Tokyo Museum: 122 Artifacts Exchanged for National Treasures! (3)



"Are you devoid of common sense?"

"Miyuki Kawashima!"

"Do you comprehend that although these artifacts may seem insignificant, they still amount to a total of 122 pieces?"

"Did you propose trading all of them? Do you understand the value of these three swords!?"

"Are we meant to exaggerate the worth of our relics? Do we truly need to gamble so many of our relics in this transaction?"

Hearing such an uninformed comment from this naïve woman, Miyuki Kawashima, her superiors' frustration was palpable.

How could she be so obtuse?

Who was responsible for this ill-conceived ploy?

If a beautiful woman was necessary for the plan, couldn't they have chosen one with some modicum of intellect?

The Japanese superiors were genuinely concerned. With such limited understanding, would this woman manage to find her way back to Japan?

Or worse, was she inadvertently setting herself up to be exploited?