Heather Sage is Pregnant

"I'm not like you, Teacher!"

Braydon Neal let out a sigh, and there was a brief silence from Finley Yanagi.

He understood exactly what this student was trying to convey. 

After all, Finley, known as the Devil King, was infamous for his mix of good and evil deeds. 

His methods were ruthless, and to him, everyone was a mere pawn on the chessboard of his grand schemes. 

Sometimes, he didn't shy away from employing unscrupulous means, even if it meant involving innocent lives.

Finley's generation, including himself, held a ruthless perspective. 

They believed that achieving greatness often required sacrificing even their loved ones. 

The collateral damage of innocent lives was just a part of the process. 

In Devil King Finley's eyes, Wilder Jansky had a limited lifespan, yet he still had some utility left—Finley intended to exploit that until the very end.

"I don't want to owe you any more favors," Braydon stated softly.