Dare to Bet Again?

"As we all know, each profession has a pioneer. Who do you think our fishing pioneer is?"

That question stumped the group of old men around.

But very quickly, someone regained their senses.

"I know. If we're talking about the Grandmaster of Fishing, isn't it the famous duke from the 12th century?"

"That's right." Ye Chen nodded deeply and said slowly, "The pioneer of our fishing world is naturally him. I'll burn incense sticks and send paper money to him so that he can bless my fishing rod. Even a demon wouldn't dare to approach me, let alone a ghost."

He continued, "The grandmaster didn't even need bait to catch fish. If I get his blessing, wouldn't I be on a roll?"

The old men who were still hesitating before suddenly came to a realization after hearing that.

Indeed, what was there to be afraid of when Mr. Ye had directly summoned the grandmaster's protection?

They decided to continued fishing.

But at the end of the day, it was owing to the old men's addiction to fishing that they decided to continue. Otherwise, why would they be called fishing pros?

Normally, only fellow fishermen could relate to such passion, and Ye Chen's words earlier were just an excuse for those old men to stay.

Very quickly, the river bank of Jiang City became quiet again.

As for Ye Chen, he took out glutinous rice from his pocket and made a bait container with it.

In fact, Ye Chen didn't know any so-called magic arts. He believed that his bad luck with fishing had to do with metaphysics, such as geomancy.

Therefore, Ye Chen thought of blessing his fishing rod and then cast a simple spell to change his luck.

After he caught a rotten fish just now, the system gave him some experience points, although they weren't sufficient for leveling up.

Nevertheless, it had given Ye Chen the achievement of "Rotten Fish's Direct Bite", which gave him the ability to expel evil spirits.

In other words, he could help boost others' luck.

It could turn bad into good.

However, there was a limit to this ability. It could only be used once a day, and Ye Chen had used that ability when he cast the spell earlier.

Though, Ye Chen was more concerned about the system's fishing prediction than the ability limit.

"Fish for another 1 hour and 5 minutes to get a reward."

Weight: 74 kilograms

Value: 200,000

Although the system did not pinpoint what Ye Chen would get, it was worth 200,000 and bound to be a rare giant.

Ye Chen might even break the fishing record with the catch.

Thinking that, Ye Chen used the glutinous rice to make a bait container.

He then unhurriedly set up the 7.2-meter-long fishing rod.

In an instant, Ye Chen's live stream had gained a lot of popularity and the comments section was refreshing quickly.

"Mr. Ye, you'd better use less bait to build the bait container. That big bag of glutinous rice is probably enough for a family of three to eat for a year."

"Mr. Ye, with what you're doing, the river is probably going to flood!"

"I think Mr. Ye is no longer the Skunked King. After all, he just caught a fish."

"Is that considered a fish? It was clearly a rotten fish, okay? Mr. Ye still hasn't been able to catch a live fish."

"Didn't Mr. Ye Chen bless his fishing rod this time? I'm sure Mr. Ye will be on a roll soon enough."

"This is a lot of effort put in. He actually blessed his own fishing rod. I believe that Mr. Ye will definitely be able to defeat that Angry Iron Hand!"

"Streamer, did you forget about your bet with Angry Iron Hand? "


It was only when Ye Chen saw the comments section on his phone that he remembered the bet he had with Mr. Liao.

After making the new bait with the rooster blood, Ye Chen turned to Mr. Liao and said, "Mr. Liao."

Mr. Liao rolled his eyes at Ye Chen and made a "shush" gesture. He whispered, "Keep your voice down. Don't scare my fish away."

When Ye Chen heard that, he almost laughed out loud. That d*rn old man was still putting on airs!

"Mr. Liao, don't change the subject. What about the bet between us?"

Mr. Liao's expression changed when Ye Chen asked him directly.

"Is what you caught considered a fish? I'm talking about a live fish, a fish that's alive and kicking!"

Ye Chen scratched his head. Then, he took out a plastic bag and wrapped the rotten fish that he had just caught.

With a thud sound, the rotten fish was thrown to Mr. Liao's feet.

"Mr. Liao, you can't go back on your word. Take a good look yourself."

"F*ck!" Mr. Liao lowered his head and looked at the rotten fish. He could not help but have goosebumps all over.

At the moment, there was still some time before the giant creature would take the bait, so Ye Chen began to chat with Mr. Liao unhurriedly.

He calculated with both hands and smiled at Mr. Liao mysteriously, "Mr. Liao, I've calculated it with my fingers. This fish is abundant with evil energy. A magic arts priest like me can barely handle it, but with you..."

Hearing that, Mr. Liao immediately shivered and was about to throw the unlucky fish back.

Ye Chen saw through him and said, "Don't touch it. If you touch it, the evil aura will enter your body, and you'll be seriously ill! Mr. Liao, your face looks pretty dark."

Mr. Liao was on the verge of tears when he heard that. "F*ck! Mr. Ye, I beg you, subdue this evil being! I'll admit my loss to you. Will that do?"

"Tsk, tsk." Ye Chen pursed his lips. Forgiveness comes to those who repent. I'm sure the grandmaster will be very satisfied with your behavior."

After saying that, Ye Chen staggered back and threw the plastic bag containing the rotten fish on the ground where he was.

Just as he was about to ask Mr. Liao to give him his granddaughter's contact information, a system notification appeared in his mind.

Ye Chen thought of a plan, and a sly smile appeared on his face. "Mr. Liao, I know you like my carbon fiber fishing rod. How about this? I'll give you another chance to get it. Dare to bet with me again?"

"Bet on what?" Mr. Liao looked at Ye Chen, puzzled.