
Two days later. In the afternoon.

Talal stood outside the great library of Baghdad.

He wore a brown turban and fancy brown robes.

The library was an immense place. It had a bland exterior colored grey. It had holes in its walls shaped like an isosceles triangle. It was crowded with scholars and brilliant minds who gathered to learn, research or invent.

Talal looked around, sighed and muttered, "I have hoped never to step into this place again, yet here I am."

He walked into the library's gate and met a scholar he knew at the door.

The scholar approached him, greeted him, shook Talal's hand and said, "Well met, brother. How have you been?"

Talal put on a fake smile and said, "I've been well, brother. How are you, Abu Ali?"

Abu Ali smiled and said, "I'm doing well, brother. I've received your letter concerning a certain field of biology, though I had to ask, what happened to your military career?"

Talal nodded and said, "I've retired. Too many deaths take a toll on a man."

Abu Ali sighed and said, "The battlefield takes a toll on all living creatures. Please follow me to my study room."

They went inside the building and walked the lengthy corridors until they reached the study room of Abu Ali.

They went into the room.

It was messy with papers and books. It had a dark wooden floor and an office at the far end. They sat facing each other at the tea table.

"How's your father?" Abu Ali asked.

"He's alive and well, though the responsibilities of the temple keep him busy," Talal said.

"So, what questions do you have?" Abu Ali asked.

"I'm researching the anatomy of beast hunters. The temple would like to know more about them," Talal said.

"For what purpose, son of Hamed?" Abu Ali asked.

"To understand them and spread the word of the temple suitably," Talal said.

"But why their anatomy?" Abu Ali asked.

"We heard the rumors saying beast hunters are apathetic and savages. The temple refused to believe that and sent me here to investigate that matter from none other than the renowned Ibn Sina," Talal said.

Abu Ali laughed and said, "You flatter me, Talal. Though sadly, the yattering of the common men is true."

Talal leaned back and said, "It is hard to comprehend that a being that looks human and integrated into society carries such flaws."

Abu Ali poured tea into the cups and said, "I usually don't expose such information to anyone, but since you're a trusted man and the high priest's son, I'll tell you."

Talal smiled and said, "Now, you're flattering me."

Abu Ali chuckled and said, "If anything, I'm indebted to the temple for providing me with knowledge unknown to my peers."

He passed the teacup to Talal, then said, "Beast hunters are ancient. Their creation, or what we would call rebirth. It is done mostly in unethical manners, in my opinion."

Talal acted surprised and said, "Rebirth?"

Abu Ali sipped his tea and said, "To put it in better terms, it's a mutation process. It's referred to as rebirth because it changes the essence of the human body."

Talal sipped his tea and said, "They don't look different in my eyes."

"That's a trap for beasts. They were kept in their human form to fool beasts into thinking they're fragile," Abu Ali said.

"How is it possible to control such a complex task? That sounds like fiction," Talal asked.

"Kemet invented beast hunters, and it wasn't done quickly. It took them decades to perfect it. In the end, they managed to do it," Abu Ali said.

"I heard that from Father as well. He told me beast hunters were made to counter Mesopotamia's army of Jinn," Talal expanded.

"It's correct, after all. How can you fight against an army that can't be seen or touched by natural means," Abu Ali said.

"As a former member of the military. I can't help but be concerned about the capabilities of beast hunters. What if the hunters decided to rebel or harm one of our citizens? We have no means to protect ourselves from them," Talal said.

"Who said we don't? We have plenty of options even a mere child can use," Abu Ali said.

Talal chuckled and said, "It will be useful to know how I can protect myself if I ever were sent to convert a beast hunter."

Abu Ali refilled the teacups and said, "There are more straightforward means, like overwhelming their sharp senses; be it by scent or sound. Then you have other means by using alchemy to affect their bodies."

Talal nodded and said, "I guess I'll visit the nearest alchemist to buy myself a tool for protection."

Abu Ali chuckled and said, "Are you going to fight a beast hunter, Talal?"

