Re: Monster Wiki (Rou Part 6)

Physical Defense

CollapseAdamantine Spider's Strong Carapace: Increases stats such as the physical defense of equipped items that are made of carapaces.

Armored Scale Charge: Raises the hardness of the user's scales, but it doesn't obstruct their movements in any way. However, it's meaningless if the user has no scales.

Armored Scale Formation: Allows the user to change their skin into scales, raising their defense.

Armored Dragon Scale Formation: The skin is changed into something like dragon scales, with a strength equal to that of a dragon. (Dragon Scale Formation + Armored Scale Formation)

Black Demon's Impervious Hardened Skin Armor: The user's skin and body hair becomes hard. There won't be a single scratch inflicted by superficial weapons. (Crystal Crocodile's Armored Hide + Tough Skin + Steel Hide)

Black Demon King's Laminated Dragon Armor: The demon king's skin becomes the same as first class armor, composed of a countless number of layers. The skin can be changed into dragon scales, shells, and other such things depending on the user's intentions. The ability also gives the user's skin the ability to whittle away at any objects just by touching them. Weak attacks are completely meaningless when it comes to inflicting mortal wounds on those who are using this ability. (Wyvern Scale Formation + Solid Armored Dragon Scales + Shell of Hard Dense Chitin + Sharpened Shark Skin + Black Demon's Impervious Hardened Skin Armor)

Blue Shrimp's Steel Shell

Bone Blade Generation

Bristle Guard: The user's hair becomes strong enough that even if it's slashed by a sword, it won't be cut.

Crystal Crocodile's Armored Hide: any crystal-like skin will have its defensive power greatly increased.

Dragon Scale Formation: Higher ranking version of [Armored Scale Formation]. The scales are as strong as a dragon's scales.

Divine Kinetic barrier: a battle art this kinetic force is basically impenetrable as long as she focuses.

Earth Demon King's: Unbreakable Muscle

Indestructible Armored Castle Shell: Greatly increases the defense of items. When shell-like materials are used, there is an even greater effect. (Wrought Iron Shell Armor + Indestructible Castle Shell )

Indestructible Castle Shell: Greatly increases the defensive power of items that make use of shells, carapaces and other things like that. (Shell Defense + Shell Retreat + Adamantine Spider's Strong Carapace)

Hard Scales Generation

Hard Sphere: Spherical portions of one's body are hardened, raising their defensive power.

Hyme of Giants: grow drastically in size using mana.

Lubricant Body Fluids: can produce fluids that keep one's body safe from harm and allow one to slip out of an opponent's grasp.

Guard Proficiency

Multiple Shells

Violet-Blue Iolite Liquid: covers the body in water granting resistance to thermal attacks, but is weak against lightning

Rhinoceros Bone Body Armor

Fireproof Viscous Blue Fluid: (Violet-Blue Iolite Liquid + Fireproof Mucus Secretion)

Scale Armour Formation: allows the user to grow metal-like shells

Sharp Bone Blade Generation: (Bone Blade Generation + Sharp Horn Generation)

Sharp Horn Generation

Sharpened Shark Skin: Ability that makes your skin rough like a shark's skin. The user's skin can whittle away at most things just by rubbing them. Also the user has an easier time moving through water.

Shell Generation

Shell Defense: Increases the physical defense of items that are made of shells.

Shell of Hard Dense Chitin: Greatly increases the defensive power of exoskeletons and the skin; exoskeletons become strong against acid-based attacks, making them difficult to dissolve.

Shield Bash

Shell Retreat: Increases things such as the physical defense of equipped items that make use of shells and carapaces.

Shield Wall

Steel Hide: The user's hair and skin are strengthened. Their strength is roughly equivalent to steel.

Solid Armored Dragon Scale Formation: Strength has been further increased by synthesizing [Armored Dragon Scale Formation] with [Armored Scale Charge].

Tough Skin: The user's skin becomes hard.

Truly Invincible: Users are boundlessly and infinitely invincible and undefeatable in absolutely every aspect: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, conceptually, etc. The probability of them losing or drawing in a confrontation would be infinitesimally close to zero, or have none at all in the majority of cases, and this holds true for any type of confrontation where every and any aspect of the user is put to the test.

Shield of Devil King: Increase defense and abnormal-status-resistant by powerful shield

Reflecting Gold Wall: A peculiar golden barrier reflects attacks

Wrought Iron Shell Armor: Greatly increases the defense stat of items.

White Cloud of Time Transmission: a kind of absolute defense that sends attacks into the past and neutralizes them.

Wyvern Scale Formation: Allows the user to produce Wyvern scales. This is ability is a lower ranked version of [Dragon Scale Formation].

Physical Support

CollapseBio-morphing: With this ability The user can transform into the living organisms that you consume, whether partially or completely, as well as using their abilities, traits and appearance/physiology by rearranging the user's very own DNA structure.

Black Ogre's Strong Body: massive increase in strength and vitality, also allows blood flow to be controlled. (Pump Up + Lord of the Mountain's Strong Muscles + Enhanced Physical Strength + Enhanced Leg Strength + Improved Jumping Power )

Black Demon's Charge: Improved Charging Power + Reckless Charge

Castle Body: it allows the user to become a living fortress inside contains various rooms, The user can hold even living people inside their body, by shrinking their sizes When the objects and people within the user get out they return to their normal size.

Dragon Emperor's Inexhaustible Life Force

Dragon Emperor's Divine muscle

True Endurance

Enhanced Leg Strength: increases user's leg strength.

Enhanced Physical Strength: increases user's physical strength.

Exoskeleton: can use and switch between up to 7 different exoskeleton armors made from chosen materials, using the dna to remake the creatures body into armor. User can switch and/or combine suits.

different exoskeleton armors.

Eternal Evolution: The user has the capability to evolve past any and all obstacles, limitations, restrictions, opponents, and environments, regardless of their current status, enabling them to evolve endlessly and infinitely with no limit or restriction to quantity and quality of their evolution, leaving the users body in a constant state of evolution and growth.

Eternal Transcendence: Users are continuously transcending things like concepts and/or the various levels of reality endlessly, breaking free from the laws, principles, or rules that make up any reality, seeing all lower levels of reality as if they were nonexistent fiction and all transcended concepts as if they're meaningless.

