He is the Best Fighter in History!

The big shots of the nine departments, the officials and ministers of the twenty-four divisions stood silently at the side.

Dominic Lowe felt as if he was being roasted on a fire stove.

Outside the hall, a strong and deep voice came, "The foreign armies are at our country's borders and are about to step into my land. Why are we not fighting? 

"Let's fight! What's there to discuss?"

The deep voice was like a tiger's roar. Accompanied by it was a man in green clothes with a curly beard. His thin body strode into the hall with tiger steps.

When he arrived, many people bowed slightly to show their respect.

At the entrance of the hall, the guard in yellow said solemnly, "Lord Kieran Normand of the Ministry of War has arrived!"

Leader of the Ministry of War, Kieran Normand! He was also the most capable fighter in the history of Hansworth.