
It was a living fish! Ye Chen could clearly feel that the fish in the water was trying to break free from the hook.

He glanced at the young girl beside him.

The young girl's expression was the same as everyone else's - a look of shock.

However, Ye Chen's sharp senses caught a trace of envy and admiration from the young girl's shocked expression.

Of course, Ye Chen felt like he had a real bite because he was holding onto the fishing rod, but others thought otherwise.

After a brief moment of shock, the fishing pros who were familiar with Ye Chen came to their senses and noticed that something was wrong.

They all shouted, "Mr. Ye, you couldn't possibly have another problem, right?"

"Yeah, you haven't caught a live fish for more than a month. Why would a fish suddenly come to you?"

"Don't tell me he caught another corpse this time?"

"What corpse?" Liao Xuexue wondered, her face turning pale.

She seemed to have heard her roommate mention it that morning that someone went fishing the previous night and caught a corpse.

But soon, Liao Xuexue patted her forehead.

The probability of that happening was even lower than winning the lottery.

If one could catch a corpse so easily, who would dare to go fishing?

"F*ck. Chen, don't waste your energy. Do you really think you'll catch a fish this time?"

Liao Xuexue turned around in surprise and realized that it was her grandfather who had spoken.

"'F*ck'?" thought Liao Xuexue, who didn't expect Mr. Liao to have such a pet phrase.

But very quickly, Liao Xuexue was in a daze again.

Wasn't Ye Chen a professional fishing expert? Why would anyone say that he had not caught any live fish for more than a month?

Meanwhile, some of the old fans in the live stream room began got to typing.

"F*ck, don't get excited so fast, everyone. After all, has Mr. Ye ever caught a fish? Well I guess he did last night - a dead one."

"Can a dead fish be considered a fish? Other than the rotten fish, what other fish has he caught before? Or rather, other than the dead fish last night, what other fish has Mr. Ye caught in his life?"

"I don't think Mr. Ye caught a fish this time. He definitely won't let us down. Take a guess at what he caught this time."

"Maybe it really is a fish this time! Mr. Ye has been fishing for so long. It's about time he caught a live fish!"


Compared to the old fans in the live stream room, the new viewers were all dumbfounded.

Many new viewers were sending comments in the comments section of the live stream room, asking the questions in their hearts.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Isn't it normal for a fishing pro to catch a fish? It's rare to catch a corpse, right?"

Not long after, someone answered them.

"Did you guys see the video from last night? Think about it. Did the streamer catch any live fish that night? You new fans are too naive. It's normal for other fishing pros to catch fish, but the streamer isn't just a simple fishing pro. He's the Skunked King. It's normal for him not to be able to catch any fish!"


Soon, the new viewers in the live stream room more or less understood the situation. Nevertheless, the viewers in Ye Chen's live stream room were quickly divided into two factions.

One group was made up of the new viewers in the live stream room. They thought that regardless of the streamer's past fishing records, it was about time he caught a live fish.

The other group of people believed that since Ye Chen was the Skunked King, he would definitely not catch a fish this time. Instead, he would catch something else.

As a result, countless people were even more curious about what Ye Chen would catch.

On the shore, Ye Chen clenched his fishing rod tightly, wearing a confident smile on his face. "To those who say that what I caught isn't a fish, watch how I'm going to make you eat your own words."

Ye Chen continued, "I can clearly feel that what I caught this time is definitely a living thing, and it's definitely a fish. Although it's not very big, it's very strong!"

As soon as Ye Chen's voice fell, a splash appeared on the water surface not far away.

That splash was caused by the thing Ye Chen had caught.

Although the splash was small, it was still noticeable.

As Ye Chen had said, he seemed to have caught a living fish this time.

Ye Chen was not in a hurry to reel in the line. Instead, he smiled at Mr. Liao and said, "Mr. Liao, why don't we have another bet? Let's bet on whether I've caught a live fish this time!"

Mr. Liao glanced at Ye Chen speechlessly, then at his granddaughter who was standing next to him with a dumbfounded expression.

He said to Ye Chen fiercely, "Shut your trap!"

Liao Xuexue was a little confused because she could feel that there was a secret between her grandfather and Ye Chen.

Just as Liao Xuexue was in a daze, Ye Chen, who was beside her, suddenly spoke to her. "Silly girl, don't just stand there. Hurry up and get the net. Get ready to catch the fish!"

When Liao Xuexue heard her "employer" speak, she hurriedly put down the steel ladle in her hand and found a large net nearby.

Liao Xuexue at least knew how to bring a fish in with a net.

After all, her grandfather was a fishing pro.

The reason why fishing pros prepared a net when the fish was nearing the shore was because they were worried that the fish would be too big to reel in with a rod, or that the fish would escape.

Not long after, Liao Xuexue came to the shore with a net in both hands. She waited for Ye Chen to reel in the line so that she could catch the fish.

Mr. Liao found the scene extremely familiar.

"F*ck!" Recalling the previous night's events, Mr. Liao mused, "Last night, didn't I catch fish for Ye Chen with a net and almost wet my pants?"

Mr. Liao was about to stop his granddaughter, but it was too late.

As Ye Chen gave the rod a pull, Mr. Liao's adorable granddaughter seized the opportunity and fished the "fish" out of the water.

When Liao Xuexue saw what was in the net, the poor little girl threw it to the side.

Soon after, an ear-piercing shriek reverberated throughout Seyves Reservoir.

It was not a rotten fish or a corpse that was in the net Liao Xuexue had thrown on the shore.

It was indeed a living thing. However, it was a water snake.

Its entire body was a frightening dark green color. Although the water snake was coiled up in the net, judging from its size, it was at least three meters long!

Liao Xuexue was a girl and had been afraid of such creatures since she was young. Moreover, she had caught the water snake herself.