Giant King's Flesh and Blood: Gives the user the muscular strength necessary to support the body of a True Giant.

Giant King's Body: user's bones gain hardness equal to a giant bones.

Hard-Head: head becomes hard.

Heightened Stamina

Heavenly Judge's Vigor: You swiftly whirl and twirl with a true wolf's spirit

Improved Jumping Power: improves user's jumping power.

Limits Over Death: This ability only ever activated when the user get to near or full death battle, then the user becomes reborn a being that breaks through their limits.

Light Tiger Fur: Covers with a light mantle resembling a tiger stripe pattern

Lord of The Mountain's Stout Hide: Strengthens the user's skin. Although this ability was originally within the defensive system, it was turned into one from the body reinforcement system.

Lord of the Mountain's Strong Muscles: The user's muscles are strengthened. This ability allows them to exhibit tremendous power.

Jailer Onis tough skin

Pump Up: Gives the user the ability to manipulate their blood flow and increase their muscular strength.

Physical Abilities Improved: Your focus and grit have enabled you to boost your own physical faculties in combat.

Samsara Moon Blessing: Your body chills into an impervious form through a blessed lunar aura

Royal Beast: Allow the user to transform them self into a chimera like golden beastman form that encompasses all main beastman types, being an evolved version of the Beast Transformation.

Strong Body: user's bones become very strong. The bones can't be broken or severed easily.

Self Evolution: The user can manipulate their own state of evolution, enhancing their bodies, gaining new powers, and upgrading to a new physical form. If they so desire, they can also revert the evolution.

Physical growth: the users physique will grow in all aspects with every level they get.

Devil Merge: ability to fuse with living tissue of other lifeforms or objects to the cellular level and inherit their various attributes through atavistic evolution.(Ghoul + Synthesis)

Mimic: Replicate the target's appearance. The skills and abilities used by the target can also be used.

Trinity: This skill creates two perfect clones completely subservient, with the same skill, physiology, and weapons, which makes it a fight of three v one.

Duplicate Existence: This skill creates a perfect clone that is completely subservient, with the same skill, physiology, ability and weapons, which makes it a fight of two v one.

Reconstruct Existence: rebuild oneself after being destroyed This skill creates

Duplication Mass Produce: Ability to makes clones infinitely as long as the user is in contact with organic matter.

Spare Body: The user can create or possesses alternate bodies that they can inhabit. With stats that are shared growth from any bodies are shared along with vision and skills. Orders are given via telepathy

Vessel: The user is able to create bodies (biological or artificial) which are in perfect condition for themselves or others to inhabit.

Angel's Right Hand and Devil's Left Hand: On the right is divine sword that can cleave anything, and on the left is a demonic shield.

Seamless: with merge/synthesis body part it makes the different easier to move and much smoother.

Mind copy: user can replicate personalities and memories on command from anyone devoured

Giant Strength: by using the strength a True Giant.

Illogical Adamantine Strength: strength that defies logic/reason. (Bristle Guard + Strong Body + Lord of the Mountain's Stout Hide + Giant King's Flesh and Blood + Giant King's Body + Black Ogre's Strong Body)

Vitality of the Mysterious Giant: The user gains resilience that's equal to that of a giant.

Reactive Evolution: This skill makes not only the user, but even the stolen skills, and physiologies becomes more stronger the more is consumed any living organisms that are extremely powerful.

Silver Blood Sword: silver sword fused with the users body allowing him to develop a unique form of martial arts, Silver Blood Arts. He is able to produce silver aura, a specific kind of energy that can freeze the mana, can imbue weapons with silver aura making them far more effective at killing magic, summon silver swords to use as projectiles or in melee combat.

Union:A technique that fuses two of more entities to make the perfect fusion of the two or more.


CollapseAbsolute Avoidance: one of the top tier abilities it is exactly it means.

Boundless Speed: Users possess a level of speed at a maximum and limitless level, transcending the logical limits and boundaries of speed as a concept. They are beyond and qualitatively superior to all concepts of speed and the dimensions of time and space and are capable of performing movement beyond infinite dimensions of time due.

Escape : Can run away faster and blend into the environment to quickly lose followers.

Emergency Escape: (Escape + Emergency Retreat)

Emergency Retreat: When a user goes to escape, they can immediately withdraw.

Earth Glide: the ability to move through soil, rock and metal with out disturbing it like swimming in the ocean.

Instant Movement: Allows the user to move at a high speed for a moment. skill can be used continuously.

Lux Impetus: Phases away cloaked in light leaving a trail for allies to allow them to match in speed.

Sneaking: When the user is wearing non-metal armor, it's difficult to sense their presence and hear their footsteps.

Silent Flight: No sound occurs during flight.

Sonic Flight: Fly at the speed of sound. Generates shock wave when you hit the opponent.

Shadow Step: is a skill that allows the user to merge into the shadows it also allows the user to appear out of the shadows in another location.

High-Speed Flight Knowledge: grants understanding of flight.

Concealment: Clear your mind of fear, move without a trace, and sneak through the fight.

Stealth: to camouflage with his surroundings and hide all traces of presence, essentially turning himself both physically and magically invisible.

High-speed Swimming


Intergalactic Teleportation: The user can travel at speeds faster than speed of light, moving at such speed that it appears the traveler has moved from one spatial location to another instantly.

The Unseeable: The user can render themselves unseen and unfindable by anything, making them unable to be visually, physically, conceptually, etc. detected by any means including magic, technology, divine beings, etc.

Portal Creation: Summon Portals by rotating hand or finger on a circular motion creating a teal colored portal that can transport people, objects, or send back virtually any attack

Mountaineering: increases ability to travel on foot through mountainous terrain.

Quick Silver: increase his speed by 30% for a short burst.

Supersonic: Users can fly at super-high speeds, such as supersonic, hypersonic, light speed, or even faster than light speed.

