In the Capital, Killing a King

On the main street, red carpets were laid out.

The gingko trees bloomed, and the petals floated in the sky.

Braydon Neal walked like a tiger on the main street and nodded slightly.

The excited people on both sides, especially the hot-blooded men, shouted, "Northern King, you've finally come to the capital!"

"Are the ten War Gods of the northern army here with you?"

"Did the northern army come with you?"

"The capital welcomes the Northern King. I'm a diehard fan of the northern army!"

"Brother Northern King, look over here!"


Among the crowd, there were men in their forties or fifties and youths in their twenties. They were all shouting excitedly. They finally saw the northern army commander!

The northern army had influenced more than just a generation!

There were all kinds of stories about the legend of the northern army on the Internet, but every story vaguely revealed the horror of the northern territory.