blothir to Aramir. Do not open your eyes, just have a piece of it, he said and gave the dwarf the invisible potion. Aramir without any hesitation took it in his hands and gulped it down. Just give it about a minute or so and you would be invisible, he said to the dwarf. The Hylin's ears were sharp and heard some whispers down by the tree where they were hidden, the two dwarves. An arrow darted towards them and Blothir looked up to see the Hylin jump from one tree to another, approaching them. Run brother, he said and follow my footsteps. So Blothir ran and Aramir at first could not hear the footsteps and slowly he was able to hear the footsteps. A minute had passed and he opened his eyes. He could hear the footsteps clearly but he could not see Blothir. Brother, he whispered. Quiet, replied Blothir as an arrow flung towards them. The HYlin was hot on their tracks but could not see them. Blothir turned back and was relieved to see that Aramir was invisible too.

Blothir kept his fingers on his mouth. Aramir fell silent. The two dwarves looked up at the trees, as the Hylin searched for them. She prowled and peered the forests around her and even the slightest noise could put them in perilous danger. Aramir and Blothir had their eyes firmly locked on her. She knew it was a waiting game and so did them. Hours had passed by then. And still not the slightest movement. Only the Hylin jumped from one tree to another trying to scope the area. She fell down many a times too, as she could not see anything at all. Her ears had sharpened by then and could hear the rustling of the trees and leapt with accuracy from one branch to the other. The two dwarves stood down keeping their eyes firmly on her when….

She saw something on the tree, that was shining. It was the vision potion. Blothir saw her eyes focus on it. Run! He shouted to Aramir and the two dwarves set on foot hurriedly. The Hylin ate the vision potion and got her vision back. We need the gun, said Blothir. And the bulb! Exclaimed Aramir. Blothir had thought Aramir had lost his mind by then and spoke nothing. They raced towards the bullets!