Permeation( Intangibility): let's user slip through physical matter. to become intangible, letting him pass through any tangible matter; he could phase through walls and/or the ground, as well as let enemy attacks pass through him harmlessly. User still has mass, and everything passed through him, including light, sound, and air. (Originally used by a mummy dungeon monster)

Power of Law Wings Manifested: is able to manifest his law of light and darkness into the form of wings - light on his right and darkness on his left - with the energy surrounding the corresponding arm

Sensing / Sight

Collapse9 Divine Eyes: Using these impressive eyes, it can learn and use numerous abilities and techniques from sight or reading the enemies from mere thought. Through observance, it can perceive details, look through various dimensions and spectral.

Argos: A variation of Meggido that allows the user to observe almost anywhere on the planet, in real time, via a reflective satellite of water in space, and even enables the casting of Meggido during night.

Blink Emblem: moves objects within space and time controlled by her in a blink of an eye.

Cosmic Awareness: user is capable of sensing any large energy source from any distance. It does not even matter if the target is in another dimensional or outside of space and time all together.

Dark Eye: Allows one to see in the dark (Default)

Clairvoyance: User's eyes can see through all for a moment

Collector: Uses it to create minicule clones of yourself to spread calamity, the small clones could also be used to spy or track others or disrupt other's magic.

Complete Geological Comprehension: Able to see the brittle points of the bedrock's areas. This aided the mining for more types of ore while, at the same time, strengthening body.

Echolocation: allows one to search and visualize an area through sound waves emitted from the mouth. If the level is raised, it's possible to convert it into an attack.

Expanded Field of Vision: increases field of view to nearly 360 degrees. This has nothing to do with the location of their eyes.

Ephemeral Eye: enlarged field of vision and can predict where enemies will attack. Makes blind spots vanish. (Predict + Expanded Field of Vision)

Erasure: user can negate usage of the skill possessed by whomever he makes eye contact with. for as long as he can last without blinking. Blinking will allow the target to use their ability again.

Evil eye Consciousness: that could make one lost sight of themselves and become a normal person.

Eyes of God: the ability to perfectly replicate any move and technique he lays his eyes upon, including the ones used by divine beings, regardless of its speed or power.

Eye of the Moon: which is capable of observing anywhere in the world with the option to add sound as well too, and the information can be processed and turned into a video. Can also be used to locate isolated dimensions and teleport in and out of them.

Solar Trust: Prophetic Messages or Warnings showing its powerful forces in accounting for the near future through the strength of the sunlight, and it is an illusion that has many benefits.

Sun Eye: the Skill of observing anywhere in the world with the option to add sound as well too, and the information can be processed and turned into a video. Can also be used to locate isolated dimensions and teleport in and out of them.

Eyes of the Cosmos: An endless source of supernatural powers that provide omnipotent reconnaissance and insight.

Future knowledge: User are all-knowing over the future, possessing limitless, infinite, absolute and maximum knowledge and information over all impending events.

Hawk Eye: allows one to clearly see far away things.

Heaven gaze: allows the user to get a better sense of the magic around them, from the flow of mana to the extent of its force, than even magic sense could allow. Also allowed the user to predict an opponent's move in-battle based on it.

Imperial Eye Imprinting: By using Powerful eyes allowing them to make the powers a natural part of them. This makes it near impossible for them to forget or lose the powers after they have learned them.

Limitless six eyes: The Six Eyes allows the user to see energy in extreme detail. As such the user of the Six Eyes is able to see the flow of all energy allowing them to precisely manipulate the sophisticated powers of the Limitless down to an atomic level.

Lorenzini Organ: can sense electric currents. If the skill's level is raised, it becomes possible for the user to perceive the faint electrical currents of living things.

Looting/Plunderer: an ability that allows its user to take over the body of another person for 5 seconds, with the users eyes turning lime green, target of Plunder will have their ability will be stolen.

Omega Beams: can fire concentrated beams from his eyes which can lock on its target to ensure it never misses. He has pinpoint control over these Omega Beams, and his unerring aim allows it to travel in straight lines or bend, twist or curve around corners.

Omni Analysis: any object can be analyzed.

Onyx Eyes' Abyssal Gaze: Jet-black eyes from the shadowy abyss peer at foes; the gaze itself siphons willpower and overwhelms hostile souls with darkness.

Phased Radar Array:A 3d map that has names and species of living beings around the user (Thermography + Echolocation + Sense Presence + Sense Trap + Sense Enemy)it's speed is dependent on the user intuition skill.

Predict: can see enemy attack trajectories as red strings.

Path Finder: User can search through and find anything/everything, including dreams, thoughts, ideas, possibilities, perspectives, paths, forms of imagination, means of travel, realities, realms/levels of existence, events/timelines etc. allowing them to find any new or alternate version of something from another place/time/reality and possibly bringing those alternate versions to reality.

Quantum Eye: Users are capable of quantum level multidimensional cognition being able obtain unlimited information and already processed knowledge coming from an interdimensional connection to the multiverse. User can also verse jump.

Terror Eye: has a special ability, one that lets him see whenever a path leads to an unfortunate future in dark purple.

Thousand Image Defense: innate ability and talent which allows him to memorize and analyze his opponent's moves to form a simulation of them inside his mind, visualizing and battling said opponent until he finds a way to defeat them.

Seek: where the user can detect other ability-wielders, including individuals with abilities that have yet to be awakened. This ability can be utilized through the use of a map, with dots as an indication of an abiiity-wielder's position.

Soul Eye: eye possesses the ability to see people's emotions as colors.

Sense Presence: can detect nearby presences as if they're on a mental radar. Shows the name of anyone previously met, and the race if it's a type previously encountered, and whether it's friend or foe. It works even if the user is unconscious.

Sense Area: user can sense an entire 3D area within a fixed range, have no blind spots, and will even detect invisible foes through wind currents. (Hawk Eye + Wind Reading + Ephemeral Eye)

Sense Enemy: a sixth sense for seeing where the enemy is.

Sense Trap: a sixth sense for seeing traps.

Thermography: infrared heat vision.

Water Seeking Snake: grants one the ability to locate water even in a desert.

Wind Reading: can see wind currents.

Witness to Time: Brings history to the user experience the passage of time firsthand, the user becomes the knower of the written and unwritten history and future.


CollapseAbsolute Stamina: an absolute stamina entails never getting tired no matter the circumstance, including conceptual attacks, curses, or divine forces attempting to limit or weaken the user's endless and boundless stamina, In combat situations, users would be able to unleash their ultimate techniques and attacks continuingly and endlessly.


