Next Time, I Will Kill You

Cor Demeksa raised his hand, revealing a spirit pill in his palm.

Nine-essence supreme-grade Blood Clotting Pill!

The entire room fell silent as the spirit pills were presented.

Yahna Hadebe and Bayo Jahring were both astonished, their gaze fixated on Cor's palm where the spirit pill rested.

"Nine-essence supreme-grade spirit pill?" Bayo exclaimed in shock.

"He refined the nine-essence supreme-grade spirit pill?" Yahna echoed, her red lips forming an 'O' shape.

She was genuinely surprised in this moment.

"I witnessed His Highness Neal refine the nine-essence supreme-grade spirit pill with my own eyes," Cor affirmed solemnly.

"The descendants of the gods are truly formidable!" Bayo exclaimed after recovering from his initial shock.

Yahna held the nine-essence supreme-grade spirit pill in her hand, examining it closely.