Re: Monster Wiki Part 1 (Rou Part 4)

List of Abilities (Organized by day obtained)

Inherent from birth Absorption

Goblin Language

Night Vision


Day 5

Obtained from consuming Horn Rabbit:Escape

Day 8

Note: Ak subs mistranslated (manga) the first ability from this day. The raw in no way referenced the growth of armor shells.

Obtained from consuming Armored Tanukis' shells:Shell Defense

Obtained from consuming Night Vipers:Ability [Thermography]

Ability [Snake Venom Administration]

Ability [Poison Resistance]

Ability [Presence Sensor]

Ability [Snake's Evil Eye]

Day 11-20

Day 11

Obtained from consuming Seven Colored Bats:Echolocation

Pump up


Day 13

Obtained from consuming the Orc:Libido

Orc Language


Obtained while sleeping via [ Evolution (Rank Up) ]:[ The Divine Protection of [ The Great God governing the ≪Origin and Demise≫ ] ]

Day 15

Obtained from consuming Kobolds:Kobold Language


Obtained from consuming [ Fire Spirit Stones] :Pyrokinesis

Day 17

Obtained from consuming Humans:Human Language

Continental Letter Deciphering

Mental Mapping


Job-Light Swordsman



Day 19

Obtained from consuming weapons:Improved Slashing Power

Improved Piercing Power

Day 21-30

Day 22

Obtained from consuming Green Slime:Physical Damage Reduction

Self-Body Fluid Property Manipulation

Organic Matter Control

Obtained from consuming Kobold Mage:Internal Mana Control

Magician's Knowledge

Intimidating Roar

Obtained from consuming Kobold Mage's staff:Mana Operation

Obtained from consuming [Water Spirit Stones] :Hydro Hand

Aqua Resistance

Obtained from consuming [ Thunder Spirit Stones ]:Electromaster

Lightning Resistance

Obtained from consuming [ Fire Spirit Stones ]:Flame Resistance

Obtained from consuming Armored Tanukis and Night Vipers:Endure

Evil Eye Resistance

Day 24

Obtained from consuming Demon Spiders:Spider Thread Creation

Thread Wielding Arts

Obtained from consuming Orc:Stench

Day 25

Obtained from consuming Black Wolves and Black Wolf Leader:Pack Leadership

Pack Hunting Proficiency

Steel Hide

Day 26

Obtained from consuming Orcs and The Orc Leader:Rallying Cry

Improved Digestion

Halberd Proficiency

Obtained from consuming [ Wind Spirit Stones ]:Aero Master

Storm Resistance

Obtained from consuming [ Earth Spirit Stones ]:Earth Control

Earth Resistance

Day 31-40

Day 32

Obtained by consuming Triple Horned Horses:Armored Scale Charge

Scaled Horse's Neigh

Rapid Recovery

Enhanced Leg Strength

Improved Charging Power

Triple Stab

Day 33

Obtained from consuming Demon Spider:Expanded Field of Vision

Obtained from consuming Triple Horned Horse:Armored Scale Formation

Strong Body

Obtained by consuming Green Slime:Metamorphosis

Day 34

Obtained by consuming Red Bear:Peerless Heavy Strike

Intimidation of the Strong

Day 35

Obtained by consuming Red Bear:Lord of the Mountain's Piercing Roar

Intimidating Glare

All Elemental Resistance

Lord of the Mountain's Stout Hide

Lord of the Mountain's Strong Muscles

Consecutive Raging Strikes

Tyranny of the Beast King

The [ Demigod of Fire ]'s Divine Protection

Complete Flame Resistance

Day 37

Obtained by consuming Human Adventurers:Job-Assassin



Job-High Wizard



Quick Thinking

Parallel Thinking



Shortened Incantation



Conceal Presence

The [Demigod of Compassion]'s Divine Protection

The [Demigod of War]'s Divine Protection

Obtained from consuming Human Adventurers Items:Conceal Self-Status

Item Box

Obtained from consuming Carbuncle:Golden Rule

Day 41-50

Day 41

Obtained from consuming Argiopes:Golden Thread Creation

Adamantine Spider's Strong Carapace

Granted by the Dryad, Doriane Duboué:[The Mistletoe's Dryad]'s Love and Blessing

Obtained from consuming Green Lizards:Aquatic

Lizardman Language

Day 45

Obtained from consuming Grey Slimes:Physical Damage Resistance


Infused Liquid Restoration

Day 47

Obtained by consuming an Elf loyal to The Clan Chief Candidate:Elf Language

Obtained by eating Elves that lost mock battle:Inhabitant of the Forest

Elemental (Spirit User)

