Why Is Nothing Happening to Him

"It's my first time cooking so it might not taste good."

But the medicinal effect was first-rate. It would definitely make you soar to the heavens.

Gu Yiping muttered in her heart as she placed the bowl of pigeon soup in front of Jiang Hong.

The fragrant and mellow pigeon soup made one drool just by smelling it.

Therefore, Jiang Hong resolutely decided to take care of this dish first. His good brother could wait until he finished eating.

Jiang Hong held a bowl of soup with both hands and took a sip.

The crisp and pleasant notifications kept ringing in his ears, adding a different charm to the pigeon soup.

[You drank the pigeon soup that Eldest Senior Sister made for you.]


[You ate the dishes Eldest Senior Sister made for you.]


His attribute points were increasing at an alarming rate. At this rate, his physique might be comparable to a Nascent Soul cultivator in a few months.

However, for some reason, the attribute points that were gained by drinking the pigeon soup were relatively higher.

Perhaps this dish was different from the others.

"Eldest Senior Sister, your soup is so delicious. I won't get tired of it even if I drink it every day."

'This way, even if I don't do anything every day, my attribute points will still increase. It feels good to freeload,' Jiang Hong couldn't hide his excitement.

"If Junior Brother Jiang likes it, I can make it for you in the future."

'Of course, the prerequisite is that you have to be alive to drink it.'

Looking at Jiang Hong gulping down the soup, Gu Yiping couldn't help but smile.

Her fair hands could not hide her excitement as she grabbed the hem of her dress that covered her thighs tightly.

'…Drink. Drink more. The more you drink, the happier I will be when you roll around in pain.'

Gu Yiping's face was flushed, and her eyes were red with excitement. Every time Jiang Hong finished drinking a bowl of soup, she would refill his bowl, afraid that he would drink too little.

"Burp, I'm full. We can start now."

Jiang Hong let out a loud burp. Although the attributes points he gained from drinking the pigeon soup was very high, it couldn't stop him from only having one stomach.

Now, he was looking forward to the effect of listening to his senior sister's lecture.

His attributes would definitely be even more enhanced.

"There's no hurry. Let's rest for a while and digest the food."

Gu Yiping smiled as she put away the empty bowl. A vicious glint flashed across the depths of her eyes.

'You still want to listen to the class? Ha, you have to survive first,' Gu Yiping suppressed her excitement.

When Jiang Hong heard this, he felt that it made sense.

While digesting and resting, he also tried to adapt to the rapidly increasing attribute points.

After Gu Yiping cleaned up the tableware, she sat cross-legged on a cushion at the side. She stared at Jiang Hong without moving, afraid that she would miss a second.


Four hours passed by.

"Senior Sister, can we start yet?"

"Just a little longer, just a little longer!"

Gu Yiping's eyes were bloodshot. She placed her hands on the ground and leaned forward. She panted heavily as her chest heaved rapidly.

That anxious image gave Jiang Hong the impression that the other party wanted to skin him alive in the next second.

What was going on? Had he been exposed for freeloading?

Jiang Hong was perplexed.

Gu Yiping was so anxious that her scalp went numb.

What was going on?

What about the unbearable pain?

Where was the scene of him rolling on the bed in pain?

It had been four hours, but why didn't he react at all?

Not only that, but Gu Yiping felt that as time passed, Jiang Hong's cheeks were getting redder and redder, and he looked more and more energetic.

It was as if he had been nourished by some luxurious supplements.

Did she poison him wrongly?

It made no sense.

"Senior Sister, it's getting late. If it's inconvenient for you, why don't we do it next time?"

Jiang Hong looked out of the window with mixed feelings. The sky was already completely dark. If he had known that he would just sit there for the next four hours, he would have gone back long ago. He could have just hoed a field and added more attribute points.

"No! You can't leave!"

Unexpectedly, Gu Yiping's tone suddenly became heavier and she screamed at the top of her lungs.

This action stunned Jiang Hong for a moment.