Talal chuckled and said, "Hopefully not, but being in the military for a while teaches you to be prepared for the worst."

Talal kept chatting with Abu Ali casually, and they finished their tea.

Talal bid farewell to him and left the room. He felt relieved to have found a better understanding of his target.

He headed to the house's library and hoped to find more information.

He reached a large steel gate and went inside. He found a clerk sitting next to a large desk.

He approached him and said, "Greetings. I've come here to find knowledge about the Jinn."

The clerk looked at him and asked, "Greetings. What type of Jinn are you interested in knowing about?"

"Qareens," Talal replied.

The clerk stared at Talal in surprise and said, "Though your request is odd, we have a few books containing information about them."

"Perfect! Where can I find them?" Talal said.

The clerk pointed to the right and said, "There is a sign that says Jinn. You should find the books on the lower shelves."

Talal thanked the clerk, picked up his needed books, and sat at a long table.

He picked up the first book and started reading the following.

The Qareens are born at the time of a human's birth. They act as companions to mankind and presumably protect them from harm.

It was debated among the scholars of the House of Wisdom, yet they could not reach a single conclusion.

There's a single theory that all scholars agree on: that Qareens are weighed on their character.

A Qareen can be wicked and harmful, yet it can be good-natured and protective.

The support behind it was that if all Qareens were wicked, they would've attempted to endanger their human companions on purpose, even killing them.

It was noted and observed that some Qareens are protective of their companions, but if their duty to protect them was vital, why let harm happen to a companion?

Scholars debated on this matter.

Some argued that they weren't strong as the other Jinns, as they have a significantly shorter lifespan, and some argued that they're apathetic and don't feel remorse when seeing their companion harmed.

So far, none have been able to find a proper answer.

It was once suggested that a Qareen only seeks its benefit. The claim arose because Qareens barely attempted to protect their companions from other Jinns.

It is logical to believe the Qareens let their companions be possessed or touched by other Jinns to seek pleasure or freedom.

Talal pouted after reading the paragraph and muttered, "Now it makes sense."

He flipped the pages until he reached the chapter about the interactions with the Qareens and started reading.

The Qareens can be summoned or forced to appear.

Some methods can be used depending on the Qareen you're dealing with.

If it's an empathetic Qareen, the efficient way is to harm the companion. It is an unethical way of summoning one, but it proved prosperous most times.

To add to the matter. If a human dies, their Qareen dies with them.

If it's an apathetic Qareen, the best way is to prepare a ritual.

The method needs to be timed well, preferably at midnight.

To ensure the safety of the summoner, it is best to bring an offering to the Qareen, be it food, fire, bodily filth, or offer your body to satisfy its sexual desires.

The last method is not recommended as it may bring harm and trap you into becoming a sex slave for the unholy creatures.

The evidence is that Jinns can force themselves onto humans through dreams or physical manners.

They use dreams to have an easier time convincing humans into their vile acts, though who will believe that the aesthetically pleasing person they see in their sleep is an aroused Jinn?

Physically, they don't approach humans as much. As it's possible or even assured that the human will resist them.

But it's possible and has happened numerous times.

The victims of this accident all mentioned that it happened when they were half asleep.

They describe their experience as queer yet pleasing.

They mentioned feeling pressure on their bottoms and intense pressure on their anal pore. They also said their mouths were drooling, and their pillows were wet from their saliva….

Talal closed the book, threw it aside and muttered, "Fucking disgusting…."

He stood up and walked out of the library, yet he couldn't shake the image of what he had read out of his mind.

He left the house of wisdom and headed to the tavern to spend the night as tomorrow he needed to do an act that might cost him his life.

He wrote a letter of instructions in his room and told the team to meet him outside the base. He attached it to a falcon's leg and sent it to the military base.

The next day, in the afternoon.

He rode a horse and returned to the military base.

He found his team waiting for him outside and disembarked near them.

He approached them and said, "I have found a solution to Tanaz's problem."