Bio-Fission: If rou spills even a drop of blood, that drop can become a completely new him.

Bio Nanomachine Production

Bio Metal Production

Bio Manipulation

Blood Vampire: like a vampire user can soak and continuously heal from blood no matter how strong or toxic the blood is.

Body Fluid Manipulation

Cell Activation

Chemical Formulation

Duplication Mass Produce: Ability to makes clones infinitely as long as the user is in contact with organic matter.

Elixir of Blood: blood becomes an all-cure type healing potion that can even save one from the brink of death.

High SpeedRegeneration: Although it's dependant upon the user's resilience, it's possible for them to recreate lost organs and limbs. It's a higher ranking version of [Rapid Recovery].

Full Restore: Administrates a medicine to heal anyone that suffers to an status effect and recover them from damage.

Mana Operation: Making the external magic with its own magic in to recover the MP.

Holy King's All-Healing Ray: A glorious column of light heals allies & remove status effects. It has a good chance to raise magic, too.

Cold Blood Sucking: Heal own vitality by sucking enemies' blood with bat ghosts

Control of micro particles: allows you to control the atoms and molecules of your own body. This gives a wide range of possibilities: from the almost unlimited regeneration and the highest level of adaptability to the unlimited changes in the shape and limited intangibility. Besides the characters, controlling molecules and atoms of the body almost invulnerable to enemy biological manipulation(as any impact will be immediately canceled).

Ewig Hacht Vampir: Bats summoned from blood itself fly at your command

Fast Regeneration

Holy land: Creates a perfect defense that heals allies with holy and divine energy.

Longevity: immune to all diseases, poisonous substances, and any abnormalities to his status. This buff also grants you a regenerative healing factor, which accelerates exponentially when you sleeps.

Self-Sustenance: user does not need any food, water, air, or sleep and he can survive in the vacuum of space without any harm.

Hyper Regeneration: The user's amazing vitality allows them to immediately heal fatal injuries. A mind-boggling amount of effort is required if someone is thinking about killing the user by whittling away their life. Even if an arm is destroyed, it will immediately grow back. (Rapid Recovery + High Speed Regeneration + Strong Vitality + Vitality of the Mysterious Giant)

Infused Liquid Restoration

Unlimited Blood: Users body produce a seemingly infinite amount of blood this blood can be manipulated but also stashed in a sub space if needed.

Immortal Clones:Users possess extreme regeneration, allowing them to not only recover from any wound almost instantly but even regenerate separated body parts into full bodies, each as powerful as the original. This tremendous life-force is usually associated with some kind of biological immortality, all bodies being connected together in a unique hive mind.(Duplicate Existence + Trinity + Reconstruct Existence + Refresh + Five Soul life+ Resurrection + Revival + Group Body Combination + Eternal Youth + Self Replication + Dragon Emperor's Inexhaustible Life Force)

Duplicate Existence: This skill creates a perfect clone that is completely subservient, with the same skill, physiology, ability and weapons, which makes it a fight of two v one.

Reconstruct Existence: Rebuild oneself after being destroyed This skill creates.

Strong Vitality: Increases the user's recovery rate.

Rapid Recovery: increases recovery rate.

Limitless Fountain of Mana: Infinite mana that recovers infinitely like an endless fountain of energy.

Reactive Regeneration: When the user is killed, they come back to life, resistant to whatever killed them.

Eternal Youth: All of user's wounds healed almost instantaneously no matter how severe. You also does not age, does not need to eat or drink, and is immune to all poisons.

Resurrection/Five Soul Life: Brings user back from death at least 5 times per battle.

Ultra Recovery: The more damage the user takes, the more it heals. The body is also strengthened at the time of recovery, becoming stronger like an endless spiral.

Rapid Sleep

Universal Cell Purification

ultimate recovery magic: The golden circle of wings floating in the sky is a reproduction to super-heal their allies. This is one of those [Miracles]that even if you are dead, you can repair your corpse and bring back your soul to life. It's a miracle that can restore a corpse, even if it's dead, and bring the soul back to life.

Spirit God Hand: User can heal/restore anything/everything to optimal condition/health, including people, objects/locations, environments, abilities/powers, defensive powers, souls, worlds, natural forces/concepts etc. Undoing any/all damage they may have suffered and potentially even making themselves stronger in process.

Universal Safety System: User can restore literally anything/everything back to its natural/original state with absolutely no flaws or mistakes in the process, regardless of how badly destroyed the target is.

Super Regeneration: when taking damage at a definite level the whole body will regenerate, even when no traces are left.

Immortal Body Of Infinite Regeneration: An immortal and unfettered body that can take any mortal and immortal damage become immune to the damage and regenerate/reassurects infinitely.(Super Regeneration + Ultra Recovery + Resurrection + Eternal Youth + Hyper Regeneration + Longevity + Duplicate Mass Produce + Unlimited Blood + Absolute Stamina + Elixir Blood + Limitless Fountain of Mana + Immortal Clones + Reactive Regeneration)

Support / Misc

CollapseAdvanced Mixology: Increase the grade of mixed item to maximum

Air Canons: can fire large blasts of pressurized air from the palms of his hands.

Anaerobic: can survive without oxygen.

Aquatic: the ability to live in water.

Automatic Return: chosen weapon teleports right back in the user's hands.


Beasts killer lesser: Allows any move used with this to do a critical on any Beasts.

Beasts Killer intermediate

Greater Beast Killer: Allows all hits to complete a 75% Critical on any Beasts.

Behavior Control: With behaviour control, one can surpress sudden outbursts by wild animals. It creates a collar around the targets neck.

Big Game Slaying

Blade Bone Generation

Blind Fanaticism: Single minded faith. Issues of morality and repellant sense of faith can be ignored. Will not feel fear.

Blood Stain: A skill to control anything animate or inanimate that the user's blood touches.

Bone Union: can manipulate the target's bone structure.

Braveheart: immunity to status effects of Depression and Awe.


Breath Composition: It's a mind-affecting skill that can induce terror to a target through breathing effects, its range is two kilometers with perfect accuracy.

