Swallowed by a Huge River Clam

Although we're not good people, you're really a dog… The two lackeys cursed in their hearts, but they still honestly analyzed for their boss.

"He's only in the early stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm. Boss, you're in the late stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm. Your cultivation realm is a few stages higher than his. If you really fight him head-on, he definitely won't be able to compare to you." Lackey Number One analyzed. Then, he changed the topic. "But he has the protection of Eldest Senior Sister. Moreover, all the elders think highly of him now. Even if we're in the right, we can't do anything."

"Also, I heard that he defeated a Golden Core Realm cultivator above his realm… I'm afraid it won't work if we really fight him head-on." Lackey Number Two stammered, not daring to say it out loud.

Mo Mingxuan's expression darkened, and he looked troubled and conflicted. "This is indeed a problem. Although I hate him, as a gentleman, how can I act so rudely? If I really did that, I'll be no different from the gorillas of the Hundred Swords Peak. As the chief disciple of the Flying Crane Peak, I have to maintain my elegance at all times, unless…"

"He made a mistake and was punished by the elders," Lackey Number One replied accurately.

"Yes, just let him make a mistake and be punished by the elders."

Mo Mingxuan closed his fan and looked at Lackey Number One with satisfaction.

Lackey Number One puffed out his chest proudly.

"But the problem is, how do we make him make a mistake?" Lackey Number Two interrupted.

Only a fool would take the initiative to cause trouble, not to mention that Jiang Hong was in the limelight. He would definitely be more careful.

Upon hearing this, Mo Mingxuan's elegant expression froze, and his face was filled with worry.

"Boss, I have a plan," the eyes of Lackey Number One eyes lit up and he said excitedly.

"Tell me about it." Mo Mingxuan nodded elegantly.

Lackey Number one bowed and whispered in his ear,

"As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles. If I remember correctly, before Jiang Hong participated in the trial, he basically stayed in the Misty Peak for the past three years and never went down the mountain."

"That's true."

Mo Mingxuan gently waved the folding fan in his hand and nodded in agreement from time to time.

"But so what?"

"Then he's definitely not familiar with the sect." Lackey Number One chuckled. "There are many forbidden areas in the sect. Without an elder or the sect master's warrant, you can't enter casually. Let's trick him into entering first and then report to an elder. Heh, then won't this matter be settled?"

When Lackey Number Two heard this, he nodded excitedly. "That's right. Why didn't I think of that? When the time comes, the elders won't be able to not protect him even if they want to."

No matter how talented you were, if you broke the rules of the sect, you would definitely be punished. Otherwise, how could the elders convince the masses?

"Ridiculous. How could you do such an inelegant thing like deceiving your fellow disciples? What did I tell you usually?"

Mo Mingxuan scolded his two lackeys.

The two lackeys were stunned and immediately lowered their heads in grievance. Just as they were feeling disappointed…

"If you want to do it, you have to do it elegantly and cleanly. How can you use deception? We are just joking with him. Tell me, how do you lure him?"

Lackey Number One's worry turned into joy. He smiled cunningly and said, "Boss, there's a canyon behind Heaven Ascension Peak with a clear pond there. Why don't we lead him there?"

Mo Mingxuan raised his brows, "Of course I know about the Jade Pool Cave. It has existed since the founding of the sect and is the holy land of the sect. Even the elders are not allowed to enter without the Sect Master's warrant. Wait, you mean that place."

Lackey Number One had a sly look in his eyes. Mo Mingxuan also rubbed his chin and pondered.

"It's the Sect Master's closed-door cultivation period now. If he barges into the sect's forbidden area, even the heavens won't be able to save him. Moreover, I heard that only that specific forbidden area isn't guarded, making it easier for our plan to succeed."

Mo Mingxuan immediately smiled and patted the shoulder of Lackey Number One in satisfaction.

"I didn't expect to have a hidden dragon like you by my side. Alright, let's do this."

Just like that, the evil and cunning plan was finalized. With this plan in mind, Mo Mingxuan felt much better. He didn't even feel tired when he rode his sword back to the mountaintop.

