Don't Tell Me This Grandson Wants To Stab Me In The Back?

'Good lord, you're even better at pretending than me. In terms of acting tough, you're a professional, but it's a little eye-piercing.'

Jiang Hong laughed dryly.

However, this was a little tricky. A disciple with connections was not able to ask for guidance, let alone him who had nothing to offer.

"If only I knew why you chose me to welcome you."

Jiang Hong muttered to himself. Judging from the current situation, it was most likely that this peerless genius had chosen him on a whim. Otherwise, there was no reason for her to choose him.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly glanced ahead.

Jiang Hong silently retreated. Since he couldn't get close, he would go back first. Before he thought of a way to start freeloading, he didn't want to be on bad terms with the Experience Chamber. After all, if the relationship turned sour, it would be even harder for him to freeload in the future.

"Senior Sister Gu, I sincerely want to seek guidance from you, but you continue to reject me time and time again. Are you looking down on me?"

At this moment, something happened ahead.

Shen Xingjian's expression turned ugly.

He had been rejected several times in a row in front of his followers. This made him feel very embarrassed.

He was the son of the vice sect master and the nephew of the sect master. He was not an ordinary disciple. Even if Gu Yiping was the direct disciple of the sect master, she was just an outsider who was not related by blood. After being rejected multiple times, how could he establish his might in front of his followers in the future?

When Gu Yiping heard this, she was stunned for a moment. Then, she almost couldn't help but laugh out loud.

'Look down on you? Are you worthy?'

Although Gu Yiping did not know much about Shen Xingjian, she knew that this man was the only one who surrendered without any resistance when the demons attacked during the trial.

He was a person on the same level as Jiang Hong.

After submitting to the demons, they would burn, kill, and plunder. They would commit all kinds of crimes.

Fortunately, they were in the sect. If they were outside the sect, she would have stabbed this person to death to prevent future troubles.

If not, how could he have the chance to continue standing here?

I'm so unhappy. I really want to stab him to death now.

Gu Yiping clenched her fists tightly. Just as she was considering whether she should trick him out of the sect and stab him to death since he was so persistent, out of the corner of her eye, a figure in black clothes came into view. Her eyes could not help but widen.

Why was Jiang Hong here?

At this time in my previous life, he would have never taken the initiative to come to my place.

Gu Yiping was confused.

However, she quickly adjusted her state of mind and rolled her eyes. A very evil plan to get off to a good start arose in her mind.

She turned and said calmly:

"Junior Brother Shen is talented and intelligent. In the entire Black Heaven Sect, I dare to say that Junior Brother Shen's talent is definitely in the top two."

'Oh, she actually thinks so highly of me…' Shen Xingjian was stunned for a moment before he smiled and straightened his back.

This feeling of being second only to one person and above tens of thousands of people made him very happy.

After all, Gu Yiping was publicly acknowledged as the most talented disciple in the Black Heaven Sect. Even if he was envious, he could not turn over facts.

Everyone had long given up on the first place.

Since the other party thought so highly of him, it could be considered that Shen Xingjian had regained some face.

It seemed like she still knew her position very well. Shen Xingjian smiled secretly and immediately struck while the iron was hot.

"In the entire Black Heaven Sect, only Senior Sister Gu can arouse the feeling of admiration from within me. If we can discuss the Dao together, our cultivation will definitely improve. There's no time to lose. Let's…"

"Therefore, I've decided to guide the disciple with the greatest talent first. Junior Brother Jiang, I have made you wait for a long time. Let's go."

Junior Brother Jiang? Who?!

The group of disciples led by Shen Xingjian were stunned. Their gazes were dull, lost at the sudden turn of events.

Gu Yiping led everyone's gaze to Jiang Hong, who was also stunned, and said softly,

"Junior Brother Jiang, sorry to keep you waiting. Let's go."

Without waiting for Jiang Hong's reply, she walked into her cave abode.