Archery Proficiency



Obtained by eating Idiot Elf Leader:Overcharge


Day 50

Obtained before sleeping through the world's laws:Kin of ■■■

Day 51-60

Day 52

Obtained from consuming Elves:Luck


Day 53

Obtained from consuming Human kidnappers:Job-Secret Force

Job-Monster Tamer

Job-Vorpal Punisher


Identify State



Release Trap

Sense Trap

Sense Enemy

Improved Assassination Rate

Hidden Weapon Mastery


Vorpal Strike

Aura Slash

Back Attack



Severe Pain Resistance

Charm Resistance

Assassination Resistance

Day 59

Obtained from consuming Kobolds:Mountaineering

Obtained from consuming Red Deers:Wild Horn Dance

Red Crystal's Tone

Day 60

Obtained from consuming Skeletons:Slashing Resistance

Piercing Resistance

Weakness to Sunlight

Weakess to Blunt Strikes

Critical Hits Nullification (Only in the Web Novel)


Bone Union

Joint Magic

Equipment Materialization

Evil Miasma of Life

Magic Power Absorption

Negative Status Effects Nullification

Cold Attack Nullification

Thunder Attack Nullification

Acid Damage Resistance

Weakness to Light Damage

Weakness to Holy Damage

Weakness to Fire Damage


Obtained from consuming Greater Skeleton:Lesser Summoning: Undead

Greater Equipment Materialization

Negative Energy

Lesser Damage Reduction

Lesser Magic Damage Reduction

Obtained from consuming Slave Collars from the belongings of the Adventurers he killed in Velvet's dungeon:Enslave

Day 61-70

Day 65

Obtained from consuming Stamp Boars, Poison Mantises, Rhinoceros Beetles, Argiopes, Demon Spiders, Messenger Locusts and Yellow Monkeys:Molt

Elytron Generation

End Edge

Silent Kill

Horn Blow


Improved Jumping Power

Strong Vitality

Wrought Iron Shell Armor

Surging Combat Instinct

Weakness to Cold

Obtained from eating Rhinoceros Beetle:Exoskeleton

Acquired from unknowingly eating horsehair worm(s) that had infected a Poison Mantis that he ate:Parasite

Obtained from consuming Stamp Boars:Reckless Charge

Tail Attack

Day 68

Obtained from consuming Human soldiersBrave heart


Army Leadership


Job-Heavy Swordsman


Speed Reading



Improved Evasion Rate

Large Spin Slash

Cross Slash

Hard Qigong

Soft Qigong





Unilateral Sense of Justice

Pure Faith

Blind Faith


Job-Heavy Warrior

Job-Light Warrior

Day 70

Obtained from consuming Human soldiers:Job-Sorcerer



Shield Bash

Combat Technique Aptitude

Sword Proficiency

Guard Proficiency



Job-Item Creator

Shield Wall

Greater Tool Appraisal

Day 71-80

Day 74

Obtained from consuming Human soldiers:Continuous Thrust

Helmet Splitter


Armor Pierce

Sword Storm Dance


Attack Force


Job-Supply Soldier

Obtained from consuming the elixir of Dark green Demigod:High Speed Regeneration

Blood Elixir

Day 78

Obtained from consuming Human soldiers:Wind Blade

Wind Storm

Inhibit Regeneration

Recognition Interference


Heavy Slash

Warrior's Lineage

Knight's Lineage

Job - Dual Swordsman

Job - Axe Lord

Job - Spear Lord

Survival Instinct


Enhanced Arm Strength

Hawk Eye

Job - Berserker


Job - Grappler

Full Knowledge of Martial Arts

Flying Slash

Crescent Flash

Hundred Blossoms of A Thousand Spears


Heavy Axe Attack

Create Trap

Obtained from consuming Old Knight :Grand Cross

Job - Master Swordsman

Job - Dragon Slayer

Dragon Scale Formation

Cursed Wound

Day 80

Obtained from consuming Chimera:Synthesis

Chaos of Death (Only in the Light Novel)

