World Wide Web Aghast! A Vast Wealth of Gold and Silver!

Luo Feng swiftly found himself in another room, closely resembling the first. It too harbored dozens of imposing wooden chests.

Without delay, Luo Feng commenced his task, prying open each chest one after another.

Inside, a cascade of glittering gold greeted his gaze.

This spectacle triggered a wave of exhilaration amongst the viewers of his livestream.

Certainly, few sights had the awe-inspiring gravitas of gold. Its radiant hue represented affluence and opulence. Had Luo Feng been revealing chests brimming with blue and white porcelain vases, each valued at hundreds of millions, the visual impact wouldn't have been as profound.

Seeing a bank account balance of 'one billion' was not the same as witnessing a physical pile of cash amounting to a billion.

"Could such an abundance of gold be the outcome of Nara's substantial investment?" A viewer commented, unable to contain their speculation.

Was this a contrived event?