Pinnacle War God, Cayson Stark!

If Tobey Lapras's simple-mindedness flared up, he would be on par with Luke Yates.

These were the two most simple-minded soldiers of the Northern Army!

Tobey was better now that he was older.

Luke, on the other hand, was a little fool when he was young, but now that he was older, he was a bigger little fool.

The older he grew, the more foolish he became!

Sometimes, even Braydon Neal was helpless against Luke.

At this moment, Dominic Lowe said in a muffled voice, "You guys have things to do, so Sutton and I won't disturb you anymore!" 

"That's good. Grand Secretary Lowe, you should stay far away from tonight's incident so that you won't be stained with blood!"

Westley Hader chuckled lightly.

Sutton Wall reminded him, "Right Duke, you cannot kill innocent people. This is a red line that cannot be crossed!"

"The blade of the Northern Army will never be stained with the blood of the innocent!"