Zhang Sanfeng's Treasure! Poetry Written with a Sword!

Luo Feng turned to leave the cave, but as he did so, the beam of his flashlight circled and flashed momentarily, casting light on something intriguing.

He snapped his attention in that direction.

Ten meters away, could that be a sword?


It was unmistakably a sword.

As Luo Feng approached, the object's features became clearer. Walking closer, he observed that the blade was covered with rust, but its integrity remained intact. Though the hilt bore even more rust, the unmistakable symbol of Taiji adorned it, and seven stars embellished the blade.

[ Ding! A sword from the Yuan Dynasty! Valued at 80 million yuan! ]

My goodness! Luo Feng thought, was it really worth 80 million yuan? Not a mere 8,000?

He was astounded. Could this item truly hold such value? And it was just a sword from the Yuan Dynasty?

"My goodness, it's a sword!" a viewer exclaimed.

"This couldn't be Zhang Sanfeng's sword, could it?" someone asked.