Why Is There One Less


A big question mark slowly appeared on Jiang Hong's forehead. It was clear now. She was one who had issues, not him.

'What do you mean which stick do I want to be stabbed to death with? Are you serious about this dream?'

"Wait, could this senior sister be a stalker…"

Suddenly, Jiang Hong's eyes lit up. Such thoughts were not groundless. After all, the world was vast and there were all kinds of people.

Coupled with the fact that she had stared at him for the entire night last night, all the signs indicated that there was a possibility that she was a stalker.

The role model and the pride of the sect was actually a stalker. If they did not see it with their own eyes, no one would believe it.


Feeling complicated, Jiang Hong decided to leave this place first.

Tomorrow was the sect trial. After the trial ended, he had to be careful.



The next morning.

Gu Yiping was woken up by a knock on the door.

"Who is it? It's early in the morning."

Yawning, Gu Yiping rubbed her sleepy eyes and slowly got up from the bed, her clothes slipping off her shoulders.

With sleepy eyes, she looked around the familiar room in a daze until her gaze landed on the shoes neatly arranged by the bed.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she was completely awakened.

"When did I fall asleep? Where's Jiang Hong? Where are the demons? What time is it now?"

Gu Yiping looked around anxiously.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The hurried knocking sounded again. Gu Yiping couldn't care less about anything else. She got out of bed and hurriedly opened the door without putting on her shoes.

Standing in front of the door was the Sect Master's Daoist child.

The Daoist child had two buns on his head, and there were two red spots on his childish face. He looked very charming.

When he saw that Gu Yiping had finally come out, he was first delighted, then shocked by her messy outfit.

"Eldest Senior Sister, what happened to you? Are you alright?" The Daoist child asked worriedly.

"What date is today?" Gu Yiping asked anxiously.

"Ah?" The Daoist child was stunned and did not understand what the other party meant.

"What is the date," Gu Yiping asked in a more serious tone and pressed the Daoist child's shoulders tightly.

"Yes, it's the 23rd day of the first lunar month, Year 3200 in the Tianluo Realm."

The Daoist child was shocked and answered honestly.

"23rd." Gu Yiping was stunned. "Does that mean the trial will begin today?"

"Mm, that's right. Because Eldest Senior Sister hasn't arrived for a long time, the Sect Master asked me to come and see you."

Looking at Gu Yiping's increasingly ferocious and pale face, the Daoist child whispered.

"It's actually the trial date… It's already here… I actually slept for an entire day…"

Gu Yiping's eyes and hands dropped weakly. Her face was pale, her pupils dilated, and her face was filled with despair.

This was the first time the Daoist child had seen Eldest Senior Sister like this.

The Daoist child felt uneasy and asked in a low voice,

"Eldest Senior Sister, the Sect Master told me that if you feel unwell, you should rest first and just leave the trial to us."

"The trial. Yes, the trial. What about that man? Has he gone over?"

Gu Yiping came back to her senses and pressed the Daoist child's shoulders again.

'That man? What man?' The Daoist child was stunned and pondered for a moment.

"Senior Sister, there's a man in your room?"

Stunned, the Daoist child subconsciously took a step back.

There was actually a man in the room of the senior sister who was dedicated to pursuing Dao and abstinence. Was the sun rising from the west?

"I mean, hold on. I'll be ready soon."

Noticing the strange look in the Daoist child's eyes, Gu Yiping quickly cleared her throat and explained.

The Daoist child wanted to say something, but Gu Yiping had already closed the door.

In the room.

Gu Yiping leaned against the door and frowned.

She was about to hate herself to death. In her previous life, when she was on the run, it was clearly fine for her to not sleep for seven days and seven nights in a row. Why was it that she could not stay up for a night this time?

Did that man do something?

Speaking of which, did that man do anything while I was asleep?

Gu Yiping's face stiffened and she quickly lowered her head to check.

Her body was basically the same as she remembered, except that her shoes had been taken off.

After confirming that everything was fine, Gu Yiping heaved a sigh of relief.

However, the confusion that followed puzzled her.

It didn't make sense. Regardless of whether he had reincarnated or not, it didn't make sense for him to do nothing when she was there unprepared.

To play hard to get, or did this cunning devil have other plans…

No matter what the reason was, Gu Yiping felt that it was very troublesome.

'Why don't I stab him to death before his strength increases? I can just get rid of all future troubles.' Just as this thought appeared in her mind, Gu Yiping immediately shook her head and stopped it.

"No, I've suffered for too long. Letting him die so easily is too easy for him. Even if I want to kill him in the end, I have to nail him to the wall with two sticks and humiliate him ruthlessly before letting him die."

Gu Yiping clenched her fists tightly and muttered to herself. Since she had already overslept, she could only try to change her strategy.

Fortunately, she was a cautious person and always had a few backup plans.

She had already thought of a solution for this situation.

She came to the side of the bed and opened a compartment. She took out a storage bag and poured out the things inside. A palm-sized Profound Disk with taiji symbols on it lay quietly on her fair palm.

This was her backup plan.


Black Heaven Sect, in the square of the main hall.

Including Jiang Hong, the 24 disciples who had come to participate in the trial had already gathered together, waiting for the elders to speak.

An old man with two chin-length white eyebrows stood up. Then, Elder Bai Mei explained the trial to the disciples participating in the trial.

"The content of this trial is to deal with the bandits entrenched in the Hundred Herbs Mountain. According to your cultivation realm, you will form groups of six and split into four groups to deal with the bandits' various strongholds. The specific groups will be sent to you next.

"Also, this disk can accurately locate your location. At the same time, if you encounter an unsolvable danger, you can use it to call for help. But by using it, it will also announce your failure in the trial.

"Disciples, please consider carefully. Next, the disciple I name will come up to receive it."

"Li Sanlong."

The disciples who heard their names went up to receive it one after another.

As Jiang Hong quietly waited for him to be called over, he also observed his surroundings.

"Strange, why isn't Senior Sister Gu here? I heard through the grapevine that Senior Sister Gu will be the supervisor for this trial."

The man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, who looked haggard as if he had not slept well for a few days, rubbed his chin and muttered.

"Is that so?"

Jiang Hong subconsciously muttered.

"No way, you don't even know?" Wang Han was shocked. "Senior Sister Gu invited you to stay together, but she didn't even tell you about this. That's impossible."

"I told you we're not… forget it."

Jiang Hong waved his hand dismissively.

At this moment, Wang Han came over and whispered,

"By the way, you have to be careful in the upcoming trial. I heard through the grapevine that Shen Xingjian seems to be planning to mess with you in this trial."

"Just how much gossip do you know…" Jiang Hong silently cursed as his gaze fell on Shen Xingjian's location.

Shen Xingjian also looked at him.


He sneered.

At this moment.

"Jiang Hong, you're in the fourth group. Strange, why is there one missing Profound Disk?"