A Professional

Moreover, be it in terms of his fishing equipment or explaining basic fishing theories, Ye Chen was extremely professional.

While Ye Chen was like a professional athlete, Liao Xuexue felt like her grandfather was more of a cheerleader.

"I'm probably going to be very busy today..." thought Liao Xuexue.

As time passed, the news of Ye Chen's live stream attracted countless netizens, who then poured into Ye Chen's live stream.

At this moment, most of the viewers in the live stream room were new followers who only knew that Ye Chen had caught a corpse the day before, unlike Ye Chen's old fans who knew about his fishing skills.

After seeing Ye Chen's actions and his words, the viewers were all shocked.

"D*mn, this streamer talks like a professional fishing athlete."

"Yeah, I feel that what he said was quite professional. It's really practical!"

"Take notes, take notes. I've already recorded down what the streamer just explained."

"Look at the old man beside him. Compared to the streamer, he looks average.Is this the difference between a professional and an amateur?"

"Streamer, you have to restrain yourself. It's not easy for those old men to fish. Don't outshine them too much!"


Some of Ye Chen's old fans laughed so hard that their stomachs hurt when they saw the contents of the comments section.

After all, Ye Chen had always been unrivaled in theory explanations since he started streaming. All the technical terms he used were fairly on point, but when they were put into practice, Ye Chen could not catch a single living fish.

"That's hilarious. Pfft, haha. Someone actually said that the streamer seems like a professional fishing athlete?"

"Actually, the host is indeed a professional, but he's a professional at getting skunked, also known as Skunked King!"

"I think Mr. Ye should join a fishing fleet. After all, he's guaranteed to catch rotten fish and corpses!"

"300 kilograms? So much bait? You have to be careful when setting up a bait container downstream. Don't accidentally flood the area. Hahaha!"

"I really can't hold in my laughter anymore. Don't these people know that Mr. Ye can't catch any fish?"


Ye Chen did not mind the ridicule of the people in the live stream room.

He began to prepare the bait.

The process of preparing the bait was fairly cumbersome. Ye Chen needed to adjust the bait first, then make the bait, and then set up the bait.

To put it simply, Ye Chen had to prepare the amount of water that he had previously determined appropriate and put the prepared bait into the water. Then, he had to knead the bait into a ball using various techniques.

Different types of bait had different flavors and different effects.

At this time, the live stream viewers and Liao Xuexue were once again amazed.

Ye Chen took out an iron basin with a diameter of half a meter and asked Liao Xuexue to pour a few buckets of water into it.

After that, he took out all kinds of bait of different colors and brands and poured them in.

Liao Xuexue counted on the side and found that Mr. Ye had poured more than 20 bags of bait into the iron basin, and it seemed like he had adjusted each type of bait's amount according to its weight.

Liao Xuexue found that simply too professional.

In the end, the 20-odd bags of bait had turned into a brown, sticky substance under Ye Chen's vigorous stirring.

At this time, one of Ye Chen's fishing buddies reminded him, "Mr. Ye, why aren't you performing the ritual today?"

The main reason Ye Chen had become popular the previous night was the leaked video of him preforming a ritual by the shore.

Many people thought that the ritual that blessed Ye Chen's fishing rod was why Ye Chen was able to catch the corpse.

Liao Xuexue sat quietly at the side and looked at the "fishing expert" with curiosity.

Meanwhile, Ye Chen coughed awkwardly. "Ahem, ahem. What do you mean, ritual...? In any case, I'll be blessing my newly bought fishing gear. I've made up my mind to catch a giant creature today."

When the fishing pros heard Ye Chen's words, they all looked at him.

Ye Chen was holding a brand new fishing rod that he had just bought.

He first lit the incense paper at the side, then lit a few incense sticks.

Holding the incense sticks in his hand, Ye Chen began to walk around in a strange manner.

At the same time, Ye Chen mumbled to himself, "O heavens, bring only the big fish to Seyves Reservoir over. Fish in the water, respond to my will. Today, I will only fish up a heavy creature."

With that, Ye Chen put his hands together and bowed to the water surface with an exaggerated expression. "The auspicious time has arrived. Today is a good day for fishing. Cast the rod and start fishing!"

At the same time, all the fishing pros who had placed an urn by their feet followed Ye Chen's example. They lit the incense paper and incense sticks beside them and prayed to the water surface of the reservoir with a pious expression. "The auspicious time has arrived. Today is a good day for fishing. Cast the rod and start fishing!"


Liao Xuexue was dumbfounded.

Was this the metaphysics involved in fishing that her grandfather talked about?

As a history major, Liao Xuexue admired traditional cultures and practices to some extent.

In the past, things that couldn't be explained by men were called metaphysics until science was popularized.

For a mere fishing pro to actually know such things, he was too professional!

The viewers in the live stream room could not help but admire Ye Chen.

Shortly after, Ye Chen took out his newly blessed fishing rod and began to tie the fishing line while adjusting the fishing float.

While he was busy, Ye Chen didn't forget to shout to the side, "Hey, silly girl, do you know how to make a bait container?"

The pitiful Liao Xuexue rolled her eyes at him and nodded. But the next second, she shook her head.

In the past, if Liao Xuexue was asked if she knew how to make one, she would definitely say that she knew. After all, wasn't it just holding the bait and throwing it into the water in the distance? So, she nodded at first.

However, seeing that Mr. Ye was too professional for her, Liao Xuexue judged that perhaps Mr. Ye's fishing style was different from what she knew about making a bait container. So, she shook her head again.

Seeing that, Ye Chen immediately took out a few large ladles.

Each of them was bigger than Liao Xuexue's palm.

After passing the steel ladles to Liao Xuexue, Ye Chen opened the bags of bait that were specially used for making bait containers and placed them in front of her. "Scoop a ladle and throw the bait out to about 30 meters in front. You just need to throw it once every half a minute. If you're tired, you can take a break."

Ye Chen continued, "In addition. I'm going to catch a big fish today. Do you see the net at the side? When I a big fish bites later, just be on standby to scoop it up with the net. Do you understand?"

Liao Xuexue was just about to reply when she remembered her grandfather's warning not to talk to Ye Chen.