It's Hard to Escape Death!

As the divine thunder descended, Braydon Neal lifted his gaze, his eyes cold and fearless. 

The bolt was mere meters above him!


A gray figure materialized above Braydon's head.

Dressed in white, the primordial chaos banished immortal stood in the human world, unmatched.

"Who gave you the right to assail my true form? Scatter!" 

The primordial chaos banished immortal struck out, defying the heavenly thunder. 

With a single blow, it seemed to dissipate.

Fist attacking the thunder tribulation! 

Nothing but chaos!

Beckham Jovel and the others were astounded. 

Braydon's banished immortal form was truly formidable!

The primordial chaos banished immortal possessed holy master-level combat strength from birth! 

With the innate primordial chaos body, what need was there to dread heavenly tribulation?

The primordial chaos banished immortal glanced at Braydon and nodded.