The Isle of Dragons

The group pairs off and heads toward their destination, Traf with Emilia and Dietrich with Raph. Traf complains and accuses Raph of trying to take advantage of him in his sleep for the entire eight hour flight, keeping everyone else laughing at him. 

"For the last time Traf, I wasn't trying to take advantage or seduce you. You're not even my type. I prefer cute and shy, not loud and boisterous." Raph laughs as he lands on a small island. 

"Types can change, you know. In the blink of an eye, you could fall head over heels for each other." Emilia teases as she follows.

"Stop scaring the poor man, I'm not trying to get with him." Raph chuckles. 

"Oh come on, you two would make a really cute couple!" Emilia squeals.

"Hmm, shouldn't you be more focused on your own relationship right now?" Traf asks with a lifted eyebrow as he looks at Dietrich.