Playmates and Classmates When We Were Young


A single strike unleashed a tempest.

Luke Yates' gaze turned icy. 

Stepping forward, he gripped his swords with both hands, emanating a thick and decisive aura of death.

The air crackled with tension as his killing intent surged.

Above, the sky seemed to split asunder, revealing the silhouette of a massive star. 

It loomed ominously, as if poised to descend upon the world.

In that moment, voices echoed from the various levels of the Hall of Souls. 

The creator of the Soul Tower spoke in disbelief.

"Crux…" he exclaimed.

"Star Lord, Crux Star!" another voice chimed in.

Luke's secret was finally laid bare. 

It seemed his past life might have been that of the Star Lord they were discussing—an apex figure at the heart of humanity. 

His passing had left countless in mourning.

Now, with the Star Lord's emergence, the creator of the Soul Tower recognized Luke without question.