Tyler Moss

Levi held onto me like I would disappear after I helped him clean himself up. Luckily it was only an eyebrow cut."It's really ok now, Levi."

I could tell how desperate he was to have me around. Dark circles under his eyes, the stress lines he gets when he worries obsessively. He wasn't sleeping for sure and that worried me.

"Tyler, I only realized after you told me...that my actions were only troublesome to you. I really didn't think that it was so wrong and that you wouldn't like it. You might not trust that I mean it, the place I lived never taught me about that. Or how to converse normally. The right way or the wrong way to approach people or handle a problem ! I don't know these things! I tried to handle things my way but it only made you mad! So can you please tell me what I have to do to be better? I don't even know!" Levi sounded so desperate right now.

"I'm sorry. I was unnecessarily harsh. But there was a cousin that I don't see anymore, she used to do things I hated then tell me it was for my sake. I don't know if can forgive you when I still haven't been able to forgive her. Of course I know you guys aren't the same, but I just don't believe that people easily change."

"So help me and tell me what's wrong and right. I'm not sure that I know that myself."

Did Levi really feel this way about himself? Did he really not know what he was doing whatsoever? Is this all part of an act? What the fuck is this guy doing?

But, now that I think about it, Levi has proven time and time again that he has no idea how to interact with people, let alone take social cues. He's also proven that he's impulsive and emotionally unstable in almost every way...but there's no faking the remorse I could see on him clearly. He was really scared.

"Why are you shaking?"

"I'm anxious."

What if he actually does change after this? "Are you sure you can do it?"

"Yes I promise," Levi pleaded and grabbed my hands. "I'll do whatever it takes to redeem myself and get your trust back."

"Don't disappear from my life then," I roughly grabbed Levi by his shirt and our lips clashed hungrily as I began to straddle Levi. I had been waiting a long time to get him alone, why hadn't he just popped up in school.....right, I told him to leave me alone.

How stupid.

I shivered as Levi's cold tongue slithered into my mouth allowing me to feel another kind of pleasure. My thoughts jumbled together as Levi racked his hands up and down my thighs.

"I've missed you so much," Levi whispered. "Don't tell me to stay away from you again. I don't think I can take it again. I might actually go crazy."

"You'd just show up at my house if I did." Levi looked away again because he knew I wasn't lying. "And you'd look at me like that, because you know I can't stand it when you look pathetic. And you know it's because I love you too much to actually let you go."

"I'll control the urge to. I'll try to respect it if you say so. I promise."

"I probably won't say it again, just don't lie to me again. And if you're going to hurt someone, at least tell me. Talk to me and we'll find a way to handle things together like we should, the right way." I told him. Levi nodded.

"We'll solve our problems together, ok." Levi repeated clinging onto me a bit tighter. I totally couldn't move. "I missed you so much."

"Honestly, I missed you too, it got so lonely without you around. I hated being away from you too and I couldn't stop thinking about you." I admitted. "I knew you were outside at night as well. It was hard not to go and check on you."

Levi suddenly picked me up and placed Me into the middle of my room and ran to turn up the volume on his phone before returning to me. He grabbed both of my hands and smiled as some old music started playing.

"Oh no! No, no, no!" I said backing away. "You know I can't dance."

"So? Just let me guide you," Levi purred hooking his arm around My waist. "No one's here to see that you have no rhythm."

"No," I said stepping out of his arm. "I mean it. I am not dancing."

A sly smile appeared on Levi's face. "You know, I could always make you."

"You wouldn't..." I said backing away as Levi stalked forward. Before i could blink I was on my back on the bed being tickled mercilessly by Levi.

The sounds of my throaty laugh tore through the hollow halls of the house.

"Okay!" I yelled through a choked chuckle. "Okay, I give up!"

"What was that?" Levi said. "You said you wanted to dance?"

"I'll dance with you Levi," I said panting a little. Grinning, Levi rolled off of me and pulled me to my feet, his arms were already wrapped around my waist as he steadied me on top of his feet.

"Move with me," Levi whispered, his voice sending shivers down My spine. I missed this closeness for four days.

The music was slow and steady as our feet barely left the floor. Our bodies swayed from side to side as Levi hummed along to a song that sounded unfamiliar.

"What song is this?" I asked. I loved the smooth tempo and the nice lyrics. A love ballad huh? How sappy.

"It's Frank Sinatra, it's called 'The way you look tonight', but it's sung by Tony Bennett. I remember this particular song from when I was a child, I must've really liked it to be able to remember it."

"Hmm," I whispered. "It's cool, you have old taste. Like those indie movie guys. You're a fucking classical weirdo."

"You're beautiful," Levi suddenly said. "The most beautiful person I've ever seen."

I sighed deeply and rested his head on My shoulder. Our bodies moved almost magnetically as the music surrounded, captured, then engulfed us.

" 'And that laugh that winkles your nose touches my foolish heart'," Levi sang kissing my neck sweetly. I blushed at his corniness. He knows every word of the song...and he was singing it to me!

Rough hands trailed down my sides and rested on my hips as they continued to sway to the sweet music.