Chain-Soul: links souls together. Linked souls can communicate telepathically with each other, but if one dies so too does the other.

Chickenhearted: Makes the user become a coward. It's useless in combat, but it increases the user's ability to sense danger. Since they're easily scared, the user will become sensitive to scary things.


Chief Guard of the Dungeon: when within a dungeon you own, you receive various perks like materializing any item you want.(Anything even including items of evolution like evolution seeds.)

Conceal Presence

Control: By giving commands the user can impose Absolute orders on targets. Though commands are usually spoken, the user's intentions are what truly matters. They can impose complex commands with a single word, through a specific gesture or a sheer act of will, unquestioningly bending anything and everything to their will.

Conceal Self-Status

Combo Star: Continuous hits each consecutive blow receives an additional 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 6 nonillion pounds of force compared to the previous one. If the chain of attacks is interrupted then it resets and she has to restart the count once more.

Conjurer Joke: This ability allows user to switch the positions of two objects that are relatively the same size such as an apple and a soul or even two beings about the same size.

Chaotic Ghost: fuses monsters from the astral group, which includes ghosts, strengthening resulting creation and amplifying its emotions. Even if the ability is used to strengthen weak ghosts, they can quickly be turned into Great Evil Spirits. Because the ability doesn't have a way to control the created monster, care must be taken in handling it.

Conceptions: Reworks reality for the sake of the order of the cosmos. It is said that its breath reforms the world.

Orderly Purification: Bring an end to chaos with an attack that wipes out discord.

Command Mantra: User's words are empowered by this passive skill. It can instantly turn weak-minded individuals into puppets dancing on your strings.

Concealment: Clear your mind of fear, move without a trace, and sneak through the fight.

Continental Letter Deciphering

Conjured Five-Line Staff: Sing an engrossing song using a variety of enchanted vocal techniques. The very notation of your music comes to life and strikes the enemy.

Crystal Crocodile's Sharp Fangs

Cultivator: was originally an ability suitable for agriculture, but depending on how to use it, it was an excellent ability with various applications.


Demon slaying: various modifiers are applied when attacking races from the demon system of monsters.

Tyrant of the Demon Slaying Demon Army: It becomes easy to kill races that are part of the demon system of monsters. Various modifiers are applied. (Familicide + Demon Slaying)

Desensitizing: limits one's sense of pain.

Detect Analysis: Appraise objects (ie reveal details about

what you're looking at).

Demiuman killer lesser: Allows any move used with this to do a critical on any demihuman.

Demihuman Killer intermediate

Greater Demihuman Killer: Allows all hits to complete a 75% Crit on any demihumans

Gate of Babylon: Is a portal that opens anywhere where the treasure inside is all of the world's prototypes of all phantasmal weapons and items that can be launched or used; but only accessed by the user.

Discount: Decrease purchase prices by 30%.

Disease Carrier

Divinely-Forged Form of the Otherworlder: ensures that travel to another realm your body will follow.

Divine Gloves: Its unique ability enables to turn anything he touches into a Divine Weapon


Wiretapping: clears up noise from crowds so you can listen in to a conversation clearly. Can also hear through walls to some extent.

Elytron Generation: generates insect like wings.

Enslave: Gives the effect: "those wearing an item with this effect are forced to follow the owner of said item's orders." Basically the enslaved cannot oppose the master and cannot lie or withhold information when asked.

Elastic Hand: allows him to bestow the property of elasticity to anything he touches, making it stretchable, bendable, and bouncy. This ability can affect anything, from the ground to the air itself.

Epidemic Scatter

Equipment Materialization

Evil Miasma of Life: "Negative" damages heals the user instead of hurting.

Fascination/Charm: Charm others with Beaty flowing like the fountain of youth.

Fossil Restoration: A racial apostle lord ability that lets the user restore entire being from just bones.

Familicide: When the user kills someone from their race, various modifiers are applied.

Fire Hair: The user has hair composed of fire. They can control when they want their fire hair to move or not.

Full Size: allows its user to grow his body to gargantuan proportions. attacks have more power and his range is increased.

Analytical Appraisal: speeds up thought to the point that everything is like time froze. (Quick Thinking + Parallel Thinking )

Burning Dragon Blood: one's blood inflicts burns on any who come in contact with it, as well as letting you use secret Draconic arts.

Full Knowledge of Martial Arts

Giant Slayer: When fighting against giants, it's possible to be superior to them in various ways.

Giant King's Wisdom: Regarding things like the handling of magic, it gives the user knowledge they didn't know about beforehand.

Golem Core: An ability that uses metal as a catalyst to create a golem core and make any golem.

Golden Rule: increases probability of generating wealth.

Golden Thread Creation

Greater Equipment Materialization

Greater Foresight

Greater Human Killer

Greater Tool Appraisal

Great Wisdom Sage King: is a Conceptual Intelligence that has a heartless and emotionless personality and is solely driven by purely logical computational to the point it can rival the omnipotence of Great God.( Future Attack Prediction + Greater Foresight + Thought Acceleration + intuition + Nine Divine eyes + Parallel Mind + Giant king's Wisdom + Analytical Analysis + Synthesis + Seperation + Skill Modification + Creation + Wisdom )

Haki: Haki is a mysterious power that allows the user to utilize their own spiritual energy for various purposes.

Hidden Weapon Mastery


High-Rank Body Generation: by collecting and condensing blood the user can make an independent but very obedient blood army.

High Compression: Allows the user to compress an object or energy that they touch. Works even on things like fire from dragon breath attacks.

Heavenly Seed Cultivation: Cultivation of seeds that only Gods can cultivate, such as the labyrinth seed, evolution seeds, Immortal seeds, world seeds, ect.

Horse Riding: improves ability to ride mounted creatures.


Human killer lesser: Allows any move used with this to do a critical on any human.

Human Killer intermediate

Hyper Flexible body: Twist and Bend the muscle and bone structure inside with no physical changes on the outside.

Greater Human Killer: Allows all hits to complete a 75% Crit on any humans

Illusion World: Everything bends according to the User's will, even the flow of time. With this ability, You can easily analyze and counter the opponent's attacks. User can also turn phantasms into reality and vice versa.