"What the fuck are you wearing?" Numair asked Talal.

"I'll explain later," Talal said.

Talal looked at Taz and said, "I'm going to do something horrible to you, and I hope you won't hold a grudge against me."

Taz approached him and said, "Depends on what you will do…."

Talal smirked and said, "I am going to beat the living shit out of you."

Taz stepped back and said, "No."

Talal went to his horse and removed his clothes until only his long trousers were left.

He approached Taz and said, "This isn't the time to act like a scared little girl, Tanaz."

Taz approached him and said, "Don't test my tolerance."

Talal took an offensive posture, smiled and mocked, "I bet you can't beat me without using your magic, little girl."

Taz glared at him, then said, "With or without magic, I can beat you."

Talal chuckled and said, "Then prove it, you little bitch."

They circled each other and exchanged fierce glares.

Taz lowered her body and extended her arms forward. Talal approached her slowly as he clenched his fists.

He swung at her, and she evaded it swiftly.

"You're slow, Talal," Taz mocked.

"I tend to go easy on the weak," Talal mocked.

Taz threw a kick to his side. He caught her leg, punched her face and tossed her to the ground.

He taunted her and said, "You should consider becoming a floor mopper since that's what your foes always do to you."

Taz sprung back, grunted and rushed to Talal. She delivered fast consecutive punches to his gut and face and kicked his chest.

He fell on his back and grunted.

"It would look bad if you got your ass kicked by a little bitch," Taz mocked Talal.

He stood, held sand in his hand and threw it into Taz's eyes.

She got blinded by the sand and stepped back. She opened her eyes, but her vision was blurry.

He rushed toward her, punched her gut, and repeatedly punched her face.

She guarded her face with her arms as she couldn't see.

He punched her gut again and kicked her liver.

She fell to her side and gasped in anguish.

He kicked her gut again and stomped her ribs as he knew it would cause the most pain to her.

In his fury, his neck was slapped by an unseen strike.

He stepped back, rubbed his neck and growled, "That burns!"

He looked around as he tried to find his opponent.

"I know you're here, Qareen. Show yourself before I kill your companion!" Talal challenged.

Taz's Qareen manifested itself and glared at Talal.

"I knew it; your bond with her is deep," Talal said.

The Qareen approached Talal and growled, "I felt everything!!"

Talal locked his gaze on the Qareen and kept silent.

The Qareen froze in place, panicked and said, "What did you do!?"

Talal kept his gaze on the Qareen and gestured Hilal to tend Taz. He struggled to keep his eyes open as the wind blew by.

"Let me go!" The Qareen shouted.

Hilal went to Taz and washed her face and eyes with water.

He nudged her and said, "Heal yourself. The brawl is over."

Taz stood up and said, "I will kill that fucking cunt…." She looked at Talal and saw her Qareen.

She approached it, stunned and felt her pain lessening as she came to it.

Talal kept his eyes on the Qareen and said, "Tanaz, this is your chance to gain your companion's trust."

Taz looked at it and said sadly, "I heard many things about you… but I want to hear the answer from you."

Qareen looked at her and said, "You made it clear you don't want me around you anymore."

"How could I know!? You never talked to me," Taz argued.

Qareen cried and said, "I want to, but if I let my guard down even for a moment, the Jinns will never let you be."

"Lies! You let that Jinn lay its hands on her," Talal shouted.

Qareen looked at Talal, pointed at Taz and said, "But she enjoyed it. She liked it when it took your image in her dreams."

Taz slapped her Qareen and said, "You talk too much!! Shut up and return to my side!"

Qareen rubbed its cheeks and argued, "I want you to apologize first!"

"Change your image first! It's vile," Taz argued.

It looked at Talal and said, "I can't. He's trapping me."

"Promise you won't run away," Talal said.

"I won't. You'll keep beating her if I do," It said.

Taz looked at Talal and said, "Look away from it."

He looked away, closed his eyes, groaned in relief and rubbed them as they were dry.