Levi tightened his arms a little around me. I didn't want to think about the past couple days apart but the thoughts were pushed into my head anyway. They were crude twisted sexy thoughts that kept swarming around my brain like a buzzing bee, the more i swatted at it the more it came back.

I felt so bad for what I was thinking. But I couldn't take it anymore.

I tightened my arms around Levi. Hesitantly, i placed soft feathery kisses on Levi's neck that grew stronger as i worked his way up Levi's strong jaw line.

By the time my lips reached Levi's cheeks they burned with desire to express all the love i had for this guy. Four days worth of holding back from him. My fear was slowly disappearing. We kissed slowly, eloquently, before it started to get really hot.

Levi's hand became lost in My curls. It was so hard keeping my composure as i pretended not to notice the muscle under Levi's clothes. Or his hard chest and tanned body pressed against mine.

Levi pinned me to the wall, His hands slid down to My ass. He gripped me hard causing me to gasp lightly. Savagely, Levi's tongue probed in and out of my mouth.

The feeling of mild pain spread through My scalp as Levi tugged on my hair roots, but it soon turned to pleasure as i found it aroused me more.

Our hip bones clinked and our teeth clacked as they grinded together. Fuck I was hard and this was really sexy. Was I about to have makeup sex with Levi?

Pulling away from the kiss Levi stared back into my eyes.

"You smell really good. We should stop though, your mom is here."

Breathing heavily I looked at the floor. "Or we could...Move this to the bed and lock the door. You don't really want to stop right now, I can feel it. I've been holding back for four days too."

"But your mom-"

"I thought you wanted to makeup? So let's do it properly."

"Don't tease me like that," Levi picked me up princess style and quickly locked the door. "I can't pass this up though." Levi gently set me down on the bed before taking off his shirt. "Do you remember the first time?" He husked with a voice just drowning in lust. This was only something I saw badly acted in porn. "God, you were beautiful. You're always beautiful, but I swear I knew you were a real angel."

"Levi?" I asked as soon as his skin made contact with mine. "Why are you being so deep?"

"Because I want to drag this out."

"You're so weird." I said as Levi stared at me intensely.

"That's how i'll know your mine, I can see it in your eyes." Levi pulled away and tugged down my pants. He kissed along my shoulders and neck. "You'd never let anyone touch you like I do. We belong together, you and me."

"Levi." It felt so good to be loved like this. Gently, desperately loving, savoring the moment.

"Tyler, i love you. I want to scream it out to everyone." Levi took a second to stare into my eyes.

"You know everyone's going to kill me, right? I was so mad, so I talked shit about you to Giovanni. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"It's ok," Levi laughed, "And I don't think they will be mad."

"How do you know?"

"Because I'd kill them if they tried to be mad and I know that no one knows we broke up. You told everyone that we were together that asked." Levi smiled before slipping a finger in me. I jumped surprised at the suddenness of this. He was being so gentle and trying so hard not to even try to be rough.

"I love you, Levi!" I heard myself moan. Damn, I was supposed to think that!

He nodded and without hesitation or even more teasing, he pushed into me. His dick was so big it stretched me to my very limits and it felt fucking amazing.

He pushed my back down with one hand and with the other he yanked my head back by my hair to make my back arch as high as possible and bring my ass up further.

"Uurrghh!" I half growled and half moaned. Did I like the rough stuff!

I think I really do!

Levi really showed me no mercy as he pounded me with a good amount of force. A extremely loud slapping sound emitted from us each time our hips met. I was sure it was loud enough to alert the entire neighborhood of what was happening.

I wasn't sure if i was more turned on by the sound alone or the fucking itself.

My hands grabbed futility to the sheets as i tried to hang onto something to keep myself from flying across the room from powerful thrusts.

My back was starting to ache from all the arching though and i slowly relaxed, only to have my ass slapped as punishment and yanked back up into the arch.

The sex was so good i just might howl. I would've done it too, but my ass was slapped again. "Tyler! You little freak!" Levi excitedly moaned. "We have to keep it down."

He clamped his mouth onto mine and With another slap to my ass, I came and moaned into his mouth. My ass clamped down on Levi's cock hard enough to make his eyes roll back and stop his thrusts.

"Ahhh....Tyler, that's so...." he shook his head, unable to finish his sentence. A few seconds later he started to move again.

I bellowed in pure, unfiltered pleasure into my pillow. I was rock hard too, and my brain was turning into mush.

"Fuck! Ghn! Leevviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Oh!" I panted, my voice rising in pitch with nearly each thrust!

"You said four days worth, right baby?" He teased and went even faster. I was being pile drived so hard i couldn't even get a response out. Hell, I couldn't even think. Makeup Sex felt so amazing that I could only moan in ecstasy. "That's what I thought!" He gloated with a smile. all i could feel was his cock twitch. "Tyler!"

I felt him fill me up. "Levi....let's make up again!"

"I'm sorry I kept so many secrets from you!" Levi stated into my eyes intensely.

"I'm sorry I called you a stalker!" I pulled him forward to kiss me as we started up again.

We spent the rest of the night coming up with things to apologize for as an excuse to have sex again.