Suspicions and Inquiries

Emilia asks, "Oh by the way, out of curiosity…Do you know someone with that name from before? Hart?" while keeping her eyes on the ceiling.

Dietrich responds, "Hmm? Not that I remember. Oh but I do have an ancestor with a similar name. It is Hartavian if I remember correctly."

The doctor steps into the room and begins talking to the couple about Emilia's condition and the requirements necessary for her recovery. Emilia feels a jolt of fear running through her as the memory flashes through her mind again. She has seen the man who looks just like Dietrich before, but she cannot bring herself to tell him. She does not want to seem paranoid but she just does not know if she can truly trust him, the memory increasing that feeling. 

The memory is too vivid to ignore. She keeps her distance from Dietrich, her mind racing with questions. Is he really who he says he is? Is he hiding something from her? And most importantly, can she trust him?