Improved Digestion: Strengthens digestion and absorption of food. The downside is one tends to be a big eater and it's easy to get fat.

Inhabitant of The Forest: less likely to be found when in a forest.

Intuition: heightens logic and alerts one to unseen danger.

Item Box: able to summon a box by calling it with this it able to store and retrieve the loot It shape and size will depend on the owner's magical powers. As long it is strong enough it can shove anything on it, whether they're alive or not.

Joint Magic: Holds bone joints together via magic instead of sinew.

Kidnap: When kidnapping people, it makes it hard for the user to be discovered.

Law of the Jungle: Any that are beaten in any way by the wielder of the skill will obey the winner as an absolute subject.

Limitless Libido : Matchless vigor

Luck: Increases chance of good things occurring.

Mana Drain

False Data Mana: Gives the user the ability to fake his/her MP.

Life Drain

Layered Power: User can stack any/all different effects, powers and abilities on themselves, others, weapons and items either to increase their overall effectiveness or grant entirely new powers from the stacked effect.

False Data Life: It gives the user the ability to fake his/her HP.

Matter Transmutation: User can transmute matter into different forms. They are able to create and absorb matter and energy, shape, and rebuild it into anything of their choosing.

Mental Mapping: Maps the places you discover in the user's mind.

Metamorphosis: Allows the user to change the shape of their body at will. Basically one can be a slime, enabling actions like reattachment of lost limbs, expansion to eat something bigger than oneself, or even absorb something right through one's skin.

Metal melt: Let's the user melt any weapon armor or object made of metal, and also mixed them together to make something new.

Mind Accelerate: Lets user extend their thoughts by up to a million times.

Mimic: Replicate the target's appearance. The skills and abilities used by the target can also be used.


Monster Call: Let's you Instantly summon the monster you have befriended, ignoring the laws of physics.

Monster Fusion: Let's you to combine two monsters you have befriended into a stronger monster with both positive attributes of each monster eliminating previous weaknesses.

Monster telepathy: let's you talk through any and all distances through telepathy with said befriended monster.

Monster King: All monsters will bow to you even laws around them.(Monster Call+ Monster Fusion+ Monster Telepathy)

Negative Energy Absorption: inflicts "Negative" damage on any that are in physical contact with the user.

Old Goblin's Wisdom: Significantly increases the details provided by Detect Analyze for objects that came from great forests.

Overcharge: Increases sale prices by 30%.

Overhaul: disassemble and reassemble anything that he comes in contact with

Overpowering: High charisma makes lesser beings submit to the user.

Operation room: that grants the ability to manifest a spherical space in which the user can manipulate the orientation, movements, and physical configuration of anything and anyone (themselves included) in a "surgical" fashion, making the user a Free Modification Human

Pandemic Black Apostle: can wipe out an entire city upon activation. (Disease Carrier + Plague Infection + Epidemic Scatter)

Parallel Thinking: grants ability to consider multiple thing at the same time.

Parasite: the user's flesh converting into mind control parasites that follows his orders upon being chew off, or display from his own body. These parasites aren't ordinary, as they either consume the flesh of other beings once they successfully entered their body causing these beings to die instantly, or they would mind control the individuals.

Parasite Injection: leaves a piece of themselves that when consumes grows and merges with the target mind body and soul

Pet Personification: Give a custom human form to your tamed pet monster.

Photon Ruler

Plague Infection

Precocious: Enables rapid growth during infancy/childhood (Default)

Predator of the Sky

Predator of the Water

Pure Faith: Undefiled faith. Increases chance of meeting condition of being liked by God.

Quick Thinking: improves rate of thinking.

Radio Waves: can disrupt radio waves and cause communicators to malfunction.

Recognition Difficulty : Makes it difficult for others to sense the user's presence, even if they're standing in front of them. (Conceal Presence + Recognition Obstruction + Sneaking )

Read State

Remote control: After sticking a special antenna into his target, usually in the back of their neck user gains complete control over their mind and actions, puppeteering them from afar through a special mobile phone until the antenna was removed

Red Crystal's Tone: Provides correction in playing musical instruments. Can suppress pride and abnormal mental state.

Refractory Mucus Secretion

Release Trap

Self-Body Fluid Property Manipulation: Can make sweat acidic, poisonous, stimulating, and more.

Self Replication: The user can replicate themselves and their abilities from a drop of blood that are obedient but has a small amount of free will, connected by telepathic link that can also share sight(live broadcast).

Self status

Separation: Release the properties inherent to the target and make it into a separate object.

Sharp Horn Generation

Shapeshift: Allows the user to freely change their bodies properties and disguise their appearance, such as changing skin tone.

Shadow Extraction: A resurrection skill that allows its user to revive a slain beast or hunter as a shadow soldier. It is trigged through a set keyword, does not cost mana to use, and can be applied over a large radius.

Shadow Preservation: User is able to preserve his shadows in storage and monitor them by perceiving their senses.

Shadow Exchange: allows its user to use shadows as portals to travel vast distances in an instant. As the skill works like a gate, the user can bring people with them while using it. It also does not have any time limits and does not consume mana to use.

Shadow Monarch:( Shadow Extraction+ Shadow Preservation+ Shadow Exchange)

Shockwave magic: use coats their hands with enough electricity to jump start a heart between 120/200 joules

Slow Floating: Gives the user the ability to float. However, since it's low-speed, they appear to drift in the air.

Smoke Bomb

Small package: user can minimize and enlarge chosen items

Sound magic;

Silent: erases sound

Big voice: enhances sound

Voice change: Alter voices

Whisper: Transmits normal sound very far distance

Speed Reading

Limitless Leveling: Due to the rule of the universe every mortal has limited levels, this ability brings the user to the realm of gods the realm past infinity.

Spider Thread Creation: Shoots spider silk out of one's fingertips.

Spider Yarn Web

Spirit Refinement Technique: Let's the user cultivate their spirits

Ancient Celestial Breathing Art: This mana breathing technique that forms a small universe in the mind scape of the higher dimension known as the mind realm. You can absorb the powerful waves emitted by the light and dark nebula(the flow of stars), then transfer them into the mind realm and use them at your will

Special Suicide Bullets: are bullets that disrupt blood flow and renders one's magical power useless, user uses them to dispose instantly of his damaged body. A simple graze of the bullets is enough to make the target unable to regenerate the wound if they use self enhancement magic, a hit to the heart is instant death even for a Dragon Monarch

Stealth: to camouflage with your surroundings and hide all traces of presence, essentially turning yourself both physically and magically invisible.