"But he's a disciple of the Misty Peak. If the Peak Master of the Misty Peak finds out about this, I'm afraid…"

A bucket of cold water was poured over their hearts. Mo Mingxuan and Lackey Number One glared at the weak-willed Lackey Number Two.

Lackey Number Two felt wronged, but out of caution, he still had to say,

"Although the Misty Peak's Peak Master has been in seclusion for a long time now, so you probably can't remember clearly, but I still remember that day very clearly. That time was also winter just like now. The Misty Peak's Peak Master had just brought Jiang Hong back not long ago and because Jiang Hong was picked up, he was not welcomed by others. A few Senior Brothers who merely rolled their eyes at him were thrown into the pool by the Peak Master."

"It was still winter at that time. Even a fire can freeze when thrown in the pool. Even now, just thinking about it makes me shiver."

Lackey Number Two rubbed his shoulders. Mo Mingxuan and Little Brother Number One were also affected and couldn't help but shiver.

After hearing what he said, Mo Mingxuan also remembered why Jiang Hong had stayed in the Misty Peak for three years without going out to cultivate. It was because of Ji Xiaoran's protection.

Even the other peak masters who wanted to interfere could only stop in their tracks.

"Are we just going to let him go?"

Mo Mingxuan gritted his teeth anxiously. He did not have his earlier elegance.

Fortunately, the incomparably intelligent lackey said in time,

"Boss, don't worry. I've already asked around before I came. This Misty Peak's Peak Master has already been in seclusion for a year. It's long past the time when she agreed to end her seclusion.

"In my opinion, Her cultivation most likely went berserk. Moreover, we won't expose our identities. We'll just anonymously invite Jiang Hong to the forbidden area and anonymously report it to the Vice Sect Master. At that time, even if the Misty Peak Master wakes up from her seclusion, she definitely won't be able to find out that it's us."

"Hahaha, I'm relieved to hear that."

Mo Mingxuan was overjoyed. He stopped hesitating and started to take action.

"But…" Lackey Number Two raised his hand and stammered.

"Huh?!" Mo Mingxuan glared at him.

"No, nothing." Lackey Number Two quickly shut his mouth and swallowed what he wanted to say.

No matter how uneasy he was, he could only shut his mouth.


The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the ground.

The setting sun was enchanting and blood-red.

Behind the Heaven Ascension Peak, in the valley, a green pond under the evening sun seemed to be made of blood, giving people a sinister chill.

Jiang Hong ended Gu Yiping's lesson and continued to write. He sat there for the entire day, not moving as he stared at Gu Yiping's lesson. He came here with a tired expression.

'I should have thought of it earlier. What preaching and clearing my doubts… That is just impossible. She just craves my looks.'

Jiang Hong had to reconsider whether he should continue to go to Gu Yiping's place for free in the future. Even if he was stared by a beautiful woman for an entire day, it would still make his scalp tingle. Most importantly, his attribute points wouldn't increase by much.

Instead of wasting time like this, he would rather plow the field.

"This must be the place, but where did that person go?"

Jiang Hong stood in front of the blood-colored pool and scratched the back of his head in confusion. He had received a notice that Elder Bai Mei wanted to give him a reward for this trial.

The location was behind the Heaven Ascension Peak. At first, he didn't think much of it. After all, it was behind the main peak and it wasn't an unfamiliar place. Moreover, there was no one guarding this place. It was just a very ordinary back mountain.

But when he saw this scene, he felt that something was wrong.

Was this place really suitable for giving out rewards?

Thinking of this, Jiang Hong looked around.

Suddenly, he heard a sound coming from the bottom of the pool. The sound was very chaotic, as if it was a mixture of many creatures. Was there something growing in the pool at the back mountain of the Heaven Ascension Peak?

Jiang Hong immediately became alert and moved his body nervously.


At this moment, he saw a huge figure rush out.

It was a huge river clam. How huge was it? Enough to swallow him whole.

F*ck, are you from Fukushima? It's fine if it's so big, but why aren't you picky?!

The clam disappeared and Jiang Hong was dragged into the water.

Mo Mingxuan and Lackey Number One, who were watching from afar, were dumbfounded. Their eyes turned into small dots.