Chapter 21- Not The End:

(2 Days Later...)

Andrew Was Walking Upstairs In The Hospital To Go See Sayu, He Had Flowers And Some Nice Chocolates To Give Her For The First Time For A Long Time He Had Happiness In His Steps. As He Walked Down The Corridor He Noticed Sayus Room.

As He Entered Sayus Room, She Was Sleeping Peacefully On The Hospital Bed, He Gently Walked Up To Her And Gave Her A Light Pat On Her Head To Wake Her Up. "Andrew... Oh You're Here And You're In One Piece Haha" She Smiled Happily. "Yeah I'd Never Leave You Plus I Brought You Some Chocolates And A Bouquet Of Flowers As A Reward For Coming Back To Good Health Since I See You're Jaw Is All Good" He Smiled Back.

"Oh Andrew... Thanks.. Yeah My Jaws Ok As Ever I Can Talk Properly" She Sat Up And Hugged Andrew, "Thanks Andrew-Kun" She Had Her Arms Wrapped Around Him Tightly. "Aww Thanks I'd Never Leave You Forever" He Had A Light Blush On His Cheek Evident On His Face.

"Also I've Been Needing To Ask You This" He Coughed And The Spoke Holding A Small Black Object In His Hand, Sayus Eyes Lit Up As She Opened It, A Golden Ring With Diamonds Covering It Her Cheeks Were As Red As Ever.

"Will You Marry Me Sayu? " He Asked And Was Quickly Hugged Yet Again, "Yes, Yes I Will! " She Grinned. "I Will Be The Best Wife In The Entire World! " She Announced With Joy. "Well Then That's Settled Were Gonna Be A Happy Couple" Andrew Shook His Head Enthusiastically.

(Meanwhile, At An Unknown Dimension)

Zlatko Woke Up In A Place Covered In Black And White Checkered Tiles, He Stared At His Hands Noticing That He Wasn't In That Suit Anymore, He Stood Up Realizing It Was All Pitch Black He Could Only See A Certain Amount Of Light.

"What The..I'm Meant To Be Dead... But I'm Not The Thing Is For The First Time I Feel Emotions Too What Is This Curse!" He Looked Rapidly Around Himself. Then Something Appeared In Front Of Him A Grey Skinned Girl With A Red Cloth Around Her Pure Long Black Hair With Crimson Red Eyes. It Was Arisu She Was Sat With Her Legs Crossed Sitting On The Shoulder Of A Shadow Like Version Of Doug.

"You! You Bitch You Did This" He Shrieked In Anger, "I'll Just Kill You Again! " He Ran At Her But He Felt A Force Under Him Trip Him Up Causing Him To Land On His Face. A Pure Short White Hair, With Blue Eyes, She Donned A White Kimono Along With Small Brown Sandles Was Stood Right In Front Of Him Smiling Deviously.

"And Who Are You!" He Said In Anger Trying To Move As The Girl Sat On His Back, "My Name Is The Girl In White I Am You're Tormentor The Person Who Will Kill You Again And Again" She Smiled. "What Haha I Can't Die! " He Argued, The Girl In White Didn't Like His Attitude She Then Proceeded To Shove Her Foot Into His Head Causing His Face To Be Rubbed Against The Ground.

"Wash You're Mouth Foolish Mortal, Sure Enough I'll Make You Suffer" She Smiled As She Touched The Ground Causing Them Both To Disappear. Arisu Smiled As She Saw Them Both Disappear, "I'm Glad He's Gone, Now He Will Suffer For Eternity Just Like I Did" She Looked Back At The Shadow Doug As They Too Disappeared Away.

(Back At The Aftermath Of The Burger Barn)

The Now Ruined The Burger Barn Was Now Covered In Rubbled And Half Burned Wood, All The Animatronics Burnt And Unusable. A Yellow Tape Was Wrapped Around The Pile Of Rubble So It Could Be Further Investigated.

However This Didn't Stop Illegal Pawn Shop Owners Crossing The Yellow Tape At Night As One Did, A Tall Old White Haired Man Walked Up To The Rubble Searching For Anything That Will Help Him Build His Own Horror Attraction As He Dug Through The Rubble.

He Then Noticed A Ruined And Burnt Corpse Of Dogman/Zlatko As He Picked Him Up His Eyes Flashed Red He Wasn't Dead He'll Never Die Just Like He Said, The Nightmare Will Never End....

"Got You You're A Fine Addition" The Pawn Shop Owner Smiled As He Placed Him In His Trunk. It Seems He Just Made The Biggest The Mistake Of His Life It Appears The Killings Would Continue...