You are Very Weak

The excruciating pain wasn't solely for cultivating one's heart; it seemed to have the intent to refine the body as well. 

Today marked the tenth day, and the temperature had soared past 5,000 degrees Celsius. 

The rate at which his body recovered could no longer keep up with the damage inflicted by the earth fire.

Braydon Neal remained seated cross-legged, witnessing his flesh and blood gradually incinerate in front of the earth fire. 

The newly regenerated tissues turned to ashes in the blink of an eye.

The primordial chaos banished immortal spoke, opening his eyes solemnly. "A saint heart realm cultivator who enters this world for the first time won't last more than ten days."

Braydon didn't respond, seemingly engrossed in something. 

It was as if he had attained a special state of mind, where his consciousness achieved unprecedented clarity—a state akin to enlightenment. 

However, there was a noticeable distinction.