No Genuine Artifacts in the Tokyo Museum?

As the morning sun rose, Luo Feng and his entourage made their way to the museum. Unlike previous occasions, the host, Kawashima Miyuki, was punctual.

Her gaze towards Luo Feng had shifted subtly.

Furthermore, there were no late arrivals from her superiors intending to embarrass Luo Feng and his party. The old ploy was no longer in play.

The anticipation of a successful trade for Luo Feng's katanas still lingered.

"Mr. Luo, could I ask a favor?"

"Go ahead," Luo Feng responded with a nod.

"Could you livestream your visit to our museum?"

The request came from a decision-maker at the Tokyo Museum.

"I realize this might be somewhat unexpected, but we hope to share our historical artifacts with a larger audience!"

Luo Feng studied the man closely. There was more to this request than mere promotion.

Why were they insistent on beginning the livestream at the Oriental exhibition area?