Dietrich gets a mere ten feet away from the shadowy figure before accidentally stepping on a twig. Emilia shifts and jumps out of the water to give chase as she watches the unknown being take off into the woods. Dietrich growls with frustration and goes into pursuit, he wants to grab Emilia's clothes or at least remind her that she will be completely naked when she shifts but he knows there isn't any point to it. Emilia has always and will always prioritize solving the various mysteries in life over her own wellbeing, that's just who she is.
An erotic scent drifts toward Dietrich and he panics as he realizes that it's coming from Emilia, the aroma from the flowers hasn't been fully washed off of her skin yet. He changes direction as he sees the shadowy figure head straight to Emilia's current position.
"Dietrich, left five in thirty." Emilia instructs him in code.