He is the Leader of the Hidden Agents!

Luther Carden was not the real leader of the hidden agents.

The second master of the Northern Army was only a substitute in charge, but he was also the spokesperson on the surface.

Each of the core members of the Northern Army's hidden agents had a leader.

These leaders all followed the secret orders of one person.

That person was this mute, Northern Army's No. 0 hidden agent.

Even Braydon Neal and the others had never mentioned the existence of No. 0 hidden agent. There was no information about the nineteen Qilin Sons in the secret vault of the Northern Army.

All the information was in Braydon's mind.

Therefore, there was absolutely no possibility of leaking the secret.

Their level of secrecy was the highest in the secret vaults of the Northern Army.

At the same time, a person came from the east.