Day 81-90

Day 82

Obtained through SynthesisArmored Dragon Scale Formation = Dragon Scale Formation + Armored Scale Formation

Ephemeral Eye = Predict + Expanded Field of Vision

Black Ogre's Strong Body = Pump Up + Lord of the Mountain's Strong Muscles + Enhanced Physical Strength + Enhanced Leg Strength + Improved Jumping Power

Black Ogre's Roar = Intimidating Roar + Scaled Horse's Neigh

Black Ogre's Evil Eye = Evil Eye + Intimidating Glare

Lesser Physical and Magical Damage Reduction = Lesser Damage Reduction + Lesser Magic Damage Reduction

Unhealing Cursed Wound = Inhibit Regeneration + Cursed Wound

Extreme Sunlight Vulnerability = Vulnerable to Light Damage + Vulnerable to Sunlight (in the manga)

Day 85

Obtained through SynthesisSolid Armored Dragon Scales = Armored Scale Charge + Armored Dragon Scale Formation

Improved Slashing Penetration = Improved Slashing Power + Improved Piercing Power

Faster Parallel Thinking = Quick Thinking + Parallel Thinking

Day 87 (Day 90 in the manga)

Obtained by eating Light Precision Stone and The Seminal Stone of DarknessPhoton Ruler

Photon Tolerance

Gravity Law

Darkness Tolerance

Day 91-100

Day 91

Obtained by eating cosmetic ring magic itemShapeshift

Day 92

Obtained by eating BoruforusRhinoceros Bone Body Armor


Obtained by eating Turtle SnakesShell Retreat


Day 93

Obtained by eating Falaise EaglesPanic Voice

Wing Growth

High-Speed Flight Knowledge

Wind Reading

Paralysis Claw

Paralysis Resistance

Obtained by eating Jade EaglesFeather Arrow

Predator of the Sky

Divine Protection of the Storm God

Complete Storm Resistance

Adamantine Claw

Sonic Flight

Day 98

Obtained by eating Thief Organization thugsJob-Thief

Silent Stab

Smoke Bomb

Day 99

Obtained through consuming Thief Organization membersSpider Yarn Web

Poison Smoke Bomb



Day 101-110

Day 103

Obtained by eating Red Lizard, Guriforundo, Kelpie, Ness Frog, Iwakamekaeru, Silent Mosquito, Shell GrasshopperEpidemic Scatter

Disease Carrier

Burning Claw

Refractory Mucus Secretion

Plague Infection



Silent Flight

Intimidation Vulnerability

Variable Temperature Weakness

Obtained from eating Crystal CrocodileCrystal Crocodile's Armored Hide

Crystal Crocodile's Sharp Fangs

Predator of the Water

Obtained through SynthesisDeath Voice = Dissonance + Panic Voice

Indestructible Castle Shell = Shell Defense + Shell Retreat + Adamantine Spider's Strong Carapace

Recognition Difficulty = Conceal Presence + Recognition Obstruction + Sneaking

Berserker Mode = Surging Combat Instinct + Survival Instinct

Day 104

Obtained from eating Kelpie, Boruforu, Blade Rabbits and Horn RabbitsWater Battle Formation

Blade Bone Generation

Tough Skin

Sharp Horn Generation

Day 107

Obtained from eating Four Armed BearBristle Guard

Obtained from eating the Giant King and FormoriDeadly Evil Eye


Giant King's Supreme Strike

Giant King's Dignity

Giant King's Wisdom

Giant King's Flesh and Blood

Giant King's Body

Vitality of the Mysterious Giant

Giant's Iron Hammer

Giant Killing

Aspect of the Giants

Left Arm of Penetrating Rain (Parjanya)

Right Arm of Roaring Thunder (Illatici)

Complete Aqua Resistance

Complete Lightning Resistance

Complete Evil Eye Resistance

Complete Earth Resistance

Region Ruler

Tyranny of the King

Lesser Summoning: Giant

Language of the Giants

Obtained from eating White Stag's AntlersProtection of the ■ Beast

Beloved child of ■■■

Obtained from Rank-UpLeader of the Demon's Gathering

Acceptance of the Demon's Gathering

Wrath of Heaven

Fate Plunder

Destiny of a great Mythological Figure {Black Eclipse Demon}

Special ability ■■■■] remains locked {Conditions not met}

Special ability ■■■■] remains locked {Conditions not met}

Day 111-120

Day 111

Obtained through SynthesisPandemic Black Apostle = Disease Carrier + Plague Infection + Epidemic Scatter

