Tyler Moss

"Is that really true?" Uncle Rhys asked me after Liam repeated the story. "So he held two kids captive and abused them for ten years. These two were victims but now they're perpetrators. And these kids were held for experimentation."

"I know it's hard to believe, but it is-"

"I believe you, given the nature of my job I've seen worse. And I'm aware what awful things happen without us knowing. I just wish it wasn't true, especially with you involved. You must be terrified. Who the fuck would do something so cruel?"

"His name is Hannibal Baros. He's a psychologist. He just opened up a clinic and he's grandma's old student." I told Rhys.

"How'd you know that?!" Liam and Uncle Rhys both asked surprised at me.

"I saw him speaking to Levi...also he came to visit grandma." I admitted. "I followed Levi when he confronted his dad but I got attacked and knocked out."

"So that swollen eye isn't from a fight?"


"That means he saw you too?" Uncle Rhys asked. I nodded. "Ay! Just like your mother, you love crazy and you are crazy."

"Well that's why I was wondering if you can help me out-"

"Or course I'll help you! You're in no position to be worrying about Levi! Do you have any idea what kind of danger you're in?!" Uncle Rhys shook his head. "My sweet little nephew, we have to hide you!"

"No! I know I shouldn't jump the gun, but I refuse to sit back and do nothing," I looked uncle Rhys in his eyes to make sure he knew I wasn't going to back down. "Im not hiding, I'm not little  and weak anymore and I'm not scared!"


"That man hurt my Levi," I said seriously. "He won't get away with it as long as I'm living. So help me uncle Rhys. He has to pay and I'll do anything to make that happen."

"You're his friend right?" Uncle Rhys asked Liam.


"I heard Jay Vanity come up a few times before. If you see him at school, can you watch out for Tyler?" Uncle Rhys asked.

"I'm right here!"

"I will, though Tyler's so stubborn it'll be super hard." Liam agreed. Uncle Rhys sighed in relief.

"If everything is true and the police are involved I won't be safe to ask my colleagues for any help. I know I'm asking for a lot. I don't exactly feel good dragging you into this too, Liam, but given the situation, just look after Tyler and tell me if anything happens."

"I'll do what I can, sir."

I rolled my eyes and looked at my phone. The screensaver was a picture of Levi and I on our first date. Was he carefree during that time too? He seemed like it.

I have no idea what to....NO! I can just make it up as I go along, it always works for Levi.