Qareen moved its limps, looked at Taz and said, "Thank you for trusting me."

Taz crossed her arms and said, "Now, change your image."

Qareen nodded and changed into the image of Yasmine, Taz's mother.

It looked at Taz and said in Yasmine's voice, "Is this better?"

Taz frowned, sighed in sadness and said, "Yes…."

It approached Taz, looked into her eyes and said, "Now, Apologize."

Taz hugged it and said sadly, "I'm sorry."

Numair, Fadi, and Hilal stood in the distance next to Roheen.

Numair leaned closer to Fadi and said, "Who's the pretty woman that the Qareen took its form?"

Fadi looked at Numair and said, "That's Tanaz's mother."

"Is she still that pretty?" Numair asked.

Fadi looked at Numair in disgust and said, "She has been dead for years."

"Shame…." Numair muttered.

Talal opened his eyes and saw Taz still hugging her mother. He approached them and said, "Is that your Qareen?"

Qareen looked at Talal and said, "Yes."

"Whose image did you take?" Talal asked.

Taz looked at him with tears falling from her eyes and said, "It's my mother's image."

Talal looked up and down at the Qareen with an impressed expression, sighed in disappointment and muttered, "What a shame…."

Qareen looked at Taz and said, "I forgive you, Tanaz."

Taz wiped her tears, smiled and said, "Thank you…."

Talal looked at Taz and said, "I'll give you two a moment; I'll return to the base."

Talal grabbed its horse's leash and approached the team.

Hilal crossed his arm and said, "Who's the woman in the image?"

"It's her mother," Talal replied.

Hilal sighed and said, "Shame…."

"I know…." Talal replied.

Fadi looked at them in disgust and said, "You cunts are disgusting!"

Roheen crossed her arms and said, "Even thugs won't stoop this low."

"Shut the fuck up and give me back my bracelet. And you, Roheen! Because of your major fuck up, I had to go clean up your mess," Talal argued.

"What happened is not my fault!" Roheen argued.

Talal approached her and argued, "It is! Being a person in a position of power means you can't make deadly mistakes!"

"You're the one who wanted a secret meeting place!" Roheen argued.

Talal looked at the rest and ordered them to go to the meeting room until he and Roheen finished their talk.

They left.

Talal looked at Roheen and said, "Was that Qareen telling the truth?"

"No!" Roheen said in frustration.

"Then explain yourself!" Talal said.

"That mansion isn't dangerous, but her mask brought the Jinn's attention," Roheen informed.

"That fucking mansion is run by a Jinn!" Talal said.

"That Jinn sells its services like a whore; it never harmed its clients!" Roheen argued.

Talal glared at Roheen and said, "As the team strategist, your job is to take the least dangerous option. Because of your mistake, we almost lost an arrow if her Qareen didn't step in to protect her."

"It's not my fault our arrow keeps attracting Jinn," Roheen replied.

"Last chance, Roheen…." Talal said assertively.

He went into the base.

Roheen stared at Taz in the distance and muttered to herself, "She'll pay for her crime soon enough…."

While later, in the meeting room.

Talal walked in. He wore his usual military attire.

He stood before them and said, "I have concerning news, but new information about our target."

"Is he captured?" Hilal said.

"Before we speak further," he looked at Taz and said, "Can you tell your companion to check our surroundings?"

Taz shrugged and said, "I can't control it."

"I will beat you again if it doesn't appear," Talal said.

The Qareen appeared behind Taz.

Talal looked at it and said, "You heard what I said; check our surroundings."

"I don't follow your commands!" It argued.

"If you don't, then your companion's enemies will have the upper hand in our next raid, and you know what that means," Talal said.

"I'll be back," Qareen said.

It vanished, then returned shortly.

It looked at Talal and said, "There's no one near the room on both floors."

Talal nodded, and the Qareen vanished.

Talal crossed his arms behind his back and said, "Our target is a hunter, a beast hunter."

"What?" Fadi said.

