Great Talent, Westley Hader

There was only one purpose for all these things.

Tonight, they would kill their way through Chifu Island.

Braydon Neal raised his glass and drank it in one gulp. Tobey Lapras was pouring wine beside him.

Braydon drank it all in one gulp and said softly, "Dragon City has issued four orders to stop the battle and retreat to Ludwig. Dragon City can ignore tonight's casualties...

"But I care. Thousands of old soldiers from Ludwig have died. How tragic!

"They were protected by me and could have lived a life of wealth. They could have died of old age and lived in peace, but they chose to die.

"They died to do their last bit to recover the islands of Ludwig!

"Such loyalty, and you call them rebels!

"How ridiculous is it for you to say that they are the remnants of evil?