In the heart of the sprawling palace complex, as night began its descent, the evening painted the sky with strokes of soft purple hues. These hues playfully danced over the walls of the palace, creating intricate patterns of light and shadow that accentuated the already intricate carvings adorning every wall and arch. This display, enchanting in its own right, was but a prelude to the marvels within.

At the center of this grandeur was Yujin's room, a chamber worthy of tales and songs. Bathed in the gentle light filtering in from the ornate windows, every corner of the room told a story of the empire's wealth and the meticulous artisanship of its people. The bed, a centerpiece in itself, was adorned with the finest linens - a deep royal blue, embroidered with threads of gold and silver. These fabrics, sourced from the farthest reaches of the empire, whispered tales of distant lands and ancient traditions.