From Acquaintances To Best Friends

Ao Yueli's voice sounded like she was about to cry. She was so anxious that she was scratching her ears and cheeks. The tail on her back was also wagging quickly because of her anxiousness.

The old turtle and the young river clam nodded in agreement to her rant.

"What? You said that girls can't be kept when they grow up… I, I, I can't be bothered with the two of you."

Ao Yueli placed her hands on her arms angrily and sat cross-legged. Her two fingers rubbed the hair on her hands.

It might sound unbelievable, but she, Ao Yueli, the sect-protecting divine beast of the Black Heaven Sect, had actually been reborn.

She didn't know how she was reborn, but she didn't want to care about this either. She only knew that this was a new chance given to her by the heavens, allowing her to take revenge on this world-destroying demon who had deceived her feelings and caused her to degenerate into a Demon Dragon in her previous life.

She wished she could return to her original self and slap this big liar under her claws. How could she repeat the mistakes of her previous life?

Unfortunately, she could not do it.

"If it wasn't for this damned identity of being a sect-protecting divine beast, I would not have simped and pretended to be innocent in front of him."

As the sect's divine beast, Ao Yueli might be a Divine Transformation Realm cultivator, and killing Jiang Hong was as easy as crushing an ant to her. However, due to many restrictions, she was unable to do so.

Because of her identity as the sect-protecting divine beast, she could not attack the disciples of the Black Heaven Sect. Moreover, before the time limit for guarding the Black Heaven Sect expired, she could not even get too far away from the Black Heaven Sect, or she would be forced to return.

There were still five years before the agreement to protect the Black Heaven Sect would end.

Five years.

How could she wait for five years?

Thinking about it this way, she might as well retire and rot…

"No, no, no. Why am I thinking about this again?"

She almost collapsed on the bed again and did not want to do anything. Ao Yueli quickly shook her head and slapped her face twice to pull herself together.

It was absolutely impossible for her to wait for five years. It was impossible for her to wait in this lifetime. She could not wait, but because of the restrictions, she could not attack the disciples of the Black Heaven Sect.

According to the original timeline, Jiang Hong would need at least three years before he would completely betray the sect and face the world as a demonic cultivator.

She couldn't wait three years either.

For this reason, she thought of a compromise.

As long as Jiang Hong left the Black Heaven Sect as soon as possible and turned his back on the sect, becoming a demon and joining the evil path, wouldn't that be great?

That was why she came up with this plan after she was reborn. As long as she showed enough kindness and developed a deep friendship with Jiang Hong, she would slowly guide him step by step and speed up the time he would be exposed as a traitor.

That way, she would no longer be under any restrictions and could casually step on this great demon.

In order for her plan to go smoothly, she even specially followed the memories of her previous life and secretly obtained the Sky Demon League's jade mirror from a demon spy.

That way, she could understand the movements of the demons at any time.

After saying everything, it could be seen that she did not mean to flatter that man.


"I wonder how their brains grow. How can they misunderstand so deeply? How dare they think…"

Ao Yueli looked at the turtle and clam with a complicated expression.

As the Dragon King of this pool, all the aquatic creatures living here were her subordinates. These two were the best among them and trusted aides.

Unfortunately, even if they were outstanding, their cultivation levels were only at the early stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm. Not to mention transforming, they could not even speak human language. The only thing they could help her with was taking care of her daily life.

Otherwise, she could order these subordinates to attack Jiang Hong. After all, these subordinates were not restricted.

Okay, back to business.

Even though there were some accidents.

Fortunately, everything went well.

From the short conversation just now, Ao Yueli could tell that Jiang Hong was already mesmerized by her. He was coaxed by her into a daze. At this rate, it would not be long before they would become the best of friends.

At that time, this man would still be at her mercy. He would definitely not dare to resist. Just the thought of it made her excited.

At the thought of that beautiful future, Ao Yueli hugged her little tail with her plump legs and rolled happily on the seaweed bed.

Her fair feet also swayed excitedly, as if she had already won.

At the side, the old turtle and the young river clam saw everything.

The two of them shook their heads helplessly and sighed. Unexpectedly, a complicated expression appeared on their expressionless faces, as if they were tired of their master being an embarrassment.

The life of a turtle was worrying.

"Hmm? Someone's coming in."

Ao Yueli's gaze instantly sharpened as she sat up vigilantly.

Previously, she had been in a bad state and had handed over the protection work to two unreliable trusted aides. That was why she did not notice Jiang Hong's arrival. With her newfound motivation, she immediately sensed that someone had invaded her territory.

"I want to see which blind fool dares to ruin my plans."

His deep golden eyes narrowed into the size of pins.

With her fair feet and a pair of cold boots made of seashells, she walked out of the cave.


On the other side.

Outside the cave.

Vice Sect Master Shen Bai stood by the lake.

His wide robe fluttered in the wind, and his strong eyes were half-closed. He stared at the calm lake and said in a deep voice,

"You're saying that Jiang Hong barged into the forbidden area without permission and was swallowed by the huge river clam here?"

Mo Mingxuan nodded and sighed regretfully.

"Junior Brother Jiang, he was swallowed alive by a huge river clam in front of me. I was helpless and could only watch from the side. I had been advising him that this was a forbidden area and that he could not enter casually, but he refused to listen and insisted on coming in."

"I was worried about the sect rules, so I only dared to stand at the side and watch… Sigh, it's all my fault. I should have come in directly at that time. Even if I have to be condemned and punished, I should have pulled Junior Brother Jiang out. Otherwise, he wouldn't have…"

"It's my fault. It's all my fault. Junior Brother Jiang, I've let you down."

Mo Mingxuan covered his face and cried bitterly.

His two lackeys seized the opportunity and comforted him.

"Boss, it's not your fault. You only did what a qualified Black Heaven Sect disciple should do."

"It's Jiang Hong who didn't listen to your advice and insisted on doing things his own way. Senior Brother Mo, please don't blame yourself anymore."

"All of you shut up." Mo Mingxuan shouted, "Rules are dead, people are alive. Even so, I was wrong. Elder Shen, please punish me."

Mo Mingxuan cupped his hands and lowered his head, as if he was really sorry.

Shen Bai naturally saw through everything that saw going on. At this moment, the old him only felt awkward.

Everyone knew that Flying Crane Peak was a mountain peak that was filled with sanctimonious hypocrites. Where did this person get the courage to think that he would believe his words?

Why don't you take a piss and look at yourself in the reflection?

'Are you worthy?'