Blazing Adamantine Paralysis Claw = Paralysis Claw + Burning Claw + Adamantine Claw

Phased Radar Array = Thermography + Echolocation + Sense Presence + Sense Trap + Sense Enemy

Day 112

Obtained through SynthesisSense Area = Hawk Eye + Wind Reading + Ephemeral Eye

Day 114

Obtained through SynthesisBlack Demon's Charge = Improved Charging Power + Reckless Charge

Black Demon's Dignity = Intimidation of the Strong + Giant King's Dignity

Sharp Bone Blade Generation = Bone Blade Generation + Sharp Horn Generation

Black Demon's Impervious Hardened Skin Armor = Crystal Crocodile's Armored Hide + Tough Skin + Steel Hide

Day 116

Gained upon first fighting Sigurd Ace SvenHeresy Nemesis

Day 119

Obtained upon eating Black FormoriansHeightened Stamina

Ultra Recovery

Demon Slaying

Physical Attack Enhancement

Heavy Blow Dance

Big Game Slaying

Armor Collapse

Luck Reduction

Day 121-130

Day 121

Obtained through SynthesisIndestructable Armored Castle Shell = Wrought Iron Shell Armor + Indestructible Castle Shell

Hyper Speed Regeneration = Rapid Recovery + High Speed Regeneration + Strong Vitality + Vitality of the Mysterious Giant

Demon Army Tyrant = Familicide + Demon Slaying

Black Demon's Roar = Lord of the Mountain's Piercing Roar + Black Ogre's Roar

Illogical Adamantine Strength = Bristle Guard + Strong Body + Lord of the Mountain's Stout Hide + Giant King's Flesh and Blood + Giant King's Body + Black Ogre's Strong Body

Day 122

Obtained through SynthesisEchoing Arms of the Thunderstorm (Nuhualpilli) = Left Arm of Penetrating Rain (Parjanya) + Right Arm of Roaring Thunder (Illatici)

Surging Destructive Fists of Flesh Crushing = Peerless Heavy Strike + Consecutive Raging Strikes + Wild Dance of Heavy Blows

Grand Cross Smash = Grand Cross + Cross Slash

Silent Pierce = Silent Stab + Stab + Armor Pierce

Storm Wind Smash = Storm Wind + Slicing Wind

Heavy Aura Slash = Aura Slash + Heavy Slash

Day 123

Obtained from consuming Black Skeleton Horse SoldiersSoul Eater

Stench Tolerance

Black Undead Knight's Cloth

Black Bone Army Commander

Aspect of an Undead Knight

Day 131-140

Day 131

Obtained through SynthesisFlying Crescent Flash = Crescent Flash + Flying Slash

Day 139

Obtained through consuming Humans Assassins and Explosive Magic ItemsBurst

Human Bomb

Day 141-150

Day 142

Obtained through consuming Quake Hammer GründEarth Shaking Hammer

Giant's Bloodline

Obtained through completing "Frontier Psalm" [Hammer Cyclops] by Clearing Conditions: [Solo Kill], [Flawless Victory] and [Continuous Living Predation]Three Steps of Destruction

One Who Eats the Living

Day 144

Obtained through SynthesisHeavy Axe Helmet Splitter = Helmet Splitter + Heavy Axe Attack

Light Sword Warrior = Light Warrior + Light Swordsman

Day 148

Obtained through consuming the Jadar Wyvern LeaderWyvern Scale Formation

Day 151-160

Day 152

Obtained through consuming the Jadar Wyvern LeaderWyvern Eye

Day 153

Obtained through consuming BearbeeBeekeeper

Bee Sting

Day 157

Obtained through consuming Jadar WyvernWyvern's Roar

Day 158

Obtained through consuming a Lion Beastman, a Gillman, a Dragonewt, and a human leader of a mercenary groupFlame Leo

High-speed Swimming

True Dragon's Martial Arts

Spirit Refinement Technique

Obtained through consuming the Otherworlder who was a Magic Gun UserJob – Magic Gun User

