Organizing the Militia, and Planning the Road Ahead

Proceeding their victory, the newly liberated slaves were left clueless as to what would result from their acquired freedom. That is, there were those that favored instead to live in the moment with little regard to planning their future course of action. Conversely, some wandered aimlessly around the labor camp, others plotted to leave and take up banditry, whilst some even conspired to trek throughout the land until reaching the villages from which they were stolen. Even Maxim and Ivan were rather clueless.

"What do we do now?" inquired the latter brother, directing his words at lev. They were seated against the tall walls encasing the encampment. A few strangers that had partaken in the recent revolt were also present.

[If ever there were a time for revolution, it would be now…]

"We have to keep up the pace, before the local Lords notice and rally the levies" Ivan responded, replying to his own question. It was as if he could read Lev's mind, as both men were contemplating the notion of an all-out revolution.

"You said it yourself… your sacred duty is to help people such as us. If we don't act soon, most will desert and head home, while the rest of us will be met with Royal Guards and local levies should we not devise a plan quickly" he followed up once more. Though, in his haste Ivan had overlooked the contemplating Lev. That is, he was not silent out of hesitation, but instead because he was scheming and plotting how they could monopolize the immediate victory of the slave revolt and manipulate it into an actual revolution. Scratching at the unshaven hairs on his chin, it appeared as if the revolt leader was entranced. Suddenly interrupting the silence, he snapped his fingers and responded.

"Ok… before leaving, it is imperative that we organize ourselves. By this, I mean we firstly elect a leader. Let's say, a Captain, under whom the rest will be organized as a Company. If we are to maintain the momentum, we must not leave this place as bandits, but as – at the very least – a semi-structured militia. From this, we will not only have a degree of legitimacy, but also an element of surprise against those expecting to face disorganized bandits"

The surrounding retinue sat in silence, before nodding in agreement as the statement came to an end. Although feigning an endorsement of democracy, Lev was certain that he would be voted into the Captaincy position. This expectation was not only derived from a sense of entitlement, but also from the rationalization that he had proven his leadership by organizing and directing the slave revolt, in addition to having the endorsement of Ivan and Maxim. Overall, he was the only logical choice.

With it agreed that organizing the mass of liberated slaves was an immediate necessity, Ivan and maxim stood up. They then walked out into the open breeze and gave a loud shout. Seeking answers on what was to be done next, the emancipated figures accumulated as a collective.

"The Senior Lieutenant has formulated a plan regarding the road ahead… so listen up!" Ivan remarked; with Maxim copying the mannerisms of his brother and helping to settle the gathering bodies. Readying his voice, Lev coughed and adjusted his posture before proclaiming:

"Comrades, it is with pain in my heart that I am forced to say this: Going home is not yet an option. We are now fugitives, who by the time word reaches the Grand Duke will most likely be sought after with a hefty bounty. Simply put, our struggle is not yet over".

"What are we meant to do then?" murmured a disgruntled voice from amidst the crowd. Instinctively, all heads snapped towards the unknown speaker before then snapping back towards Lev. With attention now averted back in his direction, he proceeded:

"We must organize and fight, be-" before he could finish there was an uproar of displeased groans amongst the crowd. Angered by their unwillingness to listen, Maxim belted a mighty call for silence. Then, turning to Lev, he signaled for him to continue.

"As I was saying, we must organize and fight before the Lords that inhabit this land raise their levies. We must organize and fight before the Grand Duke calls forth his Royal Guards. We must unite and prepare for the struggle ahead, not as bandits but as a structured force!"

The voices remained silent. Not out of disinterest, but out of the realization that Lev was correct. That is, the sudden realization that they would now be hunted had swept over the gathered collective as if a tidal wave.

"How are we meant to do that?" asked a voice from amidst the crowd. His voice cracked, resultant from the fear that they would most certainly be recaptured or slain in battle. As to retain a degree of authority as well as to sustain the moral, Lev maintained a stern posture. Keeping up his steely persona, he replied:

"As there is roughly one hundred men present, I propose we establish ourselves as a Company. As such, the first priority will be electing a Captain, who will both represent and lead our forces…" Suddenly, Lev paused. He realized it would be difficult to properly structure this army of former slaves with peasant origin into a properly structured force. As such, after contemplating for a few seconds, he constructed within his mind a more simplified structuring that would still allow for the establishment of a semi-organized force. He continued:

"From this, I propose two Sergeants be elected as the immediate subordinates to the Captain. Accordingly, we will be divided into two detachments of fifty men, each led by a Sergeant. If needed, lower-ranked officer can be elected, but for now, this should be enough to maintain decent structure and leadership. Once this is done, we can sort out the logistical issues, though we are already decently armed with the captured weapons and tools."

It appears the freed slaves had already decided upon their leadership, for they collectively glanced at Lev, before averting their attention to Ivan and Maxim. Nodding their heads, it was mutually agreed that they would at least stand a chance with these three as their leaders; that is, the steely officer Lev as their Captain, and the notorious veteran bandit brothers as Sergeants. Moreover, the freed slaves were also content with their weapons, as all men, even if only holding a pickaxe, were nonetheless armed