Heading to Kylo

The soldiers of the Northern Army pledged their allegiance to Braydon Neal, even unto death in foreign lands. 

It was only right that their families be cared for by the Northern Army. 

And resources were not lacking within the Northern Army!

The tiger of the Northern Army stood tall amidst the 16th ruin, commanding authority with its sword pointed outward. 

The expansive territory of the 16th ruin now fell under the Northern Army's jurisdiction. 

The riches within, once brought to the outside world, would undoubtedly fetch a high price from countries far and wide. 

Many of these resources were considered invaluable in other lands.

Moreover, even the lowest-grade spirit stones on South Pole Island commanded a hefty price—1,400 dollars for a mere small stone. 

Though seemingly expensive, these stones were the lifeblood of warriors upon their return to the city, exchanged for currency to cover their expenses.