After that, everyone's gaze naturally landed on Jiang Hong who was said to be the most talented disciple.

Jiang Hong's eyebrows twitched imperceptibly as he met everyone's gazes.

'What's going on? When did I suddenly become the most talented disciple?

'Who set me up?'

"Hey, what's going on?"

By the side, the thick-browed Wang Han also stared at Jiang Hong with his big round eyes.

"Didn't you say that she let you go back after seeing you once?"

"Yes." Jiang Hong nodded honestly.

They had indeed only met once.

"Then what is that?"

Wang Han pointed to the cave abode. The door to Gu Yiping's cave abode was wide open. This was obviously left for Jiang Hong.

Once they met, he was invited into the room by a woman.

Other than in those taverns, this was the second time Wang Han had seen this kind of situation.

Jiang Hong pondered for a moment and asked in a serious tone, "Is there a possibility that she was just acting on a whim?"

"Then why didn't she call me?" Wang Han asked.

"Because you're not as handsome as me?"


Although he did not know why, since she had personally invited him in to freeload, as a qualified freeloader, Jiang Hong naturally did not refuse.

Facing everyone's envious and jealous gazes, Jiang Hong walked into Eldest Senior Sister's room.

After letting Jiang Hong in, Gu Yiping even considerately locked the door.


The sound of the door closing was very crisp, but at this moment, it became the only source of sound in this vast land.

This place was terrifyingly silent.

"T-this kid…" Wang Han's mouth twitched. He felt like he was asking for trouble.

Shen Xingjian's face turned greenish-purple. It was extremely ugly.

He clenched his fists by his waist, and the veins on the back of his hands bulged.

He was not a fool. He could naturally tell that Gu Yiping was deliberately fooling him.

Shen Xingjian's gaze was unfriendly as he asked in a low voice,

"Who is that kid? What's his name? Which peak is he from?"

The lackeys beside him panicked and hurriedly asked the people around them.

However, after one round, no one gave an answer.

Jiang Hong spent most of his time in Misty Peak, quietly enhancing his attributes. Even though he had been in the sect for three years, not many people knew him.

"Boss, I just noticed that Wang Han seems to be quite familiar with that kid."

"Wang Han?!"

Hearing this, Shen Xingjian immediately turned around.

However, the person involved had just realized that something was wrong and had long fled.

Shen Xingjian took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I want to know everything about him within two hours."

"Yes, boss."

The lackeys did not dare to stay any longer and immediately began to move.

Shen Xingjian looked at the tightly shut door and snorted coldly. "Number one in terms of talent, right? I'd like to see which peak's disciple can make that b*tch acknowledged him as number one."

After saying this, he left with a livid expression.

On the other side, inside the door.

Gu Yiping watched everything quietly, and the corners of her mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

The plan was a success.

Now, not only did she successfully make Jiang Hong and the vice sect master's son become enemies, but she also successfully cut off one of the Great Demon King's future lackeys. When the conflict between the two of them erupted, she would kill Shen Xingjian, which would then lead the sect to place their suspicions on Jiang Hong.

Moreover, when his identity of a demon spy was exposed, he would experience even more helplessness and despair.

This was simply killing three birds with one stone!

Gu Yiping did not expect things to go so smoothly.

Except for one thing, everything was going the way she expected.

Gu Yiping's eyes slanted slightly as she glanced to her side from the corner of her eye.

Jiang Hong obediently sat cross-legged on the futon, blinking his bright round eyes like a child waiting to be fed, full of curiosity, waiting for her to speak.

At that moment, their eyes met.

Jiang Hong noticed.

"Eldest Senior Sister, what are we going to talk about today?"

His tone was urgent and impatient.

It was as if he was really serious and only came to listen to class.


Gu Yiping did not reply immediately. She frowned and looked away.

But she kept staring at him from the corner of her eye.

…Is this bastard trying to stab me in the back?