Insane! Ridiculous! Raising the Bid by 100 Million! Luo Feng Makes a Killing! (3)

Qin Rubing's words had lit a fire in the tycoons' hearts.

"I bid 67 million!" Zheng Bolin was the first among his peers to make a move. Since none of the experts present had refuted the young lady's words, it meant that what she spoke was the truth.

No wonder the museums are this excited.

"The Guangdi Museum offers 70 million! I don't care who or how much they offer, we're willing to bid 5 million more than them!"

Good heavens.

The moment the representative spoke those words, everyone fell silent.

They knew what those words imply.

Now that the Shanghai Museum was out of funds, the Guangdi Museum was the richest organization.

Moreover, from the tone and the way he had worded it, it was clear that whoever bade higher than them would be going against the Guangdi Museum.