The Dwarves of Plithir

The dwarves all were together in the caves, the town folk with the cavern dwarves. There were hisses and hurls thrown by the cavern dwarves on to the town dwarves. Vlohrir was there among them, with the crowd as he entered the caves and the people found a place for them to sit down in. The flames were being put up by the cavern dwarves. Foe these people we sacrifice everything now, they talked to themselves. Some of the elders were staring at Vlohrir. Vlohrir did not make much of it. He continued to walk in front. " I do not trust those eyes" spoke an elder. They hissed at Vlohrir continuously. He became aware that he was not welcome here, Vlohrir. But nonetheless, he did not deter away from his path. He walked with the crowd and tried to hide himself between them. He looked at the eyes of the cavern dwarves, when he could get a chance. They were blue in color and shone like the flames of the fire. Their grit and perseverance was shown to him in an instant. He veered away from those eyes.

Get up, get up, said Seronn to Thronir. His eyes opened and looked directly at Seronn. They were hovering across the galaxy at their will. Come with me, he said to Thronir. Thronir got up and walked up to Seronn as he was looking outside the glass into the deep space. Thronir was seeing the galaxy at its true majesty for the first time. There was light everywhere, there were planets everywhere and some shone brightly. There, pointed Seronn at Andora. " In that planet lies my greatest enemy" he said to him. Thronir looked at Andora and sensed that there was light. He was excited for some time. Do not get the wrong idea, he said to him, Seronn. " You belong in the darkness" like the rest of your people. I was not thinking anything wise, said Thronir. Good! saod Seronn. I want to defeat him, but I will need your help, said Seronn. How can I help? asked Thronir. I will tell you in due time, replied Seronn.

Thronir watched the deep space, as Seronn left the deck. Some say doing harm is easy, some say doing good is hard. He saw the endless expanse of the universe, that seemed to never end. No ordinary power can do this. Create such a thing. No man can conceive such an idea, and there are people doubting the existence of a higher being. He saw Seronn, and he knew that he was a firm believer in a higher power. He believed in the devil, but nonetheless a higher power. I pale in comparison to that man, thought Thronir. I believe in an ideal, that is it. An ideal governs my life. he laughed at his own foolishness. He then looked at the planet Andora, there must be a man who believes in god there!

Archimedes distributed funds to the most poor people in the kingdom. He was also going through a lot of welfare projects that were to be implemented. No man should go hungry! he said to the minister there. No man should sleep under the stars, he said to the minister. The minister nodded and went ahead to implement what was said. Archimedes closed his eyes for a second and prayed to a god, that only he knows.