"Is it an old hunter or a young one?" Taz asked.

"Newly mutated. It's possible his mutation was done recently," Talal replied.

"That's considered a child in terms of beast hunters. He will have access to their abnormal strength and speed, but he won't have the same skill as them," Taz said.

"When does a beast hunter become competent in their eyes?" Hilal asked.

"Beast hunters train for a decade before they're sent out into battle, yet some might never return from their first mission," Taz said.

Talal nodded and said, "I see…. That's valuable information, Tanaz."

"What was your original plan?" Numair asked.

"I was going to bring many bombs to equalize the odds, but knowing that our target is weak. I need to rethink our approach," Talal said.

"We're still missing his location and hideout layout," Roheen said.

"That's the issue. No one knows his location," Talal replied.

"Then how did you plan your approach without knowing where he is?" Roheen asked.

"By following his trail," Talal replied.

They sat in silence and pondered on a solution.

"We could use bait and a tracking spell," Numair suggested.

"Sounds good, but who is going to be the bait?" Fadi asked.

"The bait will be decided on which approach we take," Talal said.

"What are you thinking of?" Hilal said.

"It's either we use a woman as bait, or we use one of us as bait," Talal said.

"We can't put our citizens in harm," Roheen said.

Talal looked at Roheen and mocked, "Would you prefer to be the bait, O'valiant, protector of the weak?"

"No, but we can't ignore the ethical problem of this choice," Roheen said.

Talal leaned on the table and said, "To clarify my point, our approach with this option is to order a woman to seduce one of the revolutionaries and convince them to tell her about our target."

"The risk is she might have to offer her body for this to work," Fadi said.

"Correct," Talal replied.

"How would we convince a woman to do that?" Roheen said.

"You're a sorceress, and there's no shortage of spells to make humans do your bidding," Talal replied.

"We should look for other options," Roheen said.

"The other approach includes using one of us as bait. The plan here is to get kidnapped deliberately by the revolutionaries," Talal informed.

"How would we convince them to fall for that trap?" Hilal asked.

"One of you needs to claim to be a military Major," Talal replied.

"You're the only real Major in this base," Fadi said.

"My head isn't suitable to be taken. The scholars know my affiliation with the temple; if the revolutionaries know about it, they'll let me go or discard the idea of taking me," Talal said.

"Are the revolutionaries on good terms with the temple?" Taz asked.

"Yes," They all replied.

Talal stood straight and said, "Numair and Hilal are the only two suitable to impersonate my rank. Fadi is too young to be one."

"What about Roheen?" Taz said.

"There're countless reasons why that wouldn't work, most obvious being we're the military and not the royal army," Talal replied.

"It's a good plan, but how will we ensure our bait won't get killed in the street?" Hilal asked.

"It will be a two-phase plan. In Baghdad, you'll be guarded by Tanaz, and we'll move into the second phase when they take you," Talal informed.

He crossed his arms and said, "Let's vote on which approach we should take." "All in favor of using a team member as bait; raises his arm."

Fadi, Roheen, and Hilal raised their arms.

Talal looked at Numair, then Taz and said, "What's your reason for not voting?"

"I don't want to risk my brother's life," Numair said.

"Using a random woman as bait is the safest option, even if she gets abused, touched or killed. It won't affect our ranks," Taz said.

"The majority went for the second approach," Talal said.

He looked at Hilal and Numair and said, "Which of you will be the bait?"

Numair looked at Hilal and said, "I'll be the bait."

"No," Hilal argued.

"I wasn't asking, little brother. I'll carry the task," Numair said.

Hilal sighed.

Talal removed his bracelet, gave it to Numair and said, "Congratulations on your promotion, Numair. You're now a military major."

"We will start our mission in two weeks, and I'll tell the prince about our plan. In the meantime, prepare well," Talal said.

He looked at Roheen and said, "Place a tracking spell on Numair discreetly."

Roheen nodded.

"This meeting is over," Talal announced.

They all stood and left the room.

The End