Divinely-Forged Form of the Otherworlder

Day 161-170

Day 162

Obtained through completing "Frontier Psalm" [Vesper Octorp] by Clearing Conditions: [Solo Kill], [Time Limit] and [Parts Destruction]One Who Captures and Devours

Vesper Slayer

Day 163

Obtained through completing "Frontier Psalm" [Vesper Octorp] by Clearing Conditions: [Solo Kill], [Time Limit] and [One Hit Kill]Master Vesper Exterminator

Day 166

Obtained through consuming High OctorpsTentacle Creation

Lorenzini Organ

Shell of Hard Dense Chitin

Sharpened Shark Skin

Improved Cutting Power

Black Octopus Ink that Should be Avoided

Day 171-180

Day 172

Obtained through consuming Black Ghosts and Purple GhostsGhost's Touch

Black Ghost's Touch

Purple Ghost's Touch

Ghost Cry

Obtained through SynthesisGhost's Cursed Palm - Wraith Touch = Ghost's Touch + Black Ghost's Touch + Purple Ghost's Touch

Day 176

Obtained through consuming Dragon Meatball ChimeraChaotic Ghost

Obtained through consuming Jadar WyvernFlesh Wyvern's Wail

Obtaned through consuming fallen soldiersDemigod of Dancing's Divine Protection

Demigod of Shaping's Divine Protection

Day 181-190

Day 181

Obtained through eating GobujiiOld Goblin's Wisdom

Day 191-200

Day 198

Obtained through SynthesisBlack Demon King's Laminated Dragon Armor = Wyvern Scale Formation + Solid Armored Dragon Scales + Shell of Hard Dense Chitin + Sharpened Shark Skin + Black Demon's Impervious Hardened Skin Armor

Day 199

Obtained through eating Iolite ElementalsPurple-Blue Iolite Liquid

Obtained through eating Water AnacondasLubricant Body Fluids

Water Seeking Snake

Day 200

Obtained through defeating mini boss Warpidron with clearing condition [Solo Kill]Water Pulse

Obtained through eating WarpidronCarrying Lightning Horn

Whale's Whistle Voice

Battle Cry

Day 201-210

Day 201

Obtained through eating Metal Scaled Giant FlounderGill Breathing

Obtained through eating War Helmet OctopusSuction Cup Generation

Obtained through eating Trap Spirit MorayAssault

Obtained through eating Deadly JellyfishSlow Floating

Obtained through eating Blue Armored-Tail ShrimpBlue Shrimp's Steel Shell

Obtained through defeating mini boss Skull Lizard: War Salamander with clearing condition [Solo Kill]Water Arm of War

Obtained through eating Skull Lizard: War SalamanderSymbiotic

Acrobatic Sword Dance

Parallel Use (aka Parallel Casting)

Day 202

Obtained through defeating mini boss King Crab ・ Crysora with clearing condition [Solo Kill]Crystalline Resonance

Day 203

Obtained through eating King Crab ・ CrysoraCorrosive Bubble Breath

Crystalline Wave Vibration

Pressurized Thunder Cannon

Obtained through defeating mini boss Vortex Armored Turtle with clearing condition [Solo Kill]Sinker

Day 204

Obtained through defeating mini boss Dominaria・Gillman Lord Rider with clearing condition [Solo Kill]Skilled Water Beast Rider

Day 205

Obtained through defeating mini boss Grief Charybdis with clearing condition [Solo Kill]Maelstrom Grief

Day 206

Obtained through eating Dominaria・Gillman Lord RiderHard Scales Generation

Intermediate Summoning: Fishman

Obtained through eating Vortex Armored TurtleErupting Thorn Generation

Shell Generation

Multiple Shells

Obtained through defeating mini boss Aquarium ・ Ball Golem with clearing condition [Solo Kill]Underwater Stalker

Day 207

Obtained through defeating mini boss Lethal Dead ・ Blood Eater ・ Pochi with clearing condition [Solo Kill]Master Medium Water Control

Day 208

Obtained through defeating mini boss Red Gemini Nuns with clearing condition [Solo Kill]Hot Water Flow

Day 210

Obtained through defeating boss Shark Head ・ Bolt Wyrm with clearing conditions: [Solo Kill]Lord of Water Spirits

