A Golden-threaded Jade Suit Unearthed! The Identity of the Tomb Owner Revealed! (2)

But now, in a tomb of such grandeur?

With the discovery of such an item in such a location, Gu Santong could not help but suspect that it was genuine!

For instance, if you were at a friend's house and saw that they had a collection of genuine Louis Vuitton bags, and then suddenly spotted one worth a million, you would not assume it was a fake, would you?


[ Jade Seal! Dynasty: Qin Dynasty; Value: ??? ]

Incredible! Its value was impossible to estimate. Was the system malfunctioning today, or was every item discovered simply too precious to appraise?

"May I take a look at the jade seal?" Gu Santong had not dared to touch it since it had first appeared, but he truly wished to examine it closely.

"Of course! Just lay it on a soft cloth and observe it that way," Luo Feng, aware of the seal's value, advised against holding it casually.