Stench: Creates a foul smell upon oneself.

Suction Cups Creation: can produce octopus suckers anywhere on the body.

Supreme Harmony: helps the user with bringing all their attacks and energy to complete harmony when the energy out pours from different directions or it's energy that would clash against each other.

Symbiotic: infects a target with a parasite. Also the parasite will be sustained by the host and have the effect of generating an increase in the body's ability.

Synthesis: enables creation of new abilities derived from old ones. Abilities can be put into objects.

Fire Breathe: Being blessed by a firey spirit, the user has the ability to breath fire

Intense Fire Breath: A massive flame breath incinerates those in its path

White Hot Breath: Blow out an extremely hot breath

Wyvern Chaos Claw: Cut with the scorching claws of a blazing dragon

Tool Creation [High]: Increase the grade of creation tools to maximum.

True name: user can evolve, control and even make this being a subordinate with the true name the user gives them.

Tentacle Creation: sprouts octopus tentacles from any part of one's body. Training is required to do anything more than basic movements.

Thread Wielding Art: Good control of spider silk.

Tireless: can stay up all night without sleeping.


Trap Creation: Provides correction to trap building. As level rises, new traps come to mind.

Treasure King's Alter: Create endless varieties of both precious crystals, stones and materials, and refine them as you please.

True Dragon's Martial Arts

Undead Domination: the power to mentally dominate the undead's state of mind and soul. The enslaved undead will acknowledge the user before them as their controller, their Master.

Unlock: can open anything that needs a key.

Union: Tactic to combine two beings into a stronger and more balanced being.

Vampirephilia: Take blood from other creatures to replenish one's own.

Water armor: apply the gooey contents, the sticky nucleus, to a targets chests. The nucleus mysteriously absorbed the large amount of spring water, and immediately transformed into a viscous liquid. Now they are wearing a slime armor the slime covering his entire body extends a thousand tentacles into its surroundings like the Thousand-Armed Kannon, the tips of numerous extended tentacles coming from the slime are simultaneously weaving magic of the water/ice system level 1-10spells.

Wail Of Sorrow: Allows the user to create an enormous amount of water in the area by shedding tears as they cry.

Water Battle Formation

Water Breathing

Whale's Whistle Voice

Wild Horn Dance

Wind Reading

Wing Growth


CollapseAspect of a Demon: Traits of a demon. The user becomes sensitive to the signs of a holy person and has a high affinity towards demons. It makes it easy for the user to strengthen their magic power and body, among other things.

Aspect of an Undead Knight: Traits of an Undead Knight. Lower ranking undead sense an intimidating air just by confronting the user.

Aspect of the Giants: Traits that the giant family inherits ceaselessly.

Giant's Bloodline: The blood that flows in giants. This ability amplifies the user's power, as well as makes it easy for their body to grow larger. Makes them more likely to evolve within the Giant family, as well.

Knight's Lineage: Exhibits the highest ability of a Knight.

Royal Lineage

Soldier's Lineage: Exhibits the highest abilities of a Soldier.

Giga Minotaur: Exhibits the highest strength and regeneration.

Ice Blood True Vampire: Exhibits the highest control over dark magic blood and ice.

Minotaur Rider: Exhibits the highest monster taming and riding ability.

Hell Demon King: Exhibits the highest control of earth and mining.

Nine-Eyed All-Seer: Exhibits the highest observation of divine eye prince.

Void Spirit Mage Mage: Exhibits the highest heavenly spells from the stars.

Imperial Blood emperor: Exhibits the highest control of blood and warfare.

Adelheid: Exhibits the highest control of poison, corrosion and curses.

Blaze Lord: Exhibits the highest control of blazing martial arts.

Storm Lord: Exhibits the highest control of storm martial arts.

Destruction King: Exhibits the highest ruin and destruction ability.

Conquest Emperor: Exhibits the highest conquering ability of an emperor.

Jail Oni: Exhibits the highest capturing and subduing ability.

Sereness King: Exhibits the highest defence and healing ability.

Vision Lord: Exhibits the highest Illusion based ability.

Martial Arts

CollapseWater Stream Rock Smashing Fist: the ultimate defensive art that utilizes offensive and defense with wave moves "that lead an opponent by the nose." To parry an enemies attack like a stream of water and then drive a powerful blow to an unguarded spot.

Silver Blood Sword: silver sword fused with the users body allowing him to develop a unique form of martial arts, Silver Blood Arts. He is able to produce silver aura, a specific kind of energy that can freeze the mana, can imbue weapons with silver aura making them far more effective at killing magic, summon silver swords to use as projectiles or in melee combat.

Eclipse Oni Form: Enlightenment: Achieve a level of skill that greatly surpasses ordinary martial artists. You will perpetually continue along a path towards the ideal as you display clarity and serenity in combat.

Transcendent Demon Martial Arts: The martial arts rivaling war gods, attacks that surpass time and space, and a body that contains limitless and divine vigor.


CollapseBattle Cry: raise morale of allies within the sound of one's voice.

Black Bone Army Commander: raises the ability stats of minions of the Skeleton System.

Chain of Servitude: whether knocking out or killing the target this ability resurrects them as monsters of complete servitude with a chain necklace as proof.

Courtroom Etiquette: All of the users do each actions and appearances is fixed and lead by this skill to be top notch etiquette

Corpse Raid: Calls forth a group of rotten corpses to dismantle and enemy. Even the enemy survives, corpses toxins will take him down.

Demon Army Commander: Increase your allies' abilities with the raucous hexes of a demon army commander

Devil Bug Tenacity: A swam of Trained swam of Devil Bugs protects the user, devounring all that comes in touch to him.

Kings Vessel: You can correct your subordinates' abilities. as well as advance their intellectual capabilities, which in turn allows them to communicate with each other more smoothly

Mayfly Soul Shackle: Send a bug swarm to stop the target from moving.... may be forever.