I can save him too!

~~~~~~~~~School The Next Day~~~~~~~~~

"What the hell? Isn't that Jay?" I heard Ryan say. My life was reduced to sitting at the soccer teams lunch table again sadly. I forgot cafeteria food tasted like shit. "He has no shame showing his face after a picture like that got out. I thought he would've dropped out."

"Why would he drop out because of a rumor, stupid?" Liam rolled his eyes. "Didn't you think he was friendly and kind of cool?"

"Yeah, but then we saw he's really a freak." Ryan said.

I got up with my tray of rubber passing as food and spotted Jay.

"Tyler, don't." Liam said firmly. "Stop trying to get close to Jay. It won't do you any good."

"And I remember telling you that I'll do anything it takes. Your uncle will kill me! It's not worth-"

"Uncle Rhys told you to look out for me, what are your thoughts so far?" I asked. Liam made sure everyone else was busy with conversation before answering me.

"Why do you ask?"

"Do you think Jay wants to kill me for real? He's had so many chances but never laid a finger on me. I'm certain it's something else that's holding him back," I told him. "A killing instinct is something he's never shown towards me. There was a reason I trusted him."

"I don't trust it."

"Shut up, you don't trust anyone," I said back quickly as I walked straight over to Jay and plopped down. "I can sit here right? Actually don't answer." Jay looked up but stayed silent. He looked a bit dejected but innocent as usual. Should I just play dumb? "I'll take your silence as a yes."

Jay proceeded to get up and walk into the hallway with me in tow. "Why are you following me?"

"I'm allowed to walk where I please. Plus I want to check on my friend. You look lonely."

"Why are you being so friendly? Haven't you heard the rumors?" Jay scowled at me. "Or is it that you feel sorry for me again."

"I don't pay attention to that stuff, you know that, and it's not true anyway. I mean, Levi made those rumors up to isolate you at school, right?" I watched Jay's eyes widen a bit. "I can recognize Liam's work because we've been friends for so long. Levi can be a bit mean sometimes, but that's still no way to treat your own brother-"

I was suddenly slammed into the wall by a pretty pissed of Jay. I was genuinely surprised by the amount of strength he used, it was something I never I would have fathomed. If he was this strong, why did he let Steven bully him?

Was that bait?

"So you found out, huh? That's why you're doing this?! You sure have balls, Tyler! You probably know that I tried my hardest to kill you, I even came super close! So what's the reason you're approaching me now? A trap to lure me in? But what do I do now? All your efforts will be in vain if I just kill you now."

"I've been waiting for you to say that," I smiled. "Go ahead and kill me, Kanstantinos. I just need a favor first."

"A favor?"

"Team up with Levi and help him take down the person who ruined your life. Then go ahead and kill me." I told him with a straight face.

Jay looked at me confused. Maybe not confusion but something different. After about thirty seconds of him staring into my eyes he burst out laughing.

"You are giving me permission to kill you? What a joke, you might be a bit confused," he backed off me a bit to hold his stomach and desperately gasped for breath between laughs. "I don't need to make deals with you, I can kill you whenever I want to kill you. Do you think I haven't killed you just because Levi got in the way? Don't be ridiculous, I wanted to play around a bit and see how you guys reacted when pushed to the edge. I just wanted to enjoy it, then kill you in front of him."

"Quite the plan, but isn't my way more beneficial to you?" I asked.

"Stop acting like you have any say in this game. It's none of your business. Besides you acted like you were tough...but you had Liam tag along!" I looked over to see Liam step out from a corner.

"You...Liam what the fuck?!"

"I got worried!"

"You should've stayed your dumbass in the cafeteria!" I snapped.

"Stop spewing nonsense, this isn't a movie or your games or your comic books, fucking idiot. I'm going to kill you when I feel like it, Tyler." Jay started to leave.

"I'm not giving up, you know. I'm going to keep trying because this problem was created by your father! I'll do whatever I can to make him pay for what he did to you two!"

Jay turned back to give me one last annoyed look before disappearing around the corner.

Suddenly the floor was coming closer until it wasn't. "Tyler! What's wrong?! Did he do something?"

"Ah, I was so nervous I didn't notice how scared I actually was. My legs are like jelly right now. Just let me catch my breath, that motherfuckers stronger than I thought." I would probably have a bruise. "I think I'm going to throw up. He lifted me off the ground with one hand."

"What are you planning?"

"Life doesn't seem make time for plans, Liam. I get that fully now."

"I don't like whatever it is you're thinking. Isn't this way to risky?" Liam pleaded. "Why would you offer for him to kill you?"

"If he tries, Levi will show up."

"That's idiotic!"

"Don't you think I know that? Ugh, I want to help Levi as much as possible. If I can do something to make things easier for him-"

"What if Jay tried to kill you before Levi comes back? And who knows when that is?"

"He's coming back!" I snapped! "Levi never just runs away from anything! He's coming back! There's no way he's just giving up, Levi never gives up!"

"Have you seriously not considered it? Levi is just running from the responsibility? You also didn't see the way Jay looks at you, did you?! It's the same way Levi does! Jay's just as in love with you as Levi is! They both have the same level of obsession over you! That makes him more dangerous to you!"

"SHUT UP!!" I yelled.

"NO! Tyler, the reality is two people who are very in love with you are fighting! What the fuck can you really do? One of them is going to die, Or it'll be you!"

"That's the kind of defeatist thinking that keeps you from doing anything worthwhile!"

"It's like talking to a wall! I just don't want my friend to die!"

"Listen close, I'm going to do whatever it takes to help Levi. Even if it means that I have to die! I already made up my mind about it a long time ago! You can help me if you want to, but if you're going to keep encouraging me to do nothing then just leave me alone!"

"You're willing to die? For Levi?"

"Yes I am!"


"You would've for George."

"But George was a normal person! Not a psychopath!"

"But you would still give anything to have him back! You know exactly what I feel right now!" I told Liam who looked more than defeated. "I'm sorry for comparing the two, I really am, and thank you for caring about me, Liam. But if I have to die, so Levi can live peacefully, then I will without a second thought!"

"You've lost your mind. Why do you have to do something like that?!" Liam cried. "Why is this even happening? You don't have to do this."

"I've made up my mind Liam," I said to a devastated Liam.

"What about me? Why can't your best friend have a say? It's not fair! I've known you longer....so why can't you stop and just be my friend again?!"

"As my best friend for life, just be on my side and don't get too involved in this," I said. Liam pulled me into a tight hug and cried a bit more, going off on how unfair this was. The best thing i could do for him was to let him vent out his frustrations to me.