Generators! Oil! Coal! What Is This Place? (3)

Each warehouse contained tons and tons of fossil fuels. It had left Luo Feng speechless.

As he stood high up at a vantage point, Luo Feng surveyed his surroundings. The dozen or so underground warehouses he had discovered had occupied a large area.

Of course.

News of Luo Feng's latest discovery had already gone viral on the internet ever since he found the second warehouse.

As usual, Luo Feng had shot up the search rankings and made it onto the trending search again.

Naturally, word regarding the potential discovery of an oil field was the piece of information that attracted the most attention.

Even though article writers were aware that Luo Feng had very well not discovered an oil field, they decided to embellish the details for the sake of attracting more readers.

"Damn, this streamer is rich. He already discovered an ancient tomb, and now he discovers an oil field? "