Day 211-230

Day 219

Obtained through eating Lethal Dead ・ Blood Eater ・ PochiParasite Injection

Beast Corpse Control

Blood Eating Beast

Day 231-240

Day 232

Obtained through eating Grief Charybdis, Aquarium Golem Ball and Red Gemini NunsGreat Whirlpool of Disastrous Waters

Wail of Sorrow

Effective Terrain: Water

Emergency Retreat

High Compression

Hard Sphere

Bright Red Arms of Boiling

Duplicate Existence

Reconstruct Existence

Day 234

Obtained through eating Lava Dungeon Army FishTraverse Lava

Day 235

Obtained through eating Volcanic Ape GeneralEarth-Shaking Wrecking Staff

Herculean Strength

Body of Flames

Day 236

Obtained through eating Lava Ammonite SapendiaPredisposition to Seclusion

Lava Stealth

Snake Tentacle Banquet

Day 239

Obtained through eating Golden Heffalump and Volcanic Blue Orc KingSwine Lord

Penetrating Physical Damage

Greater Summoning: Demonkin

Elephant Hits Slave

Body of Giant Elephant

Happy Elephant Wealth

Day 241-250

Day 241

Obtained through eating Devilish Blue Flame TrentPlant Control

Obtained through eating Taurus Demon Lord, "Adadia", and Taurus DemonsHellfire

Aspect of a Demon

Soul Hunting Scythe

Lesser Summoning: Fiend

Intermediate Summoning: Fiend

Greater Summoning: Fiend

Obtained through SynthesisSummon: Archfiend = Lesser Summoning: Fiend + Intermediate Summoning: Fiend + Greater Summoning: Fiend

Emergency Escape = Escape + Emergency Retreat

Black Demon King's Mad Advance = Black Demon's Charge + Elephant's Roar

Great Slash Penetration Enhancement = Improved Cutting Power + Increase Stabbing Force

Blood Vampire = Vampirephilia + Blood Eater Beast

Dance Song Sword Storm = Storm Sword Dance + Acrobatics Sword Dance

Death-dealing Roar (Desperado) = Black Demon's Roar + Wyvern's Roar + Flesh Wyvern's Wail + Ghost Cry + Voice of Death

Day 242

Obtained through SynthesisDivine Destruction of the Black Demon = Giant King's Supreme Strike + Giant's Iron Hammer + Armor Collapse + Overkill + Surging Destructive Fists of Flesh Crushing + Pressurized Thunder Cannon

Violent Trampling Power of the Black Demon = Unreasonable Adamantine Strength + Berserker Mode + Heightened Stamina + Body of Giant Elephant + Herculean Strength + Rhinoceros Bone Body Armor

All Creation = Pyrokinesis + Hydro Hand + Electromaster + Aero Master + Earth Control + Plant Control + Photon Ruler + Gravity Law + Elemental (spirit user)

Bright Arms of the Thunderstorm (Ignatil) = Echoing Arms of the Thunderstorm (Nuhualpilli) + Bright Red Arms of Boiling

Sizzling Cursed Wounds = Unhealing Cursed Wound + Curse Flame

The Ingestion of Giant Whale = Improved Digestion + The Swallow of Great Whale

Day 245

Unlocked upon defeating Ardour Mother Empress Dragon, "Mustaria Ignatos"[Protection of the ■ Beast] -> [Protection of the Divine Beast]

Obtained upon clearing conditions for [Flames of Fire Dragon Mountain] of the God's Lost Psalms: [Defeating the Empress], [Core Fusion], and [Feudal Lord Kill]One Who Subjugates Divine Beasts

Flame Dragon's Sense

Unlocked upon clearing conditions: [Demigod's Labyrinth Conquest], and [God's Labyrinth Conquest][Locked Special ability ■■■■] -> [Dungeon Plunder]

Skill-up obtained upon clearing condition [Living God Rank][Dungeon Plunder] -> [Dungeon Plunder – Howls of the Underworld]

Unlocked upon clearing condition: [Living God Rank][Locked Special ability ■■■■] -> [World Enemy - Insatiable Gluttony]

Day 251-260

Day 251

Obtained through eating [Ardour Mother Empress Dragon, "Mustaria Ignatos"]Fire Nullification

