A Little Dizzying

A Little Dizzying

Wang Yun 'er picked up another piece of paper and handed it to Luo Feng." This is a landscape painting that I drew recently. Can you help me take a look?"

Feng Luo took the paper and pondered for a moment. He stared at the delicate and vivid lines and colors on the drawing paper, deeply attracted by the artistic conception contained in it.

"Wang Yun 'er, your drawing is really wonderful!"Luo Feng praised," You drew the natural landscape to life, making people feel as if they could personally experience the tranquility and beauty of the landscape."

Hearing Feng Luo's praise, Wang Yun 'er revealed a gratified smile. Her hard work and talent had been recognized by Luo Feng, which made her feel extremely satisfied.

Yang Zhi took out a very small and old pottery pot and handed it to Luo Feng." This is an antique I found during my recent inspection. It has been buried in the soil for hundreds of years. Can you help me see its true value?"