Gu Yiping realized she had acted too unsightly just now.

"Ah, I—I mean, it's already so late. Why don't you just stay?"

The moment she said this, Gu Yiping regretted it.

Luring the Great Demon King in was no different from inviting a wolf into her home.

However, on second thought, she had to keep an eye on him for the next two days. If he stayed near her, it would be easier for her to keep an eye on him. Furthermore, she had not seen Jiang Hong begging for death yet.

If it was just a delay in the medicinal effect, wouldn't it be a huge loss if she missed it and didn't see it?

However, she did not know if the other party would agree. After all, this was the Great Demon King. She had misspoken twice just now. Based on this Great Demon King's cautious personality, he would definitely be vigilant.

She had to think of a suitable reason.

"Then I'll have to trouble Eldest Senior Sister. Where do I sleep?"

Gu Yiping: …


Forget it. This guy's skin was even thicker than the city wall.

What was wrong with this guy?

It was too different from her previous life.

Could it be that my posture during the reincarnation was wrong?

"…Wait a minute, I'll clean up the room next door for you first."

Gu Yiping forced an awkward but polite smile and got up to go next door.

She had to be alone for a while. In just one day, too many unexpected things had happened. She wanted to calm down a bit.

Otherwise, she was afraid that her mentality would break and kill this grandson.


At the same time.

In a magnificent pavilion on Yunyue Peak.

Shen Xingjian and a group of disciples were drinking in a circle.

"Tsk, I didn't expect him to be the disciple of the Misty Peak's Peak Master. No wonder I've never seen that kid before."

After an entire afternoon of investigation, his lackeys finally found information about Jiang Hong and reported it to Shen Xingjian.

"Get ready. Tomorrow, follow me to meet this so-called number one talent."

Shen Xingjian placed his hands behind his back and looked up arrogantly. He wanted to see how much Gu Yiping's first place was worth.

"Senior Brother Shen, I don't think we should make a move tomorrow." Liu Yuan, who had a high nose bridge and a pockmarked face, walked forward and persuaded loudly.

Shen Xingjian snorted in disdain. "Why not? In terms of cultivation, I'm already at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm, and I can easily forge a Golden Core in a few days. He's only at the early stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm. He can't hurt me at all.

Moreover, in terms of background, heh, he can't even compare to my toes."

There was nothing about Jiang Hong that could be compared to him. What was there to be afraid of?

"Senior Brother Shen, it's true that Jiang Hong can't compare to you, but now is the time when the Sect Master is about to enter seclusion. If this matter reaches the ears of the Sect Master, it might affect your father's position as the acting sect master," Liu Yuan persuaded.

Upon hearing this, Shen Xingjian frowned.

Indeed, this was something he needed to pay attention to.

The Sect Master, Shen Yun, would be in seclusion in the near future to focus on breaking through to the Void Underworld Realm. It was unknown how many years it would take for him to come out of seclusion. And during this period of time, the Black Heaven Sect would definitely need a person who could lead the sect.

Originally, Shen Xingjian's father, who was the Deputy Sect Master, would be one in charge.

But now that Gu Yiping was back, it was hard to say.

If he made a move on Jiang Hong now, although it would be a small matter, it would more or less affect the choice of the acting sect master. It was fine if everything went well, but once he failed, his father would definitely vent his anger on him.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Shen Xingjian gritted his teeth. "Don't tell me you want me to wait until after the Sect Master goes into seclusion."

Shen Xingjian raised his brows. How could he endure such a slight until then?

"Senior Brother Shen, the crux of this matter is that we're not in the right, so we can't act head-on. However, as long as we act in secret and are not discovered, then everything will be fine." Liu Yuan analyzed. "Coincidentally, the sect's trial is about to begin. The trial is filled with danger. There, nothing is impossible. For example, dying in the trial by 'accident'."

"Wonderful." Shen Xingjian pursed his lips and smiled. "Alright, we'll do as you say. I'm really looking forward to the day of the trial more and more."