Terrifying Combat Strength

The force of ice and snow was effortlessly subdued, and space itself seemed to yield to Braydon Neal's prowess. 

With a single stroke, three frost bear carcasses littered the ground, a testament to his skill.

In the blink of an eye, Braydon unfurled his twelve wings, a display of his true power. 

"Dual-pupils, activate!" he commanded, his wings now serving as his weapons. 

There was no need for further augmentation; Braydon relied solely on his innate combat strength to kill the frost bears, creatures of a higher realm.

As he moved with precision and grace, his Foreman lineage revealed its secrets. 

His wings transformed into razor-sharp blades, effortlessly cleaving through the frost bears. 

His bloodline bestowed upon him the mastery of these ancient techniques, evident in the swift and deadly strikes he delivered.

With each kill, Braydon's once pristine robe became stained with the blood of his foes.