Dragon Emperor's Explosive Roar

Burning Dragon Blood

Dragon Emperor's Inexhaustible Life Force

Heat Absorption

Lesser Summoning: Dragon

Intermediate Summoning: Dragon

Greater Summoning: Dragon

Chief Guard of the Dungeon

Obtained through SynthesisSummon: True Dragon = Lesser Summoning: Dragon + Intermediate Summoning: Dragon + Greater Summoning: Dragon

Day 260

(Note: it's uncertain how the following abilities should be translated)

Obtained from eating [Precious Core of the Divine Spirit of Spring Water, "Ankuritoriamu"]Precious Core of the Demigod of Spring Water

Spring Water's Source

Skill Gain

Capacity Expansion

Heathen Retribution

Divine Power Conversion

Improvised Promotion

Form Change

Piercing Evil

Five Soul Lives

Day 261-270


Day 271-280


Day 281-290

Day 283

Obtained through defeating dungeon boss [Empress Colors Blue Roses]Skies Blue Roses

Day 289

Obtained through defeating dungeon boss [Legendary Gambler]Probability Control (Probability Oscillation)

Day 290

Obtained through buying skill gems from dungeon [Funeral Gambling House]Unknown, just mentioned that new abilities have been gained

Day 291-300

Day 291

Obtained through eating [Empress Colors Blue Roses] and [Black Minotaur]Rose Dance

Empress Fragrance

Predisposition to Sweat

Rose Troops Morale Fragrance

Self-Defence Techniques of the Demonic Boar Knight

Day 301-310

Day 308

Obtained through eating [Splendid Seaweed Empress who Grant Blessings] mealsSeaweed Absorption

High-end Seaweed Cooking

Made from Seaweed

Subspace Storage of Marine Products

Obtained as a bonus skill through defeating [Splendid Seaweed Empress who Grant Blessings]Full Mastership of Seaweed Dish

Day 311-320


Day 321-330


Day 331-340

Day 332

By Eating[[ Sacred Treasures ][Blau Roper Scissor]] Rou getsPruning Shears of Rose God

Rose Pruner

Blade of Carves Life

Plant Suicide Attack

Sharpness Perpetuity

Weakness Insight

Day 334

By Eating [[ Sacred Treasures ][ Mason Tool of Stone Statue God ]] Rou getsMason Tool of Stone Statue God

Space Sculptor

Cut Technique of the Odd Ten Thousand

Sensitivity of Art

Rock Appraisal

Day 341-350

Day 350

By continuously eating knobs made of the cloned heroes, Rou gets:Piece of Wisdom

Existence Degradation

Heroes Pedigree

Replicable Hero · Replica

Day 351-360

Day 352

By eating [Tampering Soul Club of Numerical Formula], Rou gets:Tampering Soul Club of Numerical Formula

Treasure of Numerical Formula

Mathematical Alteration

Forbidden Fruit (Arbwell)

Transient Phantom Dream

God's Love Mathematical Formula Irma Vel Usu

Eggs of Numerology

Day 358

By using his ability synthesis:Black Octopus Bubble Acid for Evasion = Black Octopus Ink for Evasion + Acid Bubble Breath

Fireproof Viscous Blue Fluid = Fireproof Mucus Secretion + Potable Violet-Blue Fluid Iolite Liquid

Unbreakable Armor of the Demon God = Black Immortal Knight Garment・Black Knight Cross of Immortality Group + Blue Shrimp Steel Shell + Unbreakable Armor Shell + Multiple Shells

Day 361-370


Day 371-380

Day 375

By eating Hyulton the [Demon Emperor]:Lord of the Empire

Summoning(hell lords)

Contract Skill

One who watches a Different World

Legend of Magical Spirits

Day 378

By eating the Beast King Lionel the [Beast King] :Golden Lion King Armor

Lion King's Roar

Muon Lion King

Conquest of Beast King

Day 381-390


Day 391-400


Day 401-410

Day 405

By eating the Dungeon boss [Purunto-Nekujeto] :Crown Giver

Day 461-470

Day 465

By clearing Sydney Poem [Lost British Hero: Lava Noriyuki Gabrielo Gus]:rare skill [Discoverer]