Oni Emperor's Tactics: Unlock the true potential of all allies with the charisma of a real Emperor.

Pack Leadership: Allows one to choose the most suitable person for a task more quickly and applies modifiers that strengthen the user's followers.

Pack Hunting Proficiency: can issue more orders and have them followed efficiently.

Rallying Cry: gathers others within the sound of your voice to you.

Law of the Jungle: Any that are beaten in any way by the wielder of the skill will obey the winner as an absolute subject

Region Ruler: Makes the user qualified to be a King, giving them the attitude, etc. that's required.

Unilateral Sense of Justice: impresses belief in Justice upon others, thus raising fighting spirit.

Veterans' Godly Tactics: Brilliant tactics devised from an illustrious career of military service help an ally with dexterity & evasion.

Tyranny of the King: To make up for the increase in the probability of a revolt occuring, the exploitation success rate is drastically increased. The modifiers include strengthening the user's allies, among other things.

Hive mind: The ability to infect and convert a person to one's own thought process through psychoactive viral mental manipulation.

Overlord: (Law of the Jungle+ Overpowering+ Pet Personification+ Shadow Monarch+ Monster King+ Parasite+ food chain, Chain of Servitude)

Elemental Spirit Magic

CollapseElemental Spirit User: let's the user converse with elemental spirits, control, transform into, and create elemental spirit.

Aero-Master: Users can create, shape, transform and manipulate air.

Organic Matter Control: Users can create, shape and manipulate organic matter.

Pyrokinesis: Users can create, shape, transform and manipulate fire.

Earth Control: Users can create, shape and manipulate earth.

Energy Ruler: Users can create, shape and manipulate energy.

Electro-Master: Users can create, shape, transform and manipulate electricity.

Psychokinesis: User can manipulate matter or another aspect of a physical system with the 'mind' or through other non-physical means.

Hydro-hand: Users can create, shape, transform and manipulate water.

Photon Ruler: Users can create, shape, transform and manipulate light.

Spatiokinesis: Users can create, shape and manipulate space.

Gravity Law: Users can create, shape and manipulate gravity.

Vibration Ruler: Users can create, shape, move, control, interact and manipulate vibrations such as sound, temperature and shockwaves.

Darkness ruler: Users can create, shape, transform and manipulate darkness.

Plant Control: Users can create, shape and manipulate plant life.

Attraction and Repulsion Law: User can manipulate attraction and repulsion of any object.

Yin Yang Manipulation: The user has power over yin and yang, the natural and spiritual dualities of polar opposites or seemingly contrary forces that are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, Though described as polar opposites they combine to form a greater whole with almighty effects such as creating anything or all things.

Ideal Manipulation: The user can manipulate parts, parts of a set, all known parts, or all existent parts of concepts, change concepts and their definition, create new ones by warping a universal ideas or create one out of nothing, so long as it is rational, and consistent with preexisting concepts.

Velocity Control: User can manipulate the velocity/speed of objects around him.

Reality Ruler: The User can Create, Shape and Manipulate reality.

Science Master: Users can manipulate and understand a level of science/knowledge that only an that omnipotent beings would possess. This power allows the user to achieve limitless and beyond the impossible.

Metal Ruler: User can create shape and manipulate all types of metal.

Weapon Master: user can Create, Summon, Manipulate, and Shape any kind of weapons with perfect skill, whether pre-modern modern or futuristic weapons, they can also be made from flesh or soul.

Inertia Law: User can manipulate objects State of Motion.

Void Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate nothingness, the absence of entities or substance.

Magnetic Control: The User can manipulate magnetism and magnetic fields in all things.

Weather Ruler: Users can sense, channel, shape, create and manipulate weather.

Weak-force Control: User can manipulate the very force that decays nuclear particles.

Cosmic Ruler: User can manipulate the cosmic energy of the universe into Divine power.

Primal Manipulation: Users can manipulate anything and everything made by the primordial force, the unique source or origin of every universal concept.

Soul Ruler: User can create, shape, and manipulate aura in anyway in themselves or others.

Strong-force Control: User can manipulate the very force that binds protons and neutrons together in atomic nuclei.

Friction Law: User can manipulate the frictional force himself objects or others.

Chronokinesis: Users can create, shape and manipulate time.

Magic Control: The User can create, shape, and manipulate magic, witchcraft, and mystic Arts.

Emotion Manipulation: User can sense and manipulate the emotions, including feelings, moods and their affects, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling emotions, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level.

Chaos Theory: user can harmonically control Chaotic, Negative and Positive energy, master of balance.

Order Control: User controls world altering energy that brings balance to disorder, as envisioned by the user.

Matter Manipulation:Users can shape and manipulate matter, including anything in the universe that has substance and mass or physical form.

All Creation: One can freely control just about any and everything. In a sense, one is a God. The name basically refers to "Lord over all of creation, one with all things in nature and the universe"..( Elemental Spirit User + Aero-Master + Organic Matter Control+ Pyrokinesis + Earth Control + Electro-Master + Hydro-hand + Photon Ruler + Gravity Law + Plant Control + Elemental Spirit User + Ideal Manipulation + Friction Law + Void Manipulation + Strong-force Control + Weak-force Control + Inertia Law + Magnetic Control + Science Master + Weather Ruler + Velocity Control + Metal Ruler + Reality Ruler+ Weapon Master + Soul Ruler + Yin Yang Manipulation + Attraction and Repulsion Law + Primal Manipulation + Spatiokinesis + Energy Ruler + Psychokinesis + Darkness Ruler + Chronokinesis + + Magic Control + Cosmic Ruler + Emotion Manipulation + Chaos Theory + Order Control + Matter Manipulation)

All of Creation Wisdom: Ability to comprehend all non-concealed phenomenon in the world.

Elemental Spirit Lord Fusion Magic: User can combine elemental powers, granting one element the properties and functions of another. For example, the user is able to grant darkness the piercing abilities of light. This in turn will grant the user the possibility to stand against, or possibly overwhelm, most singular elements. User can also combine two or more elements into a new element. If the user possesses every elementary element required, they can create every advanced element in existence, and possibly entirely new elements as well,

All Creation Manifestation: It has the ability to create anything one imagines by using material creation or materialization.