Levi Winchester

"Oh my, who's that behind you?" Liam's housekeeper asked. I kept my cool and kept the knife  in my hand firmly pointed at Liam's back. I gave him a little pole reminding him to play along with me, because I had no problem stabbing him.

"My friend, we're just going to study, Hilda. Say Hello dude."

"Hello," I said awkwardly and waved.

"Should I make some refreshments?" That Hilda lady looked at me suspiciously. As if gaging the danger. I poked Liam a bit more.

"No, can you get these items on this list?" Liam handed her a sheet a paper. "I made it on the way home. I need it for school work."

"Right away!" Hilda scurried away from us with the list.

"She's gone, can you please put the knife away now? I thought we were on the same side after the other day!" Liam whined. "We had no beef so why am I being threatened?"

"There's no privacy down here, take me upstairs to a room then I'll put the knife down," I stated while I stood my ground. This was all necessary to do to protect Tyler. If he doesn't cooperate, that means he's on the wrong side, and since he knows everything, I'd have to take him out. "Make it quick."

"Pushy and violent, your personality was actually pretty horrible. Somehow it's gotten worse. Let's go," Liam rolled his eyes and motioned for me to follow. "Always being such a brute isn't attractive."

"I don't remember asking for that opinion. Shut up and listen to what I say if you don't want to get hurt."

"Add to list that you're an asshole too. You seriously have no people skills."We trudged up the marble staircase and down the hallway to the very last room. As promised I lowered my knife once I was inside. "Why are you here, I seriously thought you left-"

"Your father sponsor's mine," I blurted out. "Dr. Barros, I think you realized how similar we look at that party."

"What?!" Liam's face seemed to drain of color. "Your dad? Oh shit! Dr. Barros?! No wonder I feel so uncomfortable around him. He reminds me of you!"

"That's right, I need information....I need proof that your father has my fathers back," I explained. "You're going to have to help me."

"Is that why you're doing this? Aren't you being too aggressive while you're asking for my help? You could've just asked." Liam complained. "I would've done it regardless."

"Would you believe me if I told you your beloved father was involved in something horrible? After all you are his son." I explained. "You love him so much and this might break up your family."

"Right, but my dad is a politician. It's rare for people like him to succeed without doing anything illegal, I'm not ignorant about that. So my father helped yours, it makes sense that he would. Of course, I don't respect or support that side of my father. I just understand him."

"Oh?" Maybe I didn't need the knife. I took a look at Liam's horrified face. Was he conflicted about this or something? He should just do as I say!

"I understand why you're going against your dad, but-"

"Don't suggest anything. I would stab my father in the back a million times if I could. I want to see him when he goes straight to hell. I'd love to kill him and everyone associated with him."


"I'm different from you, Liam. You understand your father, I wouldn't have done any of this if my father was someone I could just understand. If I understood him, Tyler would be long dead, and so would you. Look at me, do you see any hesitation in my actions? Do I look scared to you at all?"

"If my dad is actually involved with yours, are you planning on killing him too?" Liam started to look genuinely worried. Time to trap him into doing as I said.

"Just because I would want to doesn't mean I will. It's an unfortunate circumstance, you know what I mean right? It really just depends on you now." I smiled.

"Depends on me, huh?" Liam returned to himself to a normal calm stature. "I know you wouldn't kill my dad, I trust you in that sense at least. You're more likely to kill me. I don't feel threatened by you threatening my father, my dad isn't someone who would knowingly get caught up in these things, and if he did, he'd get out as soon as he caught on. I'm more interested in this information that you want. Where would all that be hidden?"

"In a study?" I guessed. Liam nodded and led the way immediately. He wasn't scared of me anymore, huh? That somehow made me feel better. I didn't want to hurt him, despite everything, Liam is a good guy and loyal friend.

Or just really stupid.

"I can't believe your dad is my therapist," Liam said suddenly. "What is that device anyway? You keep holding it up."

"I don't know the exact name but it's a device used to detect cameras," I said while Scanning a closet. "It's here, in this closet."

"My dad said not to go in there. Wait, Levi.....what are you-"

"I'm disabling the camera remotely. There's a camera in this closet but no where else. Why do you think it's here and no where else? There's secret information in here. For example a link between our fathers." After a minute I went inside the work space.

"Well of course, this walk in closet is my dads study. There are important governments documents and business material in there. So security is of course needed."

"In my eyes, it's the perfect place to hide the information I'm looking for," I explained. "Don't you think so?"

"How are you going to do this?"

