Jay Vanity

~Three Days Ago~

"Hey, it's been a while since I've seen you, a month right? How have you been?" Penny asked me while she took my coat and rubbed my face for a bit.

"It's been a while, penny," I smiled back at her as she started to plate a meal for us. She always seemed too innocent for her own good. Like she would be very happy when she saw me, honestly she reminded me of someone, although I'm not sure who. That was the number one reason I couldn't trust her.

Keep your enemies close though, right?

"You look like you got roughed up. Are you ok? Did you get hurt?" She pestered me. "How are you feeling today?"

"Just the usual dealing with bullies," I lied. "They won't leave me alone. I'm not exactly strong enough to fight so much."

"You don't have to be strong, hun. I like you just the way you are."


I punched him to try and knock him out again as I dragged him to the roof of the fifteenth floor. It took so much to keep this guy down. Why was he so determined to stay awake this fucking time? "Jason Ryan, you've been such a pain in my ass! Just stay the fuck down will you!" I threw him up against the railing of the roof.

"You asshole! Who are you?! Why'd you hit me?!" Jason snapped. "Who the fuck are you?! Why are you trying to hurt me?!"

"I would feel like crap hurting a kid by dragging them into a situation. It's wrong to drag kids into dangerous situations, right Jason?" I smiled at him. "You almost got that little girl killed along with yourself."

"H-how do you know my name?!"

"I've been thinking, is getting rid of that little kid necessary? It won't matter if no one finds out the truth. On top of that, would the police in this town even listen to a poor little girl like that. Did they even listen to you? But you just had to go looking for the truth behind Steven, huh? He's dead, so you should've just let go."

"What?! How do you-"

"You should've just minded your own business or at least have kept it to yourself. You were on my radar as soon as your friends at that club told me you think Levi killed him. Hear me now, I killed Stephen. So stop giving him credit for my hard fucking work. You're already getting on my last goddam nerve."

"You killed-"

"You asked who I am as well, right? Way to add insult to injury, I'm surprised no one else has tried to kill you. I'm Levi's brother, i always forgot to tell people that. You probably know me as Jay Vanity around school. That kid your brother harassed?"

"You-" Jason shot up quickly, in his moment of being unbalanced, I took my opportunity and pushed him over the railing. He just stared back at me flabbergasted at what just happened while he fell from the building.

I quickly hurried back downstairs and put my hood back over my head to seem a bit more nonchalant. I didn't expect the street to be this crowded already, but luckily it made it easier to just slip away. There was already a huge group of people surrounding Jason's limp body.

I need an alibi because I definitely got a bit carried away. He made it so fucking difficult for me to do anything to him! He deserved it for fucking with me!

I took out my phone to scroll thru my contacts. Lia wouldn't work because while she was nice, she spoke to much after drinking and, with my mood, I'd end up killing her as well. The flight attendant....she's out of the country though.

Oh right, I hadn't seen Penny in about a month. Quiet and introverted, not to pushy, and overly interested in me. Even if I were to commit a crime, she's to obsessed to rat me out.


~~~~~~~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~

"It's no big deal, wow this meal looks great!!" I took in the home cooking. The smell was immaculate and comforting. I only liked it because it felt familiar to me. "You made so much!"

"It's just a simple spread I threw together. I couldn't help myself after you called me! I had to pull out all the stops. Eat up before the stew gets cold."

"You're not having any?" I asked seeing that she made no attempt to make herself a plate. Did she expect me to make it? I wasn't going to.

"I already ate earlier, i think it's just so cute watching you," she smiled. "Eat up."

"Yes ma'am!" I dug into my food. But again I had to keep stopping to savor the taste. She continued to watch me gobble up as much as I could.

"Something wrong? Is it bad?" I must've been making faces at the food.

"No it's great!" I said. "I thought this last time too, but it's uncanny how familiar this tastes. Maybe you're just an amazing cook. I feel like I've eaten your cooking before." I brushed it off. "Or it could be a meal I've had before? Have you ever worked as a chef at some restaurant? Speaking of which, I know so little about you, is there anything you want from me?"

"When I began cooking for the first time, there was someone who would tell me how much they loved my food no matter how bad it was at first. Of course I always made it drunk at first. I knew it was crap but they always told me it was great. From that point on I enjoyed cooking."

"Ah, was that your ex?" I asked. She always seemed like she was deflecting my questions. Im at a disadvantage not being able to fully figure her out.

"I'll cut up some fruit for you when you finished. Here have some water!" Penny placed a glass of water in front of me.

"Oh thanks," i downed the glass and continued to eat.

"You asked if I wanted something from you, but it's actually you who wants something from me, right," penny smiled.

"What do you mean?"

"Aren't you just using me to achieve some other goal?" She asked.

I grimaced at her. How annoying of her to even try to start to catch on. "I don't have any other goals but to just relax."

"But you pushed someone tonight, right?"

"What?" I asked almost choking on my food. I knew something was off about her! Is she stalking me?

"You called me because you needed an alibi. And that's why you go around making 'friends'. You collect people for potential alibis," she said. "Because you're really smart and manipulative, just like your father."

I tried standing to silence her but I suddenly couldn't move. My body was falling straight to floor. This stupid girl got the drop on me! What happens now to me now?! "You fucking bitch! What did you-"

"My ex, you said? No, it was your father, Konstantinos," Penny smiled. "I wonder what happened to little Nikolaos? I heard his memory returned as well."

"Who the fuck is Kanstantinos?!" I snapped.

"You'll remember soon enough, but you seemed to have remembered your brother, Nikolaos," she stroked me hair lovingly. I've never felt so creeped out by that.

"What?" How does she know all this?

"Do you really not remember anything? You and Levi, are brothers. All those years you were locked up, I cooked your meals for you," Penny pulled off a very well placed black wig letting long blond locks fall down.

I watched her tie me up while I couldn't do anything.

"So Levi and I are brothers? You don't expect me to believe that, right? We look nothing alike." I spat. She didn't have to know I remember. No one did! Fuck her and my father!

"Doesn't matter to me if you believe me or not. You can judge for yourself as your memory returns. I wouldn't be surprised if you already had it back though. You're a brilliant liar."

"Even if it was true, I doubt anything would change!" I chuckled. "And seeing what that man did, locking us both up to play his murder game, my so called father is the twisted one. So what's my use here?"

"If you remembered your father, you should've gone to him first. And here I was rooting for you to win the game. Sadly, he gave Levi the choice because he appeared in front of him first. To kill Tyler and save you or to kill you and let Tyler live." Penny smirked at me as she grabbed her nursing bag and started to put on another wig. "If he doesn't decide, you both die. It's up to you what you want to do with this information. I'm not going to hold you, but this was the only way you would listen and take it too seriously."

I say there in shock. All I had to do was find my dad when I got my memory back? If that was the case, I could've ended this game a while ago. She had to be lying. "Wait...Me or Tyler?" I was fucked royally if that was the case. Of course Levi would choose Tyler, he's too stupid to see anything else.

"I forgot to tell you...the guy you pushed, is alive and well. And don't worry," Penny pulled a needle from her bag and flicked it. "I'll send you home safely to await your fate since you no longer have control of this. You should just give up and wait to die."