Day 469

state anomaly nullification/Longevity

Day 470

special skill : Major of Activation



Day 471-480

Day 481-490

Day 483

Dragon Vein Mineralization

Attribute Strengthening Metal

Day 485

Group Body Combination

Blue Light Armor Scales

Day 487

Lineage of the Demon King

Waves of the Demon King

Axe Purification

Superlative Vitality

Ogre King's Blood Immunity

Demon King's rigid skeleton

Day 491-500

Day 499

Silver Fire Fighting

Spatial Killing

Day 501-510

Day 503

Magic Modification Skills

Engineer's Fingertips

Day 504

Demon's Purifying Stone

Day 509

Thought of Madness

Spark of Genius

Day 511-520

Day 515

Horn of Thunder of the Black Thunderbird

Thunder Hoof of the Black Thunder Bull

Raiden Bull

Day 521-530

Day 521

Simple Appraisal Glasses of Knowledge

Archangel's Holy SwordHeavenly Wings of White Steel

White Gatekeeper

Wings of Ice and Fire

Day 523

Mad Wolf Beastification


Black Gatekeeper

Triple Roar

Day 525

Heavenly WingsPterodactylism of Light and Heat

Source of Magic Power

Wing Rhythm Chanting

Day 526

Poisonous Scales of the Red WallMother of Venom

Burning Dragon Scale

Ravenous Poison Recovery

Day 529

Heavenly Demon of Chaos, Edge of Harmony

Supreme Harmony/ Harmony Ultimate

Chaos Theory

Day 531-540

Day 531

Angel's Right Hand and Devil's Left Hand

Orphan of Chaos

Heavenly Emperor

Day 532

King's Demon Nakedness Life Qi Kirame-ki

Demon King Authority

Black King's Family

Black Goblin King's Magical Rigid Body

Day 541-550

Day 544

Tyrannical Inexhaustible Gluttony

King Dragon Skin of Silver Ash

Day 551-560

Day 552

Pruner of Magical Flowers

Host of Magical Flowers

Day 553

Enchanting Incense of the Magic Flower

Summon Magic Flower Cutting Shears

Day 554

Divine Punishment - Sin of Hunger

Day 555

Resistance to Hunger

Sin of Hunger

Guardian of Hunger

Day 558

Shell of the Emperor Lava Centipede

Day 559

Red Rust Curse

Day 560

Black Rust Coating

Day 561-570

Day 563

Floating Rock Tendency

Heat Shell of the Pyroclastic Dragon

Firecracker Dragon Heat Shell

Day 564

Yin Shadow Thunder Tiger

Juvenile Body

Heavy Pressure Treasure

Silent Scales

Slash, Strike, Poison

Destroying Peeling

Blocking Shell

Lord of Poison

Cursed Sword of the King of Death

Forbidden Truth

Day 566

One Second Void

Time Resistance

Day 567

Miko's Flame Gear

Day 568

Priestess of Flame Disaster

Gears of Time

Animal Disaster's Requiem Fire

Proof Cannon Purification

Fire Flight Acceleration

Stagnant Arson

Day 571-580

Day 571

Scorching Wool

Golden Gait

Sword Dance

Deep Water Soft-Sucking Shell

Sun of the Lion

Abominable Child of Woe

Balance of the Spirit

Mercury's Poisonous Tail

Eye of the Beast

Splitting Sword Horn

Old rampaging mouth

Swirling Poisonous Water

False Star Beast Factor

Day 573

Golden Records that Shine in History

Bookmark of History

Piece of Golden Time

Primordial Demon Shadow

Winged Ring of Heaven

Authority of Destruction

Omen of Collapse

Fallen God: Declaration

Special Skill: Rationality of Cause and Effect

Day 575

Black Flame King's Domain

Witness to History

A Needle to Weave Causality

Historical God's Golden Clock

Day 579

Lava Centipede Emperor's Imperial Cover Shell

Day 580

Special Skill: Insect Poison Double Cremation Mountain

List of Abilities (Organized by Type)

Due to his Absorption ability, Rou can gain abilities from objects and creatures by eating them. Since he can't have 2 of the same skill his Original skill becomes upgraded/stronger when he eats the same thing multiple times.

Later on when he Ranks up to Overlord, he gains the skill [World Enemy - Insatiable Gluttony] which is similar (though not completely identical) to his Absorption ability. Thus giving him two abilities capable of granting him benefits from eating.

Some abilities have been made obsolete due to Rou's Synthesis ability creating better versions of the abilities. Despite that, those original abilities are still listed here for both the sake of completeness and that the author has said synthesized abilities stay on Rou's list, but won't get used again on their own in the story in the future.