"I'm glad you asked, Liam."

~~~~~~~~~~Thirty Minutes Later~~~~~~~~

"Levi! How'd it go? Did you find anything?" Coach Nichols finally removed his balaclava as we pulled off from our secret meeting place.

"I didn't look for anything, so no." I said casually.

"What do you mean? You didn't look for anything?"

"I wasn't planning too, there's too many files to thru. It's impossible to do with so little time."

"You even took a knife with you! Weren't you trying to threaten Liam to make him talk? I told you he's not involved in this!"

"I did threaten him. But he knows nothing like you said."

"What about the other thing you took? Uh, the thing to find cameras? Where did you find something like that? How could even afford it?"

"It's just a thermometer that makes a sound when you press the button."

"A thermometer?"

"I needed something to provoke Liam so I could get into his house. One of my methods was to threaten-I mean provoke him. The other was to pique his interest by giving him a topic he's curious about. He loves secrets more than anything. The latter was more effective. So that's what got me into the house. I picked the study because it seemed like it's filled with information. I don't know if the room has a camera or not but it doesn't matter, I already thought of that. It was just a show to stimulate his curiosity."

"Will that work?"

"I figured out the tendencies of everyone around me pretty early on, Liam's tried to dig up dirt on me before. He's super nosy, especially when it comes to his closest friend. I used that against him. There was no need to look for anything when there's no need to look ourselves. If we need something Liam will handle it."

"That's too risky! What if he tells Senator Hart about what happened today?"

"I have a plan for that, but I doubt he'll tell on me."

"Why do you feel like that?"

"Because, Liam doesn't respect his father but he understands him. In other words, he doesn't acknowledge him as a senator, only as his father. He'll do anything to save his father from being involved in something like this. He has his own reasons for that and I don't really care what they are. I'm keeping an eye on him and getting the material once I see an opening. But if Liam doesn't comply....we'll hopefully I don't have to use that method."


"What's that look for?" I asked. Coach Nichols looked genuinely surprised at me. "I'm just doing what I have to do."

"N-nothing, what do we do now?"

"We wait." I told him. I might have to pull out plan B  anyway. "We would be at a disadvantage if Liam takes too long since we don't have much time left. It's a bit extreme but we might have to kidnap Liam."


"Senator Hart loves nothing more than his dear family and only son. If we can't figure out a weakness, then we'll use Liam against him."

"But Liam might get hurt-"

"What does that matter? You reap what you sow. That's what Senator Hart gets for not doing research on what he's supporting."

"You two are similar in that way." Coach sighed.

"Us two?"

"You and your father."

I glared at him. Just who's side was he on? Who the hell was he to blurt out some foolishness now? "You....what'd you just say?"

"I said you and your father are very similar. Brutality must run in your blood."

"I'm just doing what I have to."

"You're doing too much." Coach advised. "Just like your father."

"Are you kidding me?!"

"Is it hard to accept that you resemble the person you hate? Or are you mad at me for saying that?"

"Don't piss me off!"

"Don't take it personally. Why would I try to rile you up during crunch time when it would only hinder my plans? I only want to warn you that your unstable emotions are clouding your judgement. We don't have a lot of time so you must be desperate to break through anyway possible, but what you're trying to do now is no different from what your father would do. Do you want to be like him?"

"Who the fuck are you? Why are you acting like a teacher now? Don't lecture me! You're nothing but a sidekick to my father!"

"You're right, but we're in the same boat currently. I will not let you go astray."

"I've been focused this entire time!"

"Look at your actions. You figured out his characteristics and used it against him, that was fine. The problem is what you plan to do next. Now that you're running out of time, you thought of hurting Liam to take advantage of Senator Hart. And there was no guilt as you explained it. You looked like you enjoyed the idea of hurting people. Your father, who I once respected was like that too. So I'm warning you, don't cross that line. You're losing yourself even more to your desperation."

I'm losing myself? I was just getting my revenge and if there's a casualty, then that's how it has to be! I had to do whatever it takes right? If he dies, he dies.

Ugh! But that wasn't right? My heads a fucking mess!

"Hello?" I heard Coach Nichols say suddenly. I whipped my head around to see him on my phone and putting it on speaker. "What post?"

"Hello? Are you listening? The post that I have for you! I got what you wanted me to find. Come to the park, the one near your house! I'll still be in my school uniform! You'll notice me right away!"

Liam quickly hung up the phone. "I know the park, it's just a few blocks away," I said. This was my chance to follow through with my old plan.

Coach Nichols gave me a concerned look but waved me away.

I quickly ran through the office and out the back door at full speed. Luckily there wasn't many people out at this time. The park was already in sight after a good five minutes.

After running to the park entrance I put my hood up and started to look around. There sitting on a swing was someone with our school uniform on.

Must be him.

'I'm warning you, don't cross that line.'

Coach Nichols words echoed in my head but I quickly shook it off. "Liam?" I called out reaching for the back of his head. He lifted his head a bit.

Just a few inches and I can proceed to killing him! Another obstacle out of the way. The wind blew a familiar scent towards me. Now that I think about it, isn't Liam a bit bigger than this guy. His neck was so tiny that I could snap it with one hand. And the smell was incredibly blissful.

It couldn't be....