The Hylin

The head Hylin fought with a sword rather than an arrow. She was fiercely competing with a fellow Hylin in a sword fight. Her sword was fierce and the stance was sturdy. her mother watched over her, as she was competing. Her sword pierced her opponent and almost wounding her deeply. She withered and shook. She looked at the fallen Hylin with concern and immediately looked up above her to her mother. Her hands shook her to continue the fight. She waited for her opponent to get up and went to fight her again. The fight went on for long and the head hylin was careful enough to not injure her again. Her mother who was watching her sighed and left the scene. "That is enough" she said to her opponent and sat down in the bench by the side. Atop was a huge windowless ceiling that let the moonlight pour inside. She gazed upon the moon and whispered something to it, that none of us shall ever know.

There were footsteps, that were heavy on the ground approaching her. She held her sword with a tight grip and did not turn back. The footsteps were beginning to get closer to her and suddenly her face turned to a smile. Her grip loosened from the sword and she slightly adjusted her head to a more welcoming stance. "Hi dear" said the dwarf. Hi, she said with a smile and looked around to see if there was anyone around. There was no one to be seen and she removed her mask. " You are more beautiful than the moon" gasped the dwarf and she leaned towards her. You are far too kind! she said leaning towards her head against his. Where is your mother? asked Leonadir. Far away from us, replied Akira. Why not always keep it this way? asked Leonadir. You mean run away with you? she chuckled. Yes, he said in all earnestness. Where? she chuckled again and leaned against his shoulders. "Far away from here, closer to the moon!" he whispered.

Akira, said a voice. Hurry! she said to her lover. "Do I have to go? asked Leonadir who was clearly smitten by her. If you do not go now, my mother would see the end of you, she said in a stern yet tender voice. Okay! said Leonadir as he kissed her on the cheek and left hurriedly. Her mother came and sat beside her. " Where you with company?" she asked her. No mother, she replied in all seriousness. Just me and the moon. Her mother did not make much of it. One day you will take over from me, she said to her. Yes mother, she said. But I do hope the day is far away from now, you are not ready, she said to her daughter. Her daughter fell silent and looked at the moon again, much like a child would. And what worries me greatly is," That you may never be ready" her mother said. " I do not want to be